Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1381

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. INDEX. cxxxv Intangztionol Congress on Education, P•$¤·· Inksutioaol Wetenoqs Oommimlm, ?•l*~ foreign iilovernmants mvxted to participate 1222 for conti3 of . 22{8 ,_ ·-·-- _ ·-·--·-···-- -~· ...- - -... _ . a or incurre o 'ons .. 4

   E·i¤•¤¤¤wv¤,   Imopouomoius-y vom jo- ting Inf‘¤“8¤ G9Y¤¤¤1°`¤$ 1111*1*66 ’¤¤· P¤¥¤¢r !¢·mg&molArb€bation, Bunn of, ·

jltv 111-·-··-» ····· ~·-- ···- -; --··..~. 775 · reontribution . 448,1122

 Council for Ezplorahon of the ; Bnurpor Un•on,A¥1$1nste¤•tl1·,Uo¤g‘¢r-

appropnauon for uota , ... 66 9 approprhtaon forexpenses oi...1..1. 450 International _ .774 invitation to be extended to members of. . 450 "‘°°°'!”“". °°”‘ . ·‘ Inter sm·:D€lomat·fc¤r1dC'onnslor ·— International Farming Congress 1 Pr · ’ - P · ·vv~%»&*»I:1¤;,s¤¤v¤¤¢*¤¤~ri*1¥-·¤¤¤¤~. ~ 1 ”""°’m”1$Y1.iYYi-$?;°..' °a4",»u11 for b“ “». "’h{t*· Km'- ···· : ·.· ·i·‘ · M0 for student, China, Japan, and Turcocperatnon with, and exhibit at, kay , 444 ul-I _ Denver, 0010..1. . Y 1114 fm, argon ’’'° }a'P`,'m' ’ foreign Governments invited to participate Tay ______________‘_____________ 445, uu; 1¤,¤·¢W1d\l¤.K|¤¤· ·-·-- ·~· -··· -• , 775 notmbepai1iothernIt·ies.;e 444 1118 I 8tQ6!lV9! Col0...--...,-., 1114 f°rc0n*l]M&-•·.···--.·”.·-·-··" ""’"“"°'} -E“"‘“”"'· · mma · out Terminal com

  • Pg,',°P'>“‘!°° ··--—·· gg»gg·g•;g m,b,i.i'g‘.f’l'1‘1..1..1,,11¤v,,.t1li;‘Z‘,’.:s¤,,

Rm EHEIF - · ’’'’` "' ·’ ’ Iowa. .. . 816 I so£éae¢_Ifanama·Pac1§c E 2 ’ _ . · , ‘ Inmnatioilul o_l;(zE°1rl%I1¤·ie•, mm {M d°m3¤¤10 Pl’¤l>é:&bY ¤¤'¤’i¤1‘¤ 1*91 ' tanceof mvitationto ` in . 778 Y°m°" l° {mm S www “¤1°” accep _ paruupste . rnamaomz mm common, _ , ¤¤¤¤¤¤¢ erceels $$*909 ··—··----·--· 278 appropriation for expensepofCana¤11on. 450, 1123 Interstate Qogsmeros Comgnusnou, -, International GeodetwAno¤otion;i»· Measure- appropnatwn for salaries .. . . 28,626, 839 ment of the Earth, , - orexpensesregnlst1ngeommerce;rent-- 28, I appropriatuzrjlqr de1?;tesf expenses . . 59 of _ bm su°'ed626,%9 umol met: o gmcultwe, ange _ . . M , appropriation for ymnnt. oi quota and for enforcing ran way a- member...}f. ... 1 .. 448,1122 tions. .. » .- .. .-».~ . 627, for Q\#&fo@¤371B1$D%`¥l1b11¢&t1.0DI. 448, 1122 for reports, etc-. of eecidenk - _ 627. ‘°‘°"‘.€...;° %.'$2°”§¤’“° .e..1“°“,1..,,‘° ‘°"".,..,1.1"°‘?.§ "°’ ‘L‘Z1f?»‘3f“¤,‘$‘;;}.’3°2it“““*‘ *“" °"“‘%o to pyicg of 5tap]es.-Q. ,.,,,,. . . 779 for physical yaluation of railroa<1s. . -. . 627: 840 to establish permanent Commerce Com- for securing mformatmn of stocks, bonds, giissioxhh on Menrghant Marine and 779 egcsm ... gg een ei t tes ... . ... ren owance . ... , Inéergatiorial Invutglation ¢§foptum Evil, 208 trantzpcitation to employees, supplies, 627 ’ ‘ ti n . e . carriers I laI:£1?n1;;?J';nm£:i;:?° for COI!\56u1,Dg use of safe locomotive `ggilézr 840 Mw W » °”· : ······ · ·: · ·: ············ • » appmpdzition for satllariges and expenses 66, for prigmpz wd b1¤d1¤8 f¤¢- ·~~··- 701 673. 881- 451, 1124 furmshing reportform blanks to the subsistenice and travel expenses re- 1124 for PS§·::?]$é .. . . m st te . .. r1 1 ... ,

 gow, CommiuiononPublioond for p1l3';1i‘§¤}u¤i*;lu;)ti2n of railroads tirst 774

va , , .. appropriation for expenses of representing] 1126 des ¤;ee3_r;ia1;)¤|;6..,;i,6l;.f. 775 ti t . . , c e n 1 o p c · deiicienggz ropxiation for quota, etc.. 313 ation_o?ra1)lroads, etc. . .: 212, 379, 1140 Inunmggoing (Ego; ojpubuc HMM, restriction on compensation of emappropriations for annual quota 449, 1123 ployees 212 International Prison Commission, statement of all employments for, to be appropriation for annual contnbution. . 447, 1121 subm1tte7~, upon specrfied vulup -------.·-----· 1197 appropriation for annual contr1'bution.. 449, 1123 Interstate {Jontmeroe Regulatwm, Inurmtwnal Union of American Republics appropriatwn for legal expenses, enforc- (see Pan American Union). mg -··-·... . . . 53, 653,866