Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1435

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INDEX. olmix Oriental Steamsh1g!Cmnpany, Pure Oz Shoes, _ _ P¤¢•- appropriation refund to .. 666 on {realist, wroughtnun orsteel . 160 Oréganum, Oxalic Acid, uty on oil. .,..,... 117 :.1:3 on . - .. 114 Orland Cal., ut 859 Oagf , Nag? f bh b 12 appropriation or maintenance, e . . . a 'on or pu 'c u1ldmg` ..,.. Orleans, and Eetraeta of, Ozidgigylron, _ on free list . . . .. 153 duty on, not specially provided for ... 118 °’é""""""m- tc 4 es 121 °’.§’..‘£’·'“"‘“F" pm- - as · i. utyon c , e ., not ecora caency appro on term umodecorated, etc. . .J . . 121 ment ... . .. l .. 317 'eartbenware .. i 120 Oysters, _ _ _ embroidered, laoe, etc . 150 appropriation for mvestigating shipping, Orpiment, etc., of ... . ... Z ... 431, 1102 on tree list . . ... 153 survey of natural beds of, etc., m waters of Osage City, Kam., _ Texas, directed .. . ... 1196 appropnation for public building. ... 12, 613, 827 Ozark Forest, Ark., limit of costincreoaed, public building at. . 378 appropriation for mamtenance, etc., ot. 428, 1098 Osage Indians, Okla., appropriation for common schools ... 599 P, payments due children not placed in schools to be withheld. ., . 96 p ,9;,,,; Nm, p_ g_, ‘ provisions for determimng lieus of de- appropriation for repaving with asphalt, beceased Indians not applicable to. . . 586 mem Rock Qfgqk md Twenty. Osborne, Kam., eighth street ..,...,.,,.,., , ,,_, 525 condemned cannon granted to Grand Pose'; Fa-ry, Tim,

 Dwi ·····-····--·-··--·-~··· 1198 bridge authorized aaron Sulphur River,

Osborne, Wil iam E, _ at ..,,,,,...,.,..,,,,,,,,,,___ 693 payment of Court of Claims iindingsto heirs page Gaul of.: .-·...·...···-..··-... 973 a propriation for surveys . 59, 659, 872 Oshkosh, Wu., tgree coasbdefenss torpedo submarines to condemned cannon granted to ... 1207 by built gn; cm; conditions ________ 413 Om, _ - addiuonal . 951 d¤W ¤¤, `¤¤¤d¤. 1¤¢¤¤. BV! ----·-·· - ·— · - · 147 live submarine torpedo boetstobebuilt on; for baskets . ...·... - , . 131 cost condition ..,,... , ..,,, . ,,,, 952 hats, bonnets, and hoods. .. 147 Pamyie Canal Kelp Beds, · rnanufactuwe ..-·--· - --···----··· 131 appropriation for printing maps, reports, Omwm, _ etc., of 442 on free Inst . . . · .-.-· 158 Pacino Railroads, Osprey PZu?M·*’» _ , , appropriation for expenses of suits affect importation pmblbltgd; exceptions ,,,,. . 148 ing ________________________ _ _ _ 53, 653, 866 Ostriches, _ _ _ _ _ Packing-Bous and Shocks, appmpnaugn for experiments m feeding duty ou, empty ,__, , ,_,__________________ 130 and breeding .. . .. 420, 1090 Paddy, Oswego, {V. K, _ _ duty on .. 132 preliminary examination, etc., of harbor to Paduoah and Illinois Railroad Company, be made . . ... 1057 may bridge Ohio River, at Meuopolis, Ill . . 792 condemned cannon to Daughwrs of Pagan River, Va., American Revolution . 1207 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Ottawa, Kam., _ _ _ made . 1057 appropriation for public building . 12 Pages, Ottoman Empire (see Turkey). appropriation for House of Representatives. 1, Ouachda River, Ark. and La., 238, 460, 1002 appropriation for impsrovement of; con- for Senate 238, 457, 999 struction oi Loc and Dams Nos. 2, Paintefs Knives, “ 4, 6, and 8 37 duty on ,. 127 preliminar%(pxamination, etc., to be made Paintings, of, a ve Dam No. 6 . 1060 duty on oil or water color, not specially proproject for imiproving, to be reexamined,etc. 1055 vided for .. . ... 151 Outfits, Navy int Enlistments, on free list, oil, water, or other colors, etc., appropriation for .,. . . 396, 932 original ... 165 de ciency appropriation for Z. 230, 1156 construction of term . 165 issue on second enlistment if not received, pictorial, on glass, for presentation to inetc., on first ... 396, 932 stitutions, etc . 165 limit of cost . . 396, 932 Paints, Owalonna, Minn., duty on artist’s ... . .. 119 appropyriation for public building . . . 12, 613 enamel . . .. 119 Owego, . YZ, _ not specially provided for. . 119 denciency appropriation for public build- Palatka, la., ing _ ... . .. 563 alpprogiation for public building ... 613, 827 site requirement for public building at, Pa ltd nives, modified . 555 duty on .. 127 Owen, Alexander M., _ _ Pali s, _ psymens of Court oi Claims findings to 984 on gee list, wood . . .. 164