Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/880

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rrmnx 2983 Blackfgzltshgt Pac. Blanks, Pass. 011 ·-...··-·-.. . .. 161 d sxl , f ‘ steel t th - Boa, n·qm r, ““' ‘L‘$1ap‘i01?11§‘P11‘I’ .. :.H‘Z-K.$'. 125 Egrmon increased 1552 button . . .,.,___.,,,_._,___ 147 B Rim, Ala., nut, of iron or steel- .. . . 126 appropriation for improvement of locks Blasting Caps, 811d dam ··---.- . . . 37 duty on ..,,. . 148 Bl¢1¢l¤lr{¢m,_ Jamaegéd 1508 Blazer, Alexander R., DBIOII more .. . ...,.,... ° cu-raged _____ _ _______________ _ _ _ 1433 Bggkbum, Joseph C. S., BmIlgr(;1l’uo1ader·, designated as special resident member of duty on ,,_,___,,,,,,,,__________________ _ 115 Lmcoln Memorial Commission; duty 768 Bledsoe County, Tenn., Church of Christ of, pay, etc . . t f Court f Claims iindmgs' to 985 BlacIcbam,_Sarah I (widow), Blgztynlitegaxthl M., 0 gtensron increased .., , , ,.. 1265 ension .,,.,..,., 1327 B ker, CZIGTICS, 1334 Blgndéec nsron more list books parat b' ts, . Blgglfwi sym, rm., °" to 1ec1...i.’T‘? . Ti?. ???...?‘f: 111 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians Blind Children, D. C'., Indrbmt, at ... 90, 598 appropriation for instruction cf, out of the Blaclgfeet .B7ld1:GhR€8€l`llGl’i07l, Mqnt., _ _ District 537,911 approprratron for constructing irrigation de6ciency appropriation for instruction. . . 1141 systems on; repayment: ... 90, 593 Blindr, for civilization etc., of Indians on, from duty on, wood, bamboo, etc ______________ 131 _ tribal f11l1¢l5 -·... 1 .. 91 Bliss, Nancy A. (widow), deficiency appropriation for surveying pension _______________________________ _ 1396 etc.; reunbursable . 332 Bly; gamma, Blaclfeet National Forest, Mom., 1131011 111,1;.11,,,1,9,] ____________________ 1313 appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of. 426, 1096 BlB§k·Signol.•, etc., System.; on Railroads, . · · . Blgflgyngil 115 appropriation for investiggtiops of, etc: . . . 839 B1 1 ni '·········‘‘*········· . 6 01811Cy SPPIUPUMIOD 01‘ 1I1V0¤tlgut\0¤s . . o , etc . . 212, 627 Ewen mcremsed ... . ..., 1518 Bloch · B k·*"'¢i1h’·¤ Hamrmo Skdya ¢1¢·» dutyon b1-iu, ivy, etc. mts cut in .. 1:10 duty on iron or steel ... 126 mm _____________ ‘ ___ _1 _____ ’ __________ _ 130 Bl“°k"'°ur ·r°"”¢* Sv on free lis·t‘wo0d rough hewn, etc .. I. 164 Bggggggy igg;_j»¤¤d ·—·-----·--~---··--—-·-- 1511 swore, neiowa lr <··»w·»·»>, sppn1pi111io1i’1or public bonding .. sos, 823 B,§§§,’§,°“1}2,,;m°"’“°E°_d§_‘ (1;,3;,;,) ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1552 condemned cannon granted to Grand Army 1204 lgfnusig,1 increased ___________ ’ _____________ 1 242 ¤m~."°“ ‘‘‘‘‘`‘°’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°``‘°‘‘‘ . ``‘` ”,,e;,?I.‘{."f?Tf.€‘i"f€‘T‘i’?: ... 1386 duty on of, not specially 150 Blood ` provi or .. , . .. . ’ . - . _. on free list, crude, etc., not specially pro- Ou b°$$Bt’ dn°d’ mt spmmuy pim ld°d 155 B vided for ... . .. 155 Blood Char ‘°'‘°`°’’‘‘‘‘°°‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l°d“’ · . on free list ... 156 "‘¥2’§ 22‘:1£?,§1‘$'§€L‘??’T???T?’.'?T?i i ii i;:;:::; {S2 B1-5;·,_»g¢1d1.J~1~sg,1>—· ,4 Burr, Eli M. BF ,°;',,“j§’°“B -,-.-,-6;,- · ·,; ···-····-··-· *2 111,,1011 __________________________________ 1603 00m 6 1 fl/5 ug? *1*C _W'¢ {1 _ Bglrdezz, More Ji, B,1;¤Y1P<-111mg D3, ¤ ¤d1¤s¤ to ·.-. 971 nsion increased 1423 mg . tz fu b1. b .1d. BE,) R0bmN' an Bfppropns ron or pu rc ui mg .. 5 ym t f Court f Claims dmg¤' to °°’"* pa czll<lm(inistrator of ... 988 d“zL*;¤1,°*°?l ··---····-—-~· · ·-···-·~—-·· 124 Blalock, Vernon D., on list, iron- .., _ , _ 158 Bgoosgn ________________,_________________ 1572 Bb85te§%a;1<}§ containing alloys, etc . 162 nc- we, 1 _ _ ., dut on . . . . 118 1181*111 111<=1¢¤¤<><l --···--.- . .. 1289 Bl(1Tl.C%QTd,·A,8‘[l Bggzzigqlih, 1324 nswn in 1238 ·------ . Blldgtrluzrd, R(ir5’0ur G., Blgbaagh, peo, cnsion increased .. . . 1482 tP¤11¤1011 111€¥¢¤¤<>¢l ····-~- , ..-. 1 - . . 1346 Bgnchardville, Wis., B ue Book (see Officral Register of the United condemned cannon granted to . 1201 States). Blancheater, Ohio, Blue, DGUIH, _ _ condemned cannon granted to . 1202 payment of Court of Clarins Endings to ad- Bland. Theodor-ug minrstrator of . . . 978 payment of Court of Claims findings to Blue, Claiiist children of .,_,... 988 on free , common, for crucibles .. .. 156 Blank Books, Blue Island, lll., _ _ _ duty on .___,,,,,_, . .. 146 BlapprJopr1a§11>n for public building ,. 5, 609 Bl k t. , ue, ease .,

 dn, cotton, etc. . 1  140 payment of Qourt of Claims findings to

woolen, not specially provided for .. 142 executxrix of . . . 978 9649T°—vor. 38-21* 2——56 l