Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1139

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2442 INDEX. Watertown Arsenal, Mass., Page- Weand, Johanna F. (widow), Pose appro riation for testing machines. . . 29, 629, 842 pension . . 1436 Watervillle, Me., _ _ _ Wear, Thomas J., _ _ appropriation for ppbhc building . 15 payment of Court of Claims findings to 987 Watervltet Arpenal, est Troy, N. _K, Wearing Apparel, _ _ a pro riation for wer plant; lights .. 842 duty on, cotton, etc., not specially provided P F P0 forl argpvlatlhe . 842 biorénéi .. 139 Waterv kt, . ., em roi er ...,... 149 reconstruction of bridge over Hudson Piver flax, hemp, or ramie, not otherwise spefrcipzi 'iroy lautheglized . 292 fur cially provided for. ... 141 Waterwa , oc port ., to ismkatppi incr .. . . 148 provisi/ons for constructing, repealed; bal; not specially provided for. ... 148 W anges covered iréto the reasury. . . 1054 pides or skins of cattle, dog, or goat . 148 aterways ommzssum, aruulzan, an  ; .. 149 appropriation for salaries and expenses. 451, 1124 sill? ... . ,... - .., 144 Waterways Commission, international, woolen 142 appropriation for contmumivyorlr of ... 38 on free list, of citizens’, taken abroad and . available for incurred 0 hgatrons . 214 returned; conditions, etc .,, 164 Wathena, Kam., of persons arriving in United States; recondemned cannon granted to Grand Army striotion ,..,,..,,,,,,____.,,,,,____ 163 _ post .. - - - - 1207 Weather Bureau, Watkins, Edward O., _ _ appropriation for salaries .. 416, 1087 payment of _Court of Claims iindmgs to cooperation with other bureaus, etc- 417, 1088 _ administrator of ----.·----··--· 989 for expenses m Washington .. 417, 1088 Wathrqr, M., _ outside of Washington 417, 1088 Wpension increased 1510 for pnnting office expenses .. 417, 1088 atktng, 1{uhard J., _ restriction on printing by Bureau, 417, 1088 pension increased .--·--- · ··-·---···------ 1265 for traveling expenses . 1088 Watson, Alfred G., for build` at Neah Bay, Wash 417 wpenmonl ···---- · -··---·----·-·-· 1510 Man-ngul§’&t]l;§13_ Vs., disposition of a¢son_ _ , an m 417 pensnbn mcreesed -.- . -...---.---- 1386 fongpriuting and bindgnrlg for ... 69, 672, 881 Watson, Danul L., deficrency appropriation for general ex- Wpenmon mcreeoed-_ ·-·----------· - —·—--·-- 1606 penses, .---- ·· -- 231,332,335,578,580,1158 atom, Ddw D- (wrdvwl, a representative of, to be appointed on Ad- Wpewogégé ·---···- · ------·-------—---—· 1405 vrsory Committee for Aeronautics. . . 930 2 r . . Weatherford Andrew L. deficiency appropriation for ... . . . . 322 ensiou ih teased ’ W“t·’°"· Ha"?/v Wgatherford lex 1440 W;“,QfnP“_?°'j;_l‘2 ······ · ‘·················· 1374 Wspprogiegon ior public building --»-.. 15 ’ ’ r {’ »¤ru¤t‘ ts, (1 in- """"¤ · ·· . . . """'°",§,';"€r,§§’.“.,2f‘,,i,{,uy"}§-‘i,“,.‘i°i’>`*,§’r,-ictia- ,,,·g,*j,g¤·;j,=g,¤;;g·;·,;¤Pr¤¤¤¤f¤r¤es¤¤¤e~¤¤e··· 567 w,,,,,,,§2$4?;·a:·e,>sats, ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “°° ·-—··-—-·····---··~—···· *332 Wf,’f_",;';,‘°g;;;,; ··········‘‘‘‘··········‘·‘‘·· 1391 Wreimburwgmipnt to, for stolen postal funds. . 1540 maméry more comma . 1392 ""’"= °- " ·· wars, Ewzem wakimv) P°”“‘°“ ‘“°’°“°°d ’‘‘‘‘‘‘················· 1421 Wpepsion . Eh. ... I 1427 W"g;;{0·; €£‘w]g 1 391 megan, · ¤•:•·-...·•.•.--•·~·•••• appropriation for public building .. 15 W};“"”z L°"‘m“ A- (w“l°w)» ge ha W· nsion .. 1363 Wau s , 18., _ . . appropriation for public building .. 15 ebbr gatllmnc lmdowlv w,m11,R0mm(mu0w), 1260 W;>;‘g*¤&*; mpgwd ··-···-·-· - ·····---··-·- 1355 11.51011 ... ... ; _ -1 _ _ _ W£:e,.gy_ Tenn-, Cumberland p,.,_,byte,,;m apbpropriatmn fpr public building ... 614, 829 g;,u,·c;,, Web er, Anna (wtdow), Wpayment of Court of Claims findings to ,,_, 987 WP:g1£$1°g ···· _· -(- ·, ···· 3 ···- · ······ · ···- · · · - 1356 ax e , enme wndow , drity on, matches and tapers _,,,_,,,_,,,, 148 Pension ······ · ···· · ·····--··-···-·--· · · · - 1558 manufactures of, not specially provided Webber, Willrkzm G., for - , .. 150 payment of Court of Claims findings to on free list, vegetable or mineral ,,,..,,,,_ 163 h€1l' of . . .. . . . . 989 Waynesboro, Ga., _ HQbb·ings, deficiency appropriation for public bui_ld· duty on,woolen ,... . . 142 W Ming. . . ... 564 Mba, _Michael, aynes ro, ‘a., ension increased .. - . 1340 deficiency appropriation for public build- Wgber, Otto. ing; ad ition to site ..,_.,. . .,.,... 210 ension increased . .,.__,, 1271 Waynesburg. Pa., _ _ Wgbs and Wibbings, deficiency appropriation for public build- 564 dustgxpn, {lax, hemp, or ramie .,,,, 141 mg ... . ... ; ’ ... . . . .. 44 Waynesville, . C., _ Webster, Elijah S., 1 appropriation for public building, ,.,,,. - . 829 pension increased . ,,,,,,.,.______ 1359