Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/538

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EXTRADITION TREATY—PARAGUAY. Maxon 26, 1913. 1755 ARTICLE I. urrrcmio I It is agreed that the Govern- El Gobiemo del Paragua y el ¤1I:;;°$£i»°$l 3.21:% ment of e United States and the Gobiemo de los Estados lirmdos "' °“'“°“‘ Government of Paraguay shall, de América. convienen en entreupon mutual requisition duly garse, hechas debidamente las made as herein provided, deliver requisiciones aqui establecidas, la up to justice any person who may persona (que haya sido acusada 6 be charged with, or may have condena a por alguno de los delibeen convicted of any of the tos especificados en 6lA.1`l3lClll0 2° crimes specified in Article II of de esta Convenci6n,cometido denthis Convention committed within tro de la jurisdiccién de una de las the jurisdiction of one of the Con- Partes Contratantes, siem re que tracting Parties while said person dicha persona se hubiese hallado was actually within such jurisd;ic· realmente en dicha jurisdiccion tion when the crime was com- cua.ndo el delito fué cometido y mitted, and who shall seek an buscase asilo 6 se encontrase en el asylum or shall be found within territorio de la otra, entendién— the territories of the other, £ro- dose que esta entrega tendra lugar vided that such surrender all solamente en virtud de prue as take place only upon such evi- tales de cul abilidad, qiue, segén dence of crimmality, as according las leyes del) lugar don e el pr6- to the laws of the place where the fugo 6 la rsona acusada. se enfugitive or person so charged shall contrare, Eiibria mérito para su be found, would justify his appro- a rehensién y enjuiciamiento si hension and commitment for trial aiii se hubiera cometido el delito. if the crime or offense had been there committed. mucw H anrrcmp II Persons shall be delivered up Conformealas clausulas de esta Em°m°°bl°°m°°` according to the provisions of this Convencion, seran entregadas las Convention, who shall have been personas acusadas 6 condenadas charged with or convicted of any por alguno de los delitos s1guienof the following crimes: tes: Mmm m 1. Murder, comprehending the 1. Homicidio,comprendidos los ’ ` crimes designated by the terms delitos designados con los nomparricide, assassination, man- bres de asesinato, parricidio, hoslaughter, when voluntary; poi- micidio voluntario, envenenamisoningmor infanticide. ento 6 infanticidio. _ m_mpmmm,,_ 2. eattempttocommit mur- 2. Tentativa de cualqmera de der. los delitos mencionados. 3. Ralpe, abortion, carnal 3. Violacién, aborto estupro .R°*‘°·°°°‘ knowle ge of children under the de ninas menores de doce anos. age of twelve years. _ mgm, 4. Bigamy. 4. Bigamia. _,um_ 5. Arson. 5. Incendio. mmmonnmu 6. Wilful and unlawful de- 6. Destmccién maliciosa 6 ilestruction or obstruction of rail- gal {1 obstmccion de ferro-carriles, {gada, which endangers human guindo ponga en pehgro la vida B. G 88 YSOHK. _ comminedag 7. Crimes committed at sea; 7. (§iinenes cometidos en cl sgmw mar: G) Pirac , as commonly known a) Pirateria, tal como es cono- Pm°y' and defined7 by the law of nations, cida y deiinida por el derecho or by statute; Internacional 6 las leyes. _ Whom mms b) Wrongful] sinking or de- b) Echar a jijque 6 destruir g ‘ stroyingavessely at sea or attempt- dolosamente un uque en el mar, mg to 0 so; 6 la tentativa de hacerlo.