Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1466

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ccxx INDEX. P bl' P ti nd B'nd`ng—Co tinued. P¤8¤· Public Sclwols, D. C.--Continued: _ Page. ifleziicieggly ggiioprixdog for. . .. 231 aptpr0priis;tiou1fori¤».H0waucetnprmcipals. 338 h yd __________ _ ____,___,,,.. 228 or nig tsc 00s.- . , 8 gg; 1e;;eg¥»$ absence, Government Print- for ki¤d<>rg¤rt<~>¤ ¤¤pp1i¤¤ ------------ 533, 908 mg gmc,} ___________________ 228, 327,1153 for janimm and care of buildings . 533, 908 for Supreme Court ______________________ 228 for medical inspectors; nurses 534, 909 for C0 _ _______ _ ___________ 327, 33.5,1153 for rent, etc.; temporary rooms, etc. . 535, 909 for Civil'? Service Commission . . . 328, 1154 for repairs and improvements. ._ .. 535, 910 for Tmamu-y Depajmgnt ___________, 328, 1154 statement required of expenditures. . . 910 for Department of Labgr _________,,,,,_ 328 for manua.l—trai11ing expenses . 535, 910 for Interstate Commerce Commission 328 for fuel, light, audliowcr  :. . 535, 910 for Wm- Degumeut ____________,,,, 381, 1154 for furniture, ad itious to bu1ldmgs535 910 { P te 1; {5 ___,,,_,,,,__,,,. , .. 1154 et.c--. ... . . : , lisa); Pgnl§iiic§‘;I;§epairt'1lw£1r;.1:1t..i) . _. . ; . . 1154 for gccgiiqment, etc., Wesbem High 910 1 tm t ra e ommnssxon 00 ---··-··--------- - ·--·-···--- a 0 ?;10[ng1]Q;qunf?for im-mer Corporations 718 Ear contingent expenses . . . 23;, B _________ _ ___________,,,,,_ or pumos .. . , for Sup ugagommittee, to be charged to for textbooks, etc.; iiags, playgrounds, lotmeing of departments, em . - . , . 1154 school gardens, etc ..- 535, 910 paper of depaytments, atc., may be used m for api>gxm§us, etc k s . . 536, 910 executrugg work...i 328 app lCi|·1t10I10fp8ymGHtB or nonresident 536 ‘ rd ; rt wor 0 pup S.. .  ; .-·..----·-- prmmfggcu‘imm1:l;];>::iz;g£2¤a;iom,em. 1110 forértéremporary scrw{1¤f1<§;é . . .{ . .. $0 Llgti { d harbors, sur- tuition to c 11 0 0 s, etc. 0 °°‘“£.,y¤,°'§, ° r$$a$`§L, em., to in- for buudmgs, sm, ew 536, 911 clude, ggggongrgy ________ _ __,,,,, 1054 new Central High School ... 536, 911 mpyimzing Thirteenth Census to be paid high school for colored pupils ... 536, 911 irom allotment to Department of 1154 sixE1Eeu·r00m building west of S01diers’ 536 Commerce . . ...--·--··- me ··--·-···--·-··--····-----·- wm-} ‘ { furnish` tc. site for new Eastern High School .. 536 c§§·ua(;i1;i:i1¤§;1(:-e;)>f>rts . . 080, 886 Site? and buildings not to exceed 1imig36 911 1ib1mS'ths0' Institw Q$¤}¤¢ --------·------------------ , not zgg. j . .. 680, 886 sohcmng subscriptions forbidden; 0¤mmi¤¤i<mer <>f Patents. or Comp- ·=¤¢¤p¤¤¤¤ ------------- - --------- 536, 911 troller of the Currency .. 886 restriction on use of Franklin Building. 536 Public Rgads Emd Ojicc, P};1§,;;%t€t2tbe prepared by muuxcgw gu grwu ure -- . . , appmpdgptgnyrig? salaries. .. , . · 1110 exit doors to open outward, ctc... . . 536, 911 for expizghes of iuqpiigcsétgtc. .. . deiicxeucy appropriation for longevity pa§é5 t 9 7 """°'°°'°° · _ 7 ig; §1(;[\’.\iC8»l,I§:C., investigations. .. 1111 for allowance tp principals .. 566, 1141 for field experiments, construction, etc. 1111 Eur Lecgluszmcting Wefstem High School. { ’ ‘ ° ti 1111 or n ergarwu supp ies , . . 11 gg; frlggggegfewisgégfgilfiig?. E1? 1111 fpr fuel, li§ht, and power ... 1141 f r investi ting farm domestic water buildin san unda maybe used by chil- 0 supplygztc .. . . 1111 dgen angrgdulta for meetings, recreafor admmnstmtive expenses. . 2. . : . · · 1111 P br l£1§;{;,_ 6tC . ,,... 1190 l' oada O Dc tment gncul- u us gz gu, _ _ Pub w Iiure, mw, par 0 sppmprmtxcn for mvestigutiug standards appropriation for salaries ,. . .. 439 _ of measurements, etc., 0 .. . . 553, 1044 mr expenses of inquiries, etc 439 mcome of States, Territories, insular posfor methods, materials, etc . 439 sesswns, etc., from, not subject to for chemical, ew., investigations- ·..-·. 439 _1>¤x . , .. _ ... 172 for iield experiments un road c0us¤·uc· denved fpom prior contmbits wggh cortion, etc .. 439 Sgrpuons, etc., not to tux ; cou- ` ` tm ... ... 439 1tions ...,..,.. . .,. 172 §§§§§?‘}‘?___?Y?_?¥????? ___.,... 437 Public v¢qze¢»;.g C0mmiss1@m,D.C., deficiency appropriation for expenses gz 58 aptprogglmtign for sziganes .. . gg; · ‘ _______ , ,_,,,,.,,,. ,11 or_ ua 1011 wog ._ctc ... Pubhb S¤1:z1g.s‘tL%?sC., deiicmncy appropriation for valuation, ctc., ’ appropriation for expenses . .. 529 e§penses . ... 316 5,, new www scale ___,__,,,,, , .. 529 _ use or legal services forbidden ... 316 m `pe sold to bidder . I 904 Publwatwng, _ _ _ licenses to be issued for operating, etc.; on free_11st, issued for gratmtous private fees, etc - ---.-·-·-----· · -··· 905 _ F“°“]§*i°P— -···-—----·---—-——· ;~ - - 155 Pubhh Schools, D. C'., Publwatums Dwuwn, Department of Agncul· ` t' f Hi ..,,,,,,,,,. 532, 907 tqre, apptggrgaeteignofoggmggs instruction, basic apzwroprmtiou for salaries ... . .. 435,1106 sala increased . .. 532 or general expenses 435, 1106 for atwrgance officers .---..-- · 532, 907 fpr rem -·-.--.-.-..- - .--.-·...----- 437 for teachers _______________ _ ___,,, .. . . 532, 907 Pubhgatwns, Go·vem:ment,_ psy of directors of music, etc., in- _. · desxgnatai de£>s]tary{ ]1b!'8l‘i88 to receive, creased .. . ,,.,,,,. :;.32 P bl dunng eu existence . ... . 75 f librarians d. clerks . 532, 907 u ieit Experts _ ig; longevity {gy. ... 533, 908 specxé/c sppmpiiauons required for 212