Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/7

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viii LIST OF PRIVATE AGES AND RESOLUTIONS. . Pere. Onmibuspmsion avorssnnntd. JointBesolntion'.l‘o end A t 1:itled"AnAct ling pensiomanacitimcmase oi nsious sailTn·s$1f‘l:1IneCivi1War•nrH:•rll·tam widowsanddexendentcgildreneufsoldaersaadsanknrsertsanl w•r," apprwedluly malty- iirstgnineteen undnedaadiourtesn. 0ctoba5,1914 Z . ;.· 1467

 moreorraxad. I<nntReso1utionTo COIEBCSSRGIINIBH. 11.. 12914. October 1467

5, 914 ,.,,,,... -. ... . · - ·· ·· -.····- : -··· · ---···~ ~ ---· ····· Osmibusjgstrionaet, oversee;-read. I¤hitBesolnti¤u'l‘ee¤rzsetaae¤orm H. B. 12914. October ms 5, _ lj ______ _ _,_,,_,____,, , .,..,.,, — ,,,,,_..,.. -.. . . I ..

 crrorsemmsdad. JointRasoluti•nT eorrecte¢taine¤1omsmH.1l..1Z>45,·—

H. . 12913. B. 13542, BLR. 14234, H. B. 14738:,H. B. 15692, and H. B. 16294, and tar other p¤fP0¤¤· October 22, 1914 ... 7 ... . ... 1468 _ _ STATU'TE_ 1Il.—1915. y { ‘ EdwardB. K . A.¤ActT reimbunelldward B. Kelley tormoneysexpendedwhilesinperirx- - tendenlglthé R0sebud°Indian in Sonth.Dakot•._ January 7, 1915 . 1421, .0l¤·l¢sA.(.’oul•en. AnActI}‘ortho GharlesA.Gmlson._ Januaryll 1915 . . 1471

 Company. AnAct fort1nexeliefo¢theAtlmzac Canning Company. January 1472

Jam 12 iron `` '.i2>f·i·Z.'e¤¤ec °`` `maa" '``` E mm '```' '`'` ii§i§1E.Z1Z mz Gu•tuvHa·gfdde·. AnActFixingthedateotmenBahns¤tofG¤s1¤vHut£eld•1·,&rst-ch¤§reman, ° United States Navy. Februar} 17, 1915 . . .. 1472 F, T. {;1:niré]5An Act For the relief Pay Inspector F. T. A¤ng¤United8t•tes Navy. February 1472 wanna- : 'l;·B nc h` `“``’```` iiji5iisZZZZIZZZZZZZZZZ§ZZ I me Byron W1 An, Act For the of Byron W. Qanlleld. ebruary 17, 1915, . -. . 1473 ,.4p·¤lS.Lewu, AnA•:tFortherelietofAlfred8.I.ew1s. 1l‘ebru¤fy17,1915 .. 1473 G'eomeP.Cbcrulla-. AnActForthanelaefofGeorgeP.Chandler. ebruary17,1916 .-. 1473 (lis Kalgpkr. An Act Fartherelieipt (Huis Knpger. February 17, 1915 . . ... 1473 Chu-la Clark. An Act For therohef of Charles February 17, 1915.. . . 1474

 AnActFortherel1efof theSouthern'1ha¤¤spor*latioaCornp•ny. I

ruary ... . .-... .. . .., ..··. .. . . , .. . . .. .. 474 I•o¤cB¢:lnu·um. An ActFnr the relief of Inac February 17, 1915. . i. .. IH4 P. R Uberrotla a-nd C'arIIcl•a1mso»._An ActAnthq¤aing the Dep¤tmmt¢i8tatetodelivwto Captain P. H. Uben·oth,United Staqeskevonue-Cutter8ervi<¤e, andGurmerO¤1Iehaanson,

 watcheste¤deredto themhyv1zeCanadianGovernen . mary ... . ... . .. 1475

R·iH'u-ru; 17%. 1 $1 Act For the relief of Colonel Richard H. Wilson, United States Army. mary , .. · -. . . . ... . . 1475 Som]: and An Act For the relief of Sarah A. Clinton and Maris Stein- . . . . 1475

 AnActForthereliefof theGeurgiaBailroadand Banking

. G full'; _, ·----·. . ...- -~. . .. 1475 Cham- D. An Actmog of D. Swift . 28, 1915 .. EE .;& 1476 GM? L¢f‘¤q¤· m¤8 P ¤¤¤¤‘¤ll¤¤¢ GGUKB ¢Lerr%1of the city of T the Static; of Febniary 23, 1915 . Y. . . 1476 Tam Giro '. An Act For re of Teresa Gimlami. February 23, 1915 . . 1476 (lhorles A. Spam. An Act For the relief of Charles A. égotts. February 23 1915 .,,_,,, 1476 Ilemdan Town. and Country Club. An Act Authorizing e Secretary of the lnterior in his discretion w sggd convey a certain tract of hind to the Handan Town and Country Club. Feb- , . . ... . . . ..,,,. 1477 Arzhur J. Floyd. An Act Anthrax the imuance of patent to Arthur J. Floyd for section uy - one, twenty-two , range twenty-two west of the sixth principal meridiarlftiir the State of ebnska. February 23, 1915 .. . ... 1477 lwllahm G. Kerclzhyl An Act To authorize the sale and issuance of patent for eermin land to William G. erckhoH. February 23, 1915. . 1477 S. W Langhonu and H. S. Howell. An Act For the relief of S. W. Langhorne and the legal representatives of H. S. Howell. February 24, 1915 . .,.,,,.,,_,_ _ ______ 1473 Chelan County Wash. An Act Granting certain lands to school district numbered fatty-four, I Gnlizllan écnvnty. Weshirggmn. February Mfglié ·... 1; . 1 we mhh wu, aahmgh , cc sim patent:. tents eretofore ’ certain Indians in the tate oflalsshington. February 25, 1915T 1478 Pemnbns, Civil War. An Act Granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certaxn widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said war, February 25, 1915- . . .,,.,,,,,... . . 1479 Pensions, Civil War. An Act Granting pensions and increase of nsions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows and dependent of soldiers and alloys of said war. February 25, 1915. - ,.. . ,..,,... . . 1499 John Burrows. An Act For the relief of John Burrows. February 27, 1915 .. 1512 Pensions, Civil War. An Act Granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and milcrs ot the Civil War and certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and anlors, March 1, 1915 . ..,. 1512