Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1122

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1102 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sues. II. Ch. 163. 1917. pc§j;’f’*‘·*¤°°“’ °*· For miscellaneous expenses, including] stationery, furniture, office equipment, (pgstxe, typewriters him}? exc ange cg samehanld pecessary printing an in , $3,000, w 'c sum, toget er wit the oregoin amount for salaries, shall be paid from the aplpropriation for “Arming Pc¢t.p.1172. and equipping Naval Militia," for the fisca year nineteen hundreg and eighteen, and no other or further sums s all be expended from sa1d_appropr1ation for or on account of said Division of Naval Militia Cmmm · Affairs during the fiscal year nineteen_hundred and eighteen.,m° ”° “Qonjrmenrrr nxrnnsns: For professional and technical books and periodicals, law books, and necessary reference books, including city directories, railway guides, freight, passenger, and express tariff books, Smomy M for department library,_ $2,000. _ _ ’ For_ stationery, furniture, newspapers plans, drawings, drawing materials, horses and wagons to be used only for official pmposes, mcluding rental of stable; purchase, maintenance, re air, operation, or exchange of horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, automobile mail wagon, including exchange of same, street car tickets not exceeding $250, freight, expressage, lpostage, typewriters and computmg machines, an other abso ute y necessary expenses of the Navy ,,0,,, p_ mx Department and its various bureaus and offices $60,000; it shall not be awful to exwndh for any of the offices or bureaus of the Navy Department at ashmgton, any sum out of- appropriations made for the Naval _Estabhshment for any of the purposes mentioned or gfipmm pw. suI•tlb(i· rental1bfti11flSd1Il.ild`rI§lT£:;If1liartem for the Navy Department, $35,860. mix; gre pnrrchézsgteand 1§stallation of §, modlpgrn blue-printing plant an 0 urea o am ngmeermg, avy artme t $5 000. ,,,1,l,,,°’$§;‘;,‘,‘,‘;‘,,,,,,,,,,‘i:,_‘ No part of any appropriations made for the iihval seilrvicehhall be gxpen ed for any 0 the purposes (mcluding freight and expressage) _ erem provided for on accoimt of the Navy Department at Washmgton, District of Columbia, except for persona services in certain bureaus, as herein expressly authorized. Inzmornepanmem. · DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. $°°'°°°”·’*’°“‘°”“· Orncs or rum Sacnar · · . chiefclerk. _ _ ABY. of bI16 I.Ill’»6I'l0l' $12 000 liirst Assistant Secretary, $5,000; Assistant Secretary, $4,,500; izhief c erk, including $500 as superintendent of buildings, who shall be chief executive officer of the department and who may be designated by the Secretary to sign official papers and documents during the c,;;¤f3_a=,i¤sv¢¢•¤rs, temporary_absence of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretaries,

4,000; assistant to the Secretary, $2,750; assistant attorney, $2,500;

_wo special mgpectors, whose emplpgment shall be limited to the Epgpggttpln pif o lies and the work in e several offices under the conchicf disleurgpa nienlf, ;g$2,500pach;six mspeetozs, at $2,500 each; clerk in ch ggjc 6,500, ger}: charge of supplies, $2,250 publicatic 1;%*5 $2 250 ,riv<;St,B8.u uric ves, $2,250; clerk in charge 0 I kS—f » » , P secrc ary to the Secretary, $2,500; c er our at $2,000 each, thirteen of class four, eighteen of class three, twenty-one of class two, twenty-four of class one, three at §1,0t(;lO each, returns office clerk, $1,600; female clerk, to be designated g1yapheOII;er;iit;d)e‘nt§9t5<:) sriggsgrlagndtpalglaiits, ${,200; eight eopyists; multi- _ 1 ; IS 8.]] H1 l to · ` mggsggsem. watch- repairer, $900; two telephone swi tchbliraild ogleiizorsi gig seven 9a(§1stant messengers; twenty-one laborers; skilled mechanics; 0§1€ _ , one $720; two carpenters, at $900 each; lumber, $900; i ec izian, $1,000; laborers-—one $600, six at $480 eacli); packer, $660; we e evator conductors, at $720 each; eight charwomexv ca tain of the watch $1 200· f , _ _ , , , orty watchmen; ad tional to two watchman Cm w mn mw ¤<>t}¤g ¤S 1l€\}l3€l1&I1bS of watchman, at $120 eaclr engineer $1 2002

  • ’·°d=·¤*¢· ¤$$1S@¤¤@ €¤g1H6<*1‘, $1,000; seven firemen; clerk to sign, uiider the