Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1312

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lxvn mnmx. Custmna Admini;tratnbn—Contiuuod. P•z¤- C‘uatmn: Service (see Customs Administration). P¤8•· shortage or uonimportation of fruit or pe1·— Oustoms Tmfs, Infzrnatiemal Bureau for nshables from decay, etc 190 Publwatizm of, regulations for allowance ... 190 a propriation for annual contribution 446, 1120 proof, etc., requin->d 190 Outzry, _ damage allowance forbidden .. 190 duty on pcnkmves, etc ... 126 abandonment Permitted; minimum 190 tablp, etc, knives, with handles 127 examination o packages 190 without handles ... . . 127 delivery of abandoned goods ... 190 imported, to have name of maker and condemnation of fruit, etc., by health offi- country of origin sunk in blade . 126 ccrs ... . 190 Cuttings (ace Stocks, Cuttings, or Seedlings). examination, em., py customs ciiicors; Cuttings Bulbs, etc., pmof, etc. reguued 191 at parqcl post rates 346 refund of excess éutxcs, etc . ... 191 thud class, 1f ought ounces or lem ... 346 permanent indefinite appropriation for. . 191 to be carried as fourth clam mail .. 304 correction of clerical errors ... 191 Outtleggn Bmw, annual statement of sums refunded .. 191 on list .. . ... . . . . . 157 customs OECGIB not gxsonally liable when Oyemite, _ appeal might taken ... 191 on free list .. . 158 pumshment for bribery, ctc., of customs Cylindrical Furnaces, _ officers ..,.. 191 duty on welded and recnfurcod .. 126 evxdcuce of offer, ctc., prima facie of C'ynthiomaz Ky., _ _ _ unlawful intent . 191 appmprmtnon for public bmlding 7, 610 bqrden of proof oi innocence on accused- 191 pumshment for soliciting, etc., unlawful D. _ fees by officialsz 192 _ evxdence of acceptmg, ctc., prima facie do Guma, His Ezwelkncy Senhor Dcemcic, of unlawful intent. . .. 192 thanks _0f Congress tendered tc, for dis- _b1U'(.!8}l of ¥1‘00f of innocence on accused. 192 tmguislwd serjvmes ag mediator in dmposnuon o baggage in tmmit to a fqraign controversy vnth Manco . . , ,,.. 1228 coun . . . 192 gold medal to be presented to in afsprecip Custo1rwAppEI’a,i:,Cmut (•o¢al•cOoux·tof tiouofthomrvicésmusi . ... 1228 Cjnstoms Appeals , · Dahlia Bulbs, appmpnatgon ia? slsncs and 1048 Qutyjicgxau. . ._. .`. -. . . 133 crm act o case;. ... , Dudy , for printing md binding for .. . 69, 672, 881 qeiicicucy appmgriation for printing, etc. . 1147 Customs Qasqa, _ Davy Fargnal ctc., _. C., _ appmprmtéon f¤r slams md oxpaggaegm 865 apprggdmtggn for mspectmg, etc 539,915 con ucting , , Dmry ua , _ for foes, etc., wituoncs before Board of appropriation for investigations md experi- General Agyauiaua ... . 52, 652, 865 ments in . . 419, 1090 Customs Collection trida, Dairy Produgu, _ resnaxgloupant of, by the President, au- sppmpristnoq for disseminating, ctc., in- _ onzod . 2 . 623 forgmmon concemug 419, 1089 abohahment or cstsblmhmont oi port: of Dakota Nqtsqnal Foreq, N. ab., entry . 623 sggmgrguon for maintenance, wc., of. 427, 1097 _pre•gnt. number not to be exceeded. . . 623 Da g. demgxnauxotn by number and not bymmn of 623 cannon granted to . . . 1210 .. , ex., chang: of hesdqunriasxa; reports . 623 dc6ciepcy appropriation fn: public buildgay of collector, Omaha dmtmzt, increased . 790 .. _ ... 314 amps _ made headquarters of Florida, oxhibnt m Agncultqnl Department to C 5 .. 716 gc made at Nauoml Com Expoai- 239 uatoms vuum, e taunt, _ _0u ... appropriation for chief 0% divpnsnzn, etc- - 467, IND Immediate transportation delivery privicwwm Duties (M quo wma of 1913), log? extended to .----------·...-- 112 permanent jndeiinite appropriation form- D°u“·Cd*_ CGMB TF, _ _ _ fuuding exces 191 C°¤K“*“{°g“lt?°m;‘;*;*t°° t° P“'*{C*P*§¤ U1 Cwwm! Lam, - Dann ce e 1;,*2011 T; Dlgpemngo 1225 ·*¤**·¤¤;;g; _;;¤¤~P·*m· *0* ·¤¤i·¤·¤·· ,31 p..u.»:,'L‘£;; Raman(·uCaz§olic °```'`'’` `°’'’’’°`'°° ent of Court of Claims ’ WMM 0J7¥·=¤#» . . DaI?3’vsm;Ga.,FirstPr¢sbyurian£g,'1Ii1u1;1ci;aS W °’'` 967 ¤¤¤ 1>¤¤¤¤»¤y1z¤b¤¤f<>r ¤¤¤¤¤¤» ¤*¤=·· *¤¤¤ payment ot com of emma finding; W .. 967 . =·v ¤¤¤·¤*e¤b¢¤·k¤¤ ·--·····---·~ 191 1>mg¤»» pmpm, by ammo,. Cm ." punishment for bnbcry, etc., of 191 suits for not removable to Fedeml fac mceiviug "·”J“wf“1 f°°°* °t° ····•‘·•····• 192 State courts unless over $ 000 m 278 Custom: Regulations, International Oongrua pmw, ’ ’ `'’’` 0% _ _ on free list .,.,,,,, _ _,_____________ _ ____ 153 sppmprmuan for representation at 450 1),,,,,,,],, €‘¤¤¢<¤M Rwqnw. _ duty on cotton, ublo 140 Epgragprmtnun im- collecmgg. . B. . .: . 23, 62t;’»,2%6 Dams, c cmncy zppmpmwi 'on or co ecung . . provisions for, in grmt to Su; lhmdmq 229. 330, 565. 5 6, 579, 1155 cu., for water mppxy, ew { 242