Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1091

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2394 INDEX. Shipping-Continued. _ 1’¤8¤· Shoddy, Wool, P¤8¢- foreign·built; survey, l11%€Ct10D, etc., on free list, not specially provided for . 165 by United States 0 cers may be Shoe Buttons, suspended; conditions. .. . . 699 dut}on ...,,, 147 licenses for officers of steam vessels, issue. . 765 Shoe nives, examination for color blindnem before duty on .. 127 hf renewal . 1763 Shtoe Laeings, ' e saving regulations , .. 17 ut otto tc . . ... 140 lights, etc., to be shown by VEB- Shoe mh, D, 9 sels in d waters. . _ . 381 on free list .,,..,,,.,..,., 156 dredges, wrecking vessels, etc., included. 381 Shoe Polisher, merchant seamen provisions .. 1164 duty on .,, , _,,,,,,,,,,,,_ 115 registrito yvrecke foreign vessels bought Shoes, Y citizens, etc. . . 812 on tree list, leather .,,,..,,,_,,,,,,,,_ 158 Gxtellt of riptlts Iéquired. . . . . . 812 leather u pers, etc,, for ,,,,,____________ 158 forfeiture 0 vessel for false statements . . 812 Shojmr, ykxoegy treaty agreements for arrest, etc., of desert- pension increased ________________ _ ______ 1325 ing seamen to be terminated ... 1184 Shggkg, ` notice to foreign Governments thereof. .. 1184 duty on paokiugbox not Specially pm_ ablxation of, on expiration of notice , , 1184 vidgd {01- _______ ___________ 130 war insurance on American vessels, etc 711 gugm·.b0;_ ____________ _ _______ ``````` 130 Shipping Ompmgiéwire, 501 Shoots, Ame-am, '```` a riation or sa aries .. 1042 {I 1‘ ‘ Pgiogefh ii! odieee of --······-·---- 501:1042 on [mm abroad as bands, 131 _ fer ¢<>¤¤¤$;;t expenses -·-- 501, 1042 Shoob, Frou, ```'``'````'`'````` SMPMM EMP °°·’»_ , , on free list, of American manufacture ro. provisions for arbitration of railway com- imported in boxes 1111811 with min 131 mlo;‘op.rris·rs’ controversies not ap- Shoop Gmgo W, " P · 8 to ····~- - ·······-· ~ -·-·~· 103 enéion increased 1519 Shi Service · · ’ ````` ° ``°````` ' ' agpgriationfor salaries of commissioners Shgggw Qalk:1w;o:1éPRaEm"q:’ Amv· 36., 1079 at specified ports ... 501, 1042 Shop $,,,1,, 11,,,% ``'’ for clerlr lure; contingent expenses . . 501, 1042 no Pw_t0oH1c°1.’qtc_’ ming tiuwmeuming for appnhances for admeasurement of ves- devices on obs of em 10 1

2 ; instruments for counting po;-01 1042 Shop Wg,-1,, Nagy, I P yew °.'`- T" 083

or gy? beets iéi i»%%i3i¢%·,;1’ M “°"“’.i2$i'E,°?;§; 2¥§;t§§»'é‘.§f'T‘T‘?'T‘??T‘Tf‘T? te for expe¤bLLj_`i»}é%bHtitg' X»}é£ér2>§&s'mg· ’ *°”“'*’g‘$,1L°““(’”'*"°'”>· of excursion,_ etc., vessels. ..,,,,,,, 1043 Share °''’'’'’ ‘ '‘'`‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 12*9 for Enforcing wireless - communication ogfcgfyielgfzzyéing engimefn d t We .-.. 501,1043 *8 uy 011 Shiprcch N_ Mex', shore only, an of Construction appropriation for constructing bridge across C°*’P§» °118*b1° for 0¢11€1’- ··. . . . 394, 930 San Juan River at ,,,,, 01 'S0°"*» 5,002* Co Shiplon, Clarinda (willow), S h0)e;1¤1}>u1; ;ln;_ro¤¤ed . .,. 1494 muon increased ...,..,, . ...,,,,,, 1339 » _ _ · Shiigwrecked American Seamen, etc., P°¤¤l°¤ ¥¤€!’0¤¤9*1 ·~·· -; ·---··-.· _ . 1 370 appropriation for life·mving testimonials S"°'WQ°,°f I”*P°'E°d Pm-'habk ··‘1'¢¢¢l¢¤, for rescuing. . ._ .. z. . 1. . . 445, 1119 Pm"m°m' making °·u°W**¤°° for, {mm defor reliei, etc., of, gn the Territories and S 0}%}*1 $1*6}% ·-·-·· : -».- 1 90 insu ar possessions ,,,,,,,.,,,,_ 452, 1125 n um servatwn, yo. de£ciency_appro1gria¢ion for relief and pro- sptproprnotnon for lndian schoolj ... 102, 608 tection of, in foreign countries . 332, 01: expenses, 11’¤%ot¤on system 102, 608 _ 335, 1158, 1160 investigation 0 roads and bridges . 102 Shzpwrecked Foreign Vessels, for constructing roads and bridges, , _ _ 102, 608 registry, etc., alloyvod ot, bougit and for repairing Fort Wsshakie ou, _,____ 103, 603 mJ.'i"&",2" *iL°‘“§.‘3,‘2" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ${5 "’“i“E§°’§°;’€0‘¥‘2.¥i*’°d°‘tL'“‘i“{,1,‘;“ "’°,;,°‘jd°

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_ forfeiture 0?:essel?etc., for false oaths. . 812 of etc ... 583 S}nr¢y,_.l{ag·y A. (widow), 2 Shoshone yo., pension increased . . 155 appropriation or support, etc., of ,___, . 102 608 Shirley, Mario, Fr sch l _,__.,,,,_______ _ ____ _ _____ 102,60 payment of Court of Claims to heir fgr fu1§0l)[i11g treaty with ______________ 102; 602 SMH C gg} . 6 ·.-·--... 994 S deficiency approplrgiation for support, orc, _ 573 0 s u s, hoxhone Irnga' tion ro' t, Wyo., dug 011, cotton ... . · ... Sh§;pp0mpr§$,tior1 ftirlgnmjrictenancg, etc ____,,, 860 _ _ 611 --···-·-·----···-----·--····-·--. 8 rw ationo orest, Wyo., Shtfiwy Cloth, _ appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428,1098 duty on, {lax, hemp, ramie, etc . . 141 Shot, Shirts, duty on, iron or steel, for abrasives ... 125 duty on, cotton, etc. ... . 139 had __________________________ _ ________ 129 Shivwitz SFoQ°l» Utah, _ _ _ Shotgun Barrels, eppropnnwo for _1>1¤y¤¤e¤m for 1-¤d¤¤=¤. on use ust, single tubes, forged, mugs under superintendent of . - . 100 bored ____________________ _ ________ 102