Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/669

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650 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cr:. 223. 1914. B¤¤¤¤¤d P*88°“°s- Barns and piggeries: The unexpended balance of the appropria- };;°;p;°§0m"°°' tien of $25,000 made b the sundry civil appropriation Act ap- ’ ' proved June twent —third; nineteen hundred an thirteen, for erecting new barns andypiggexies, is reappropriated and made available for expenditure during the iiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen. §Y,*,§‘§,,*,§‘g{,1,,‘,E‘,,?{}i}§’,;_ For provision for criminal insane: The unexpended balance of the A¤¢¢,p.5c. appropriation of $30,454 made by the sundry civil appro n Act, approved June twenty-third, nineteen hundred and t n, for erectinglwall around the building containing the criminal insane and for other purposes, is reappropriated an made available for expplnditure during the fiscal {year nineteen hundred and fifteen. §<;*¤rP*¤;1l*=;t;°¢;; e unexpende balance o the appropriation of $60,000 made by v¤1.psii$°;ii im the sundry civil appropriation Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and eleven, for completing the ower, heating, and plant, remodeling the electric la out, sugstituting electrically `ven or steam driven machinery, andy for other purposes incident thereto, payable from mon in the Treasuig which has accrued to the Gov- $§i’_‘§§f’§{‘“}§’{f ’““d‘ ernment Hospital Giyor the Insane om pensions under the Act of Febru twentieth, nineteen hundred and Eve, is reappropriated and made available for expenditure during the fiscal year mneteen hundred and fifteen. u§¤°ilii°ilii:naIil°ut°` conmnam INSTITUTION ron mn naar. S¤1>v¤**»¤*¤- For suppggt of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, ks and illustrative apparatus, and general repairs and improvements, $70,000. or repairs to buildings of the institution, including plumbing and

team fitting, and for repairs to pavements within the grounds,

6,000. SP°°l“1“’P°“”· °‘°~ For special repairs and improvements, lighting, heating, and power system, $21,000. H°“"‘“’ U“"’°”“’· nowann urzrvnnsrrr. “°""°“°“"°·°‘°· For maintenance of Howard· University, to be used in payment of part of the salaries of the officers, professors, teachers, an other reagular employees of the university, and for ice and stationery, the b ance of which shall be paid from donations and other sources, pf whiz]; x not less than $1,500 shall be used for normal instruc—

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For tools materials, fuel, wages of instructors, and other necessary expenses oi] the department of manual arts, $12,000; $1 5% books, she ving, furniture, and fixtures for the libraries, For improvement of grounds and repairs of buildings, to be immediately avmlable, $10,000; “°‘”°°* ‘*°¥’°"'“°“‘· edical department: To meet in part cost of needed equipment, gzulipgatory supplies, and apparatus, and repair of laboratories and ' ings, $7 ooo; _For material and apparatus for chemical, physical, and naturalhistoiéynstudies, and use in laboratories of the new science hall, inclu g cases and shelving, $2,000; F“°’“‘“’ *1*;***- For fuel and light: Irtilpart payment for fuel and light, Freedmen’s Hospital and Howard niversity, including necessary labor to care for and operate the same, $3,500; In all, $101,000.