Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/853

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2056 INDEX. Alaska Coal L¢mds—Continued. Page- Alaska Ra·ilroads—Qonti.nuod. _ Paseacquiring interest in two or more leases, authority to President to designate name etc}; punishmerat ger .. 743 fir, (tio be owned, operated, etc., by 305 owners 'p rmitte or one year, etc. the overnmen . . .

 by descent, etc    743 employ necessary officers, agents, etc. . - 305 ‘

purchase 0 auo er ease 0 cer or cor- eta engineers m Army an avy. . tion iiiilaviful by m 743 ii: iclompensatioiio of all ofligerlii em- 305 or saliglzf its lease, etc.; Er; 1 ployees, etc ... . 305 ration ... 743 ocate route to connec coast wi inppnigment for.; .. 743 terior vgatgarz coal Holds, etc ... 305 su easing' , etc., restrictions .. 743 purpose 0 r .. . ... 306 fogfeituregor viogtioras . ci 7 43 construct, etc., road, equipment facili- 3 roya ties an rents. to e pai ... 744 ties, etc., .. . .. 06 leases limited to_50 years . 744 iix rates; receive compensation, control; receipts from mines, royalties, argl rental I operate, etci ... 306 to constitute a separate frm ... 744 ease aiter comp etion ... . . . . 306 appléled tx; reimbursement for construc— terlin; subject to interstate commerce on 0 ra . .. 744 ws .,,...,... 306 _ excess to Alaska Fund 744 acquire existing roads; price ... 306 licenses of small tracts for local, etc., uses arrarggi ford pant trarisportation with P¢T!}1 . 744 'p an 0 errail ines .. . . 306 no conigict bet:1een,Iand other leases... use gonstruction machinery, etc., from 3 easemen reserv in eases . . anama Canal w ,,_,,,,__,,__,_ 06 reservation of right to dispose of surface of operate etc. tel mph and tele hone leased lands 744 ’ egmp P 307 peqm1¤rmsssms¤a,w§eiss, s¢s§ZZ.. 744 ass1ssmi1`£&%A§3£éffZZZZZZZZZZZZIZZZZZ am assngpment of restncbd. ... 1. . - 744 _ withdraw townsite locations ... 307 con tions ui leases {cor operating, 745 rights of tvgy, terminal grounds, etc., 307 pro ion mmors, e ... gran ,,_.,. * ,,,,,,,_,,,,__,,,,,, , for prevention of moxzgpogg, etc . _. . . 745 patents for landsto be subjectto 307 possesgon gid lessees_ f Uveag glaims 745 1 dgorminntion of .,,_,,_,,,,,______ _, , 307 _ eem possessmn 0 ni fates- imit cost ...,...,,..,,, 307 forfeiture, etc., of leases.: ... _ . 745 appropriation for carrying out provisions coal la§<i;u2•.Keafter subject to provisions of Act .,.,,. . .,..,,_.,,,,,, 307 ° Gt .-·.-··. 745 receipts from lands, coal, timber, etc.; net p pending in Department not 745 of rprad, telegraph, etc., to e -...-·.-.·----.. epai into easu .. 307 del¤el'miDation_0f . : ... 2 . . . 745 accounting and reports iigquired ,...,.,, 307 leases gf,tg01{)W111Cl1 Chilllggl arg pencligg, annualtodleiatailelil reports of all operations no e e im 1 a verse e- esa mitted _,,_,,___,_,___,___ 307 ¢!lSi011 '£h€l‘€011- -.--.. I ...--·--.--.· 745 detail of Lieut. Frederick Mears for service sworn statements, etc., .. 745 in locating, etc 772 regulations, etc., to be prescribed . 745 detail restrictions of Army officers, not ap- A laws ._ ... 745 Alaska plicxgile to_service with 357 rigineenng vmmimon, _ _ _ ommcssion, appropnatronetior expenses, locating mil- 861 detail restritcfions of Army officers not aproads, c .. a to servi .. 357 purchatshe ofegupplies for employees, au· 1148 Azsléan geiisly Lemprire, wsu orlz .--·-··-· · ·. · -·-···-.·- e cienc appropriati n tin tc. . 1147 Alaska Fkha-iu Bureau, Albano, A1ig;¢£?I:£lian gubtézcgnn gi 9 8PF!'0gJ¤8l»i0?g:{ cluef, clerks, gte ·--- gg Ammon of indemnity to eirs of . 1229 or ursea er;1es,agen ,ec . y,Op·;g_, for salmon fisheries, agents, etc ... . . 63 appropriation for public building .. 609, 822 for wardens, etc. ..,... 63 Album, for protecting F fisheries, supplies to duty on _,_,,, , ,,,,,,_,,__,_____________ 128 natives, e . . . 64 Albert, Augusta widow , for protecting salmon fisheries, etc .,.,.. 64 Afigngign gggrggged, , , ?__ , _ ______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 1567 Alaska Fund, srt, sa` , excess of receipts from_leases of coal de- lp€DSi0¤ iDC!'€¤SG<l: -··-. . . 1385 osits to s paid mw ,,,... , 744 A bm,_Nmwy A. (widow), Alaska Pill- Seal Fishmkzs, muon . --. 1285 appropriation for agents, etc . . 63 A ,_$i7l_9l¢¢¢m, gr protecting . 1 .. 64, 873, 876 lpeusxon increased ... . 1511 for employees, Pribilof Islands . . . . . 661 A berlvillc, Ala., _ _ . for protectmgi aoodtsto natives, etc .. 664 A5.)p(pr¢?>nation for public building . . . , 609 f rv is an: oa 664 , own, deiiicieiigvif appropriation for protecting, deficiency appropriation for public buildtc .., 380 ine . . .. , ...,. 559 sa; of skins to be postponed . .. , . 122 I Albion, Mitch., Alaska Pacific Szeama ip Company, appropriation for public building . . 822 may change names of steamslnps "Buck— Albumen, Rman" and "Wilson" ... 282 duftyzon, egg, driéed . . ... 1:13 Alaska alroadx, en or iqui 1 appropriation for Alaska Engineering Com- on free list not specially rovided for .. 153 P mission, expenses locating, 0perat· I Albuminized Paper, ing, etc ... . ... 861 duty on , .,. 145