Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1233

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INDEX. xi Ar·my—Continueo. _ _ Pm- Army-Continued. Pwapproggréigon and disbursing 646 dciiciency;;Ilapptr·opriation for Ordnance 2;-46 811 rs 0 , e ... par en . ,

or arms, rinhnpplies, etc. , at camps. ger Organized Militiaencampments, etc- 828

or motmn o e practice. ... r ... 30 826 for ggises, forage, etc. . .. 646 fgr pgirli-ignlses, raising four additions;] ’ for incidental expenses of field instruc· f regupeiilits. .. 33 tion etc .. . . . . 646 or pay o atio .. 337 relief df responsibilityjor prior issues. 646 for miles.? to officers, etc., mustering, for Mrlrtia Bureau, salaries and expenses 646 etc, , ational Guard ... 337 for traveling Armx officers, etc., for Na- 646 §or Enginizr lgpartment. .. . . 338,811 txona uty .. . . .. or arsena an armories . .. . 810 for transportation of supplies, etc .. . 647 for roads, walks, wharves, and drainage - 825 §or ezrénses of Army sergzint instructors 647 ger Kraterghnd sewer systems . 825 or ce expenses· ursement o or ospi . ... . .. 825 funds, etc. . I , 647 for transporting, etc., interned Mexican for arms, etc., for Held BBYVICG. .. 647 refugees. ... 2 .. 825 f aviation equippnerfztl iudpplies . -- 647 for support of famihes of drafted, etc., or targetranges or 'e ery prac- e men .. 859 { tice,letc. .. .i ... - . _ ... 64 7 accountinlg and ;et;p0nsibil.ity for supplies 635 1- sup ying new try equipment an prope .., ... . 0 etc? ... . . 647 appointment authonzed of Bernard A. requeststobemadefonetc ... --. m Arudgc§a%fasmastermgna1e1ectddm.. g recei t accoun , etc .. 'ar provrsiom ... . priorpiéues to liiggremrned on receipt aviation school to receive Coast Guard of nsw, ,. . 648 officers and enlisted men for ini xpenses ci ` struction. . 601 or iianges . . .. 648 Chief of Coast Artillery to have rank, etc., gppoinunsnt, etc., of Director of Civil- of major general. ..:. .. . . . - . 349 nan Marksunnship. ._ ... gig constitution of, under national defense 166 ior expenses citizen draft of Ngtwnal Militia, 339 transpo eams na o an Reserves in service. . or mg1;chqs,,iI}? ...,... . . .. 648 persons discharged from during proportionate allotment; designation 648 rgrder . m fgging ____ _ ,, ,__,.,. - ,.. . pension . . . . ... . . nogpay to odicakusgng tipne-measuring 648 combiniéion of organizations into tactical 340 ‘ r o em oyees ... um .. . ... for s£;; 0¢iivi,a(irnilies of enlisteéldrgg-1 odillgrers for, topo apgioinutg from Regu- 340 ‘ to rvice, etc. un' y,e c.· se ec ... charge tllgrefgam. .. . .’ .. 649 filling vacancies made by appointdecision of Secretary of War iinal, etc. 649 ments in .. . . . , . 340 restrictionfonftime of marriage assislument of command by President; 340 ` *· amily’ o erwise .

?g1al;g1;g any person, not a pitizen, 649 prggedeipoce of Army officers; rank to 34

‘ m d offic rin timeo peace. _ te mmuster. ... 0 regggoiii iesgxctione of Civil War ley- 649 employment of, auglgprized to eniorcepmlt i ... visions agar unfair competition crgatiloiin dieugotiifcil of National De· in foreign commerce . .. . 800 iense; purpose, etc . 649 enlisted men to be increased to maximum for expenses of Council . 650 strength in case of emergency .. 36 { revmion of Agticlee uga War . unassigned recruits not included ... gg ‘ . ... mam ce req . .. . .. fg; inriTi‘i::1?ys pucistggeonstmction, etc . 285 loan of tents, provisions, etc., for relief of. for dllriptggition of remains of officers, en- 287 slplfereyxdfram of Mrmsmppr H ' , tc- ver 1 es .. for Panamingiingl fortifications., 335 to sufferers by tire at Pans Tex . 50 for fnrtiiications. .. 345, 909 Medal gh Iggnor Roll for, and Navy, estabf r Military Academy .-.- - .- 493 ._ ..·.-.- 53 rg; participation or National Guard in Mxrsons ¤=¤¤¢1ed,¤t¤ ---- · ----.- - ~--.. , . . 53 f encampments, etc., of. . . .. in {gg tary Academy Corps of Cadets in- 62 {Z5 its .i.-n..·i.m.,..‘.;i;.,,,...,.· ‘‘‘‘ .‘.‘.‘. ;:;;:;i: 62 Ediodynamic torpedo control; con- 347 appolizaguents from enlisted men author-· 62 'ti . .. . . . . .. . ., deiiciencyoiililipropriation for gig no pay frcmtig>rtification Ag; to oiiitier , using e-measuring evice e ., for Signal Service .. . i . -29, 45: 339 on work of employees . .. ..1 .. 351 for en isted men, extra·duty pay.29, 33, 824, 828 officers retired in recognition of Panama for mileage to officers and eonuaczg mag-45 824 may be transferred 937 ,,,.. . , ac ve . . . for 1ce. ..- .. 29, 45, 337; 335 to rank former grade as additional 937 f Quai-termaster . -- .. . ... , num . . . or $45, 337, 810, 825, 828, 859 examinations required - . ~ 937 for barracks and quarters ... 29, 33, 825, 828 retirement restricted , . ._ 937 for transportation. . . . 29, 33, 45, 338,825 punishment for forging, etc., certificate of for Medical Department ... 29, 46, 338 disdurge. . 1182