Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/363

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1576 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 197. 1915. Mbm N·R¤Ym°¤d- The name of Albert N. Raymond, late of Company B, One hundred and fiftieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pen- CWMR GMM siorph at the ratpéaé $3iO pleir xéioxish mlligp og giat he 1S1I;0V§·1`i(f1G?%"1I1g. ‘ ‘ enameo ares . enner, o m ny 1;: e · ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pay a pension at tile rate of $30 per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. _ R°°"°"’°‘"" The name of Rodney Jones, late of Company I, First Regiment District of Columbia Volunteer Cavalry, and Company G, First Regiment Maine X1olun1§.eer(gay1alry`, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 er mon in `eu o t at e is now receiving. D"mH‘H’u‘ Tile name of David H. Hall, late acting master’s mate, United Etatei Iiavyl, and pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month in `eu o t at e is now receiving. u,¥°°°“ H‘ “°L°“gh' N Trlti]p(1:;am]eupf lgosesi H. MOL8\¥gi‘lD., latgloijthezellligited St§.tes ships 0 aro`a an acintoan vann , ni tates avy,an pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. §g'{’·,;,,°'*iHmkm_ _ The name of Robert Morrison, late of Company A, Third Battalitgn Diistriptspg Columb1phM1l1t1a Infantry, and pay him a pension at e ra e o per mon . {g{;#j,°§*H**g‘gx¤¤¤d· The name of Lou E. Hecox, widow of _Charles L. Heeox, late of ` Company G, One hundred and twelfth Regiment New York Volunteer Ipfalpuyiland pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu o t ats eisnow recei .

,*gj<gm,“_ The name of Peter Lluigles, late of Company C, Tenth Regiment

Néew Jersey Volpnteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate o $12 per mon· .

  • `°¤**°¤ *¤°’°¤¤°d· The name of Thomas Hickman late of Com any K Second R `-·

[Hamas Hmmm ment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and paylliim a pension at tizlile rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.

'}·_,_,,mm_ The name of Eliza J . Arthur, former widow of David S. Arthur, late

of Ccplmpany H, Thirtieflh Reginpent Indiana Vcilunteer Infantry, and _ pa er a pension at the rate o $12 per mont . §§,’{§'{,’§d°g;?”°· The name of Bettie Dodgle, former widow of Aplgustus B. Stevens, late of Company H, Twelft Regiment Vermont olunteer Infantry, and ay her a ension at the rate of $20 er month in lieu of that she is noliv recei P P §,°,‘},’,§_°§;,v,_ C0The na1rip ztria Loveilfciirmer widolwtpf PhilTiplGuncke£,1ilate of mpany —sevent egiment n uma o unteer and pay her,a {pension at the rate of $12Cper month. muy, {°§,'{§’Z,?{'§>Q*,§‘Z'a§.’T°°d‘ Tlw DKIIIG 0 Robert Degray, late of ompany C _Twenty-second Iglegimtzntflggvg Jersey Xipluntleer and pay him a pension at era o ermon in euo a eisnowrec . L““’°’ °“'“’· The name of lluther Curtis, late of Company H, Twgllltlllliegiment Indiana X1olun£eer(Ea51al?;; and pay a pension at the rate of $30 per mon m eu o a e is now receivm . m‘;f‘““"° L· D°“‘“' R The natmfu Orlapdp Dapjgherlgi, latg oi: Colmlplany I, Thirteenflh egunen iana o un eer ava an a a 10 t t rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is Sov}; receiviiigm D a 6 ““’"”’ E‘u"'““g“" The name of Martha E. Messenger, widow of Sherman Messenger, late of Company F, Second Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Heavy élrtzllc-ilry, and pay here pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of a s e IS now receivmg. §€’,,‘§S,,Q°“Sg,,,,,_ The name of Minna Schue, widow of Nicholas Schue, late of Compagies E ind D, Thirteenthulltegimenp Connecticut Vlcilunteer Infantry, _ an pay er a pension at e te 0 $12 per mo t . d§$§¤“’ §»‘{°'§*§?,g. glltiehpizzme pg (€Tp)1idor€6P. (éstiignder, latp pg Clpmlpany GéFirsthI§:1gi- · m R un er ngmeers an s ec amos, an a a pension aiiltie rateof $30&81' month in lieu of that he is nowprelizeiving. www W- Ch"- gh? naxgiet§f]§V1ll1am L ghez, gate of gpénpany B, gne hugged an wen 16 egimen o o unteer ant , _ ' pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of thatllzlre i;i1iovsi):<;:eivingI