Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1493

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_ mnnx. ocxlvii Siualaw River, Ore?. , PW- Smallpox-Continued. P¤¢•· appropriation or improvement oi; con- de6ciency appropriation for prevention of structnon of jetty at mouth . 36 epidemic ... . . 379 Slifgrsavingjstatnon e§vtab1l_ished at mouth of. 1188 Snéalta, u: ations . ., u 0 . ... . ... 119 appropriation for treaties with. . 92, 595 Smd3ngnWarehmuu, Bonded, or additional employees .. 92 provisions for ores and crude Sixteenth Street, D. C., mineralsin, freeo tax. . . .. 198 designation of Avenue of the Presidents re- Smim, Amelia E., stored to ... . .. 527 payment of Court of Claims iindings to ad- Skagit County, Woah., ministrator of . 973 may bridge Swinomish Slough, LaConner. 309 Smit}: Creek, Md., Skagit Indians, Wash., preliminary examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for purchase of tribal burial _ made- , ... . ... .. 1057 ground of . 101 Smith, E. Leomdas, Skeletorm, etc., payment of Court of Claims Endings to exon free list .. . ,. 162 ecutnx - . 968 Skelp Born orS¢¢¢l, • Smith, Henry M., Ske;:‘}t';r8on,sheared,ormlledingrwves . 124 8 oiCourtofClaimsiindin@to 993 7 n] on free list, original 165 payinent of Court of Claims Endings to sd- Skewen, mimstrator of .. - . . 985 Skduty on wood, butchers . 131 Honorable John E, 61 na » ency appropriation r contested duty on, chamois . . 150 _ tion exfpenses. . 327 fur, not fl1I’thG‘_ advanced than dreming Smith, Joseph ., _ and dgsing ... . .. 148 pigment of Court of Claims findings to.. 994 on tree list, h ...,.. . . 157 Sm` , llargucl E., hares, etc., undressed . - . . . 162 paxment of Court of Claims Endings to 985 raw, all kinds, not specially provided for. 162 Smrt , Halma L, _ importation of feathers, etc., of wild birds payment of Court of Claims Endings to prohibited; exceptions . . . . 148 widow of . . .. . . . -- .. 967 Skirt Bindings, Smith, Sarah G., _ _ Slggity on cotton pile fabrics, etc . . 139 payme;1ft ofCourt ofClau¤sfind1ngs toheirs 989 a .-.·..-·· duty on slate, for- tab]; .. - .. 123 Smilh, E., _ _ _ _ steel , ... 124 deficiency appmpnatwn for credit un on free list, iron .. . - S ww · ---·--·-····-· · --. 1144 stee , t ontaining oys, e . me , wm . _ Slack, no C pzgnent of Court of Claimsiindings to 979 Sgn free list, coal ,._,,.. . 156 Sm` %ov¢ _ Hetlgdwt E%woopal Church, ze, n ounty, a. _ duty on, books .,,,_,,,.. 146 palgnent of Court Claims iiiidmgs to 990 chimney pieees, eu; ,. _ . _ 1 23 Smi onion Inalztutym, _ manpfactures of, not specially provided 123 appropriation for international exchaugeséx gig 0l'..-.-. . ... , moan? ,__,,, ,_ _,,,,. . ,.. 123 for American Ewnom; ... _ . 26, 625, $38 slabs or tables ... 123 for llnlternauonal Ca e of Sewage 838 Slam, `terature 626 duty on . ... 123 for Astrophysical Observatnrgai . . . 27, 625; 838 Slave Trade, ·I'H·€aI'7I»G[1b7IlIl Bureau for Re- ;or t];•;,k%[<;'\mt(?L)1lmn, .. 625 frm or or vemmen ureau lgppmpziqfgiizfngfor anriiisl contribution. 447.11*21 f 27, 626,838 S ger, or repairs 0 ing .. 626 duty on blacksmitlfs iron or steel 126 for National Museum . 27, 626, 838 Sleeping Car Bertglsa, { 703 l for National Parlnw 27, 626, 839 stamp tax on es o ... ‘. time exten or eorge ash1ngto` u _gg,,,,e Li"; ,, a Memorial Building 839 d · _______ _ ____________ 139 l for printing and binding for ... 69, 672, 881 8,,,:,,ty on {mped deliciepiry appropriation for National duty on cotton .. . .. 138 5 u re “"°“’¥‘ ······•··········· . ········ 332 · _ _ _ _ ______ g presentatxve of, to be appointed on S,0a;L°‘u?,;;LQ3’ '`'``‘°‘``‘'` ` H1 { ndvisoryComm1`tteeforAeronagitics. 930 "°‘***°?°%.“.ti-*"‘?!,°;‘§,*i;’.:‘..,§" W ” "° 019 i """"’°iX£§'2»%‘i€tg°"“'€¤é.‘i7 i1‘?¥‘i‘?: TT ,6, ac ``‘ ’ ‘``’‘ 1 time limit for i·u.rmsh1ng` ° copy for annual SLUG , Rlbhwd E., ! ports Irtinter li I defiiciency appropriation for pay, as de { rtg ____ _ ________ Q gw 886 facto mtricl judge ···· · ········*· 219 l transfer of historic Coast Survey instru- ’ Sludge Mach iw, = ments no longer used, to . . ...,., 661 on free list , 156 E Smokelesa Powder, Navy, Sm,;[[p0;;, ~ _ _ _ _ appropriation for purchase and manufacappmpriation for prevention of epidemic. 20. , ture of . . . 399, 934 624, 837 { no purchases unless plant at Indian- {0;- preventing, em., among Indians. . . 78. 583 head in full operation 399, 934