Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1110

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INDEX. 2413

   A pro   _ Page, S ndnrcv ·lE . E.

under Government Ifripntingrilaiilce, certiii- uSa1em,1l6iassipii;e6u:ug¢grj¤¤Ziia) amount iogorl; Pagecates of necessity for work required 673 ljef of ___________ ___ _ _ 681 details from Pl’inti.rflOffice restricted. . 673 Sunkm wgselg, ``'` ```````` t°8t?i°t*i°n lm bm °mc°¤· ·-·· · -·--· 673 9·b3Ild0l1€d m6!‘Cl1RIlCliB6 from in American mgemngtlfrtdent pg documents . 70, 674, 882 waters may be brought in in-ee oi u ion 0 ocuments ..,. 70 d g aftertw _ ______________ mechanigal mail conveyor to new city Sunn, u Y, 0 yum 197 PQ8¢ 0 C9; --..-...·.. . 674 duty n cabl d d _______________ enlarging heptngg, dplant to furnish 71 on irogdiist, bgginug $$3]:66 _____________ new pos office mg . . .. n theased, rngnufgc umd, under Panama·Paciiic International Ex- 0 daily prdiiided for.; ... il . 157 `tion, for Government exhibit Summdw giililding, etc. . 667 duty mf _____ 152 National Exposition Commission, com- sticks for- _._" . · l - · . · · I i I .·-`--`. . . · I - 152 position, etc __,.,...,.. 668 · ’ `°'° · ‘'‘’```°°‘``'‘`'°`' copyright mdxpatent branch offices. .. 668, 879 sfgmmmy gog:•;7r;gh’é23»:¢f;rming ```- 164

 $3 ibit, etc., Government priming Omw, ’

'bit oard ..,. 669 ‘ ‘ sajag expeusx under Negro Emancipation Exposition, for apPmP0?£;?:f_§?{__ njas md 70 6.,4 882 expenses .. 669 { imm]]]·ng ° 7 '``` m '¤'il` '¤'l‘mn·l’ ’ under Mecdonough Memorial, for con- or system to omoo ... 674 ¤¤¤l¢l»l0¤, 8l>¢ ·-··--···------··· - ---- 669 Supcrimendmls of Irrigation - for P¤¤¤¤18 C¤¤¤l ------··---------· · 7L 67*% 886 employment euthonzed fdr systems on InfOl'i,i6.C8,tj,ODB. - . . . 74, 677, 884 dig]; rgggyvgtioug, gf,c__ __ 78 583 plans for army barracks, etc., Canal · - . '`'°° ‘ ’ zoos and Hawaii, to be submitted 74 S“l""“" JY“‘?°'“" F°”="· -””‘”·· distribution of Canal Zone revenues. 74 S °pprQRmt§°n:l(°,r m°‘m,t°mn"§· °t°·= °f· 428· 1698 r upemring Tranury graham; consolidation of accounting; esumamggr 884 appropritgtion for, executive 0 cer, chiefs, hemafwh ________·_______ _ _ _______ 679 for ag '’’`’``'' ’ ‘ ‘ 468’ 1016 . . . _ _ pay to., . 16, 616 830 ° ’;€§§1§¥;°t';g:1‘T'§:é· · 679 for slnlled employeesm office oi- . . 16, 617; 830 vovmsm of <>l¤l¤¤¤ r¢¤¤*¤*e<l -—---~----- 886 °°?£g;°i•i..i ... iii? ii 17 °‘““2“;‘.1‘.§T‘i‘Z‘if’T.Y?E‘?¥‘f’}`?tf*FT’;’.f‘?.‘f‘?T‘f‘? 886 deiesw ·PP~P**¤"¤¤ 8* ¤·=*·¤·= md- 2 0 estimates of each departrnent, etc., to_be for ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2% j*1*;1r;l¢es*v1¤°d_ __f{’_ ______ ff6<f{8lj 75 saamomn esdcirglacsn services for prmfélk Q naturalization certificates Davidson Coun- cent eamig and power pl°‘nt* t° t T t , un _ t J be employed in omce of . .. 26 2%, 1§5l6¤-Qgglégtgdw PHO? 0 um 75 for new asso} office, New York City 741 d - tedd r - asses; ‘‘‘‘‘ 8··¤P’·“**°**“" "*“”"·-DW 8¤l8¤*;0 réglzwzov em? cgfblgclge proc1ax‘;1a’;;;>§des1gnat1ng unday, October . 2028 tions .. 75 Su lm km ’ N a al1sumsforsalariestobeiniu1lforserv· pp ’~ y' . regulations for contracts to be made ... 1078 .,.,..¤i?r;;,g1;.;..;.;  ; i ; : ; : :: Z5? $3% $$3 3;; @*;;;*;,*0 ¤¤·¤;;*,;· 8* me isg ···· M8 restriction on paying dues and attendgg io ’ QVYRSDN anna Cm-pw cen' 1079 meetings of societies, etc., limi Sup? *“· Amvgm avyr ds to membership fees or dues . 75 b“"°°“’ my W “P°° fun °f when f°*» "8*·;¤ ···**_;<·*8y mm 8* ·¤¤€¤¤€=· l..¤.§.?‘f.§"§}r‘,‘i§1?£‘§2¤‘°..1‘;t;,;ra; i{»£rié"' l& tte m t' ... 75 . . . . · · · pa.rtici‘pa?io{1;i;1¤§’an£ia.cmlz:i·%aci6c Interna- S*;Z;)?;;;£;t”;31°Z;riY;;g»§gngE£%'tmW» nt, tiona xposition ... 76 # annual reports and accompanying docu· clerksr °t° · ···················· 496» 1667 ments, time for sending copies to fc? ’°“t·;,t°·:· · ‘ · · ············ 295 Public Printer advanced 680, 886 Sul'? '·“/·°" '”`°l»9”l har fem » Med time limit for returning completed re- 6 may be Pmsouses et? ° mx mm b° 197 visedproofs . 680,88 _ ·_ ····—-·--····--- not applicable to Smithsonian Institu- Supplm, §’o§t¤LSmwce, _ tion . 680, 886 appropriation for money orders service. . . 302 Commissioner of Patents or Comptroller or regrstry system . . .. 302 of the Currency ... 886 for postal sevings system .. - . . . 303 statements to be furnished in Book of Esti- for city dehvery ... 303 mates for all general or lump sum 680 ;0r mscegapeoqu; . . ... m appro riations or rural e xv .. . ._ .. details to iis shown; restriction . 680 for expenses of slnpprng »... . . - 303 prices for typewriting machines limited. 680, 886 fo1·_fore1gn mails.: . : _. . -: ... 303 payment to employees of sums additional deficiency appropriation for shipping- 333, to regular compensations forbidden. . 680 _ _ _ _ 335,579, 1158, 1161 promotions not sifected · 680 Supplies, Ifublw Bwridmyqogc Opemting Sup- ¤\l sistence perdiem allowance forernploy- _ plies, Public Buildings). _ ees traveling outside of District of Supplier, Sermcea, and Tramportalum., Owl"- Columbia, limited . 680 tzrwurster Corgg, estimates for allowances to be submitted . 681 fund created of com med Army accounts. . 1078