Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1172

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`1152 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 179. 1917. P*?¤**!’Y ¤¤d°¤¤*¤· For investigating the preparation for market, handling, grading, vmpum packing, freezing, drying, storing, transportation, and preservation of poultry and eggs, and for experimental shipments of poultry and gggs within the nited States, in cooperation with the Bureau of _ _ arkets and the Bureau of Animal Industry, $40,000; ,,,§§lL,l,§““°1mg* "]“P' For investigating the handliniggrading, packing, canning, freezing, st£o§1srt1g,fan¢tlhtran§.1portation of , anél for exyéengnegitallsmpmentg o , or e ut zation of waste pro ucts an the eve o ment o Shipping mmm neyrv sources of food, ?4,000; ’ P ° * ‘ or investigating the acking, handling, storing, and shi ing of oysters and other shellgsh in the United States and thepwaters _ bordering on the United States, $5,000; ,,§},‘{{§',‘§{’,};,,f"‘°·**°°‘1 For the biological investigation of food and drug products and splzitanizles usied_ ::1 tg; mgm; actnire thiereof, incgidilng investigations 0 ep ysioogn ec osuc pro uctsonte umanorganism, _ $15,000; ,,,‘i‘,‘}',;;*{,f'“"*""‘*"°"‘ For the study and improvement of methods of utilizing by-products of citrus fruits; and the investigation and development of methods for deterrmning maturity in fruits and vegptables, in coo eration gitghootgie Bureau of Plant Industry and the Bureau of Ellarkets, Utilizing nw mats- ’ J . . . . . . . 1'ls|sioreolnrs,etc. For mvestigation and experiment m the ut1hzation, for colo ` pmposes, of raw materials grown or produced in the United Stsxelsg mcludutiig re£'st;s§talt¢;§ations, nmpriolvements, or additions to a buildon e 0n_ xperimenta arm, $49,400; T°bl° mp' mlfor the investigation and development of methods for the manu- Pmfwd fachture of Italia; stlrulé, $7,000; eee. ’ or_ena the tary of Agriculture to carry into effect the "°‘· “*·P·'°& proyisions of the Act of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportatgnn dof adulteglated, or &n§isbranded,d<;r poisonous, or élieletlerious oo s, , me cmes, an uors, an or regulati tra ct re`n

 forrhlglgr p].u·poses," in tllre city of Washingtolxlgand elsevy?hei·e;

Lxipppldgilgs c gegucgmapllgantm, phegcalp tand iinggphes, repairs Ito , curren , 0 cia rave e nses, te e- graph and telephone service, express and fre' ht chgpees, and all other expenses, employing such assistants, clsiis and dtgher persons ,,, ZLLSSZ ¤¢°¤§Z“i$£iL?$» Z‘.$°$"¤£°' mir "£""’°"’°°,m“““°°"’r.°“‘* '°"° net-num _ _ _ __ l}m¤;8n ocoo te 't '- ¤¤v<¤i·» of tions and scientific societies m the revision o the Uvfilitedasgtlftgs agus, mmmvwm Phliagrxglspgfgagpg glgvelorglrient of nretholds of analyslis, $623,521; ¤¤¤,•za _ , w hing dling t - tion of naval stores, the §l·:paIi§1tio1i1§>f de’1init.§ type gmplmzazhbl • • )

 for the demonstration of improved methods or processes of preparmv naval stores, in cooperation with individuals and com anies,

L'}°%‘éZq‘S“gt.J§2§"3r£l§"§i‘§§.€l.§.?c?§i7$S07>’(§€ "°‘“°““ ““" ’“°““’ ‘“ “£° my In all, for Igeneral ex nses, $837,60l. Total for ureau of gliemistry, $1,200,591. mb B""°°“‘ nunmu or sous. “"' "’°"*°'_°'b“‘ Sarnmns BtmnAuo1*·Sou.s:One soil h ' t h hallb hi f mu cmu m of b¤¤‘¤¤¤. $4,000; cue chief clerk, $2,0(l)0;y?>11l:eSexve7c1i)t?ve assilstzanll $2,000; four clerks, class four; two clerks, class three· five clerks, glpzsogvgpéhong c1e1ik,k§1,2t?(£§6et)ght pllerks, class one; five clerks, at , _ ; ve c er , a eac ;one soil cartogra he $1,800; one chief draftsman, $1,600; one soil bibliographer ol; diiaftsman, $1,400, gngrpfhomgrapher, $1,200; five draftsmen, at $1,200 each; one cer tsman, $1,200, two draftsmenil at $1,000 each; one laboratory helper, $1,000; three laboratory elpers, at $840 each;