Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/127

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106 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. Division of Salaries and Allowances), assistantsuperintendent $3,000 (formerly Superintendent Division of City Delivery), assistant surgerintendent $2,250 (formerly Assistant Superintendent Division of alaries and Allowances), two assistant suggr1ntendents_$2,000_ each (one formerly Assistant Superintendent rvrsron of C1t)R-Delivery, _ _ one formerly Superintendent of Miscellaneous ansportasi,;§{"°*“"°°"t° Dm tion, Second Assistant’s office); Division of Postmasters’ Appoint- DM hmm DM ments—su§erintendent $3,000, two assistant superintendents at sm $2,000 eac , Superintendent Division of Dead Letters $2,500 (transv,S‘§__§'°SP°¤‘*°¤°° DL ferred from Fourth Ass1stant’s office) Chief Division of Correspondence $2,000; clerks—sixteen of class four (one transferred from Second Assistant’s office, two transferred from Fourth Ass1stant’s_office), twenty-four of class three (four transferred from Second Ass1stant’s office, one transferred from Fourth Ass1stant’s office, one submitted at $1,400, and one submitted at $1 200), thirty-six of class two (one in lieu of one at $1,600, two transferred from Postmaster General’s office, three from Second Assistant’s office, nine from Fourth Assist- _ ant’s office, one submitted at $1,200, and one transferred to Postmaster General’s office), fifty of class one (one in lieu of one at $1 ,600, one in lieu of one at $1,400, five transferred from Second Assistant’s office, twenty-six transferred from Fourth Assistant’s office, four submitted at $1,000 each, and one at $900), thirt -six at $1,000 each (four in lieu of four at $1,200 each, five transferred from Second Assistant’s office, sixteen transferred from Fourth Assistant’s office, and three submitted at $900 each), nineteen at $900 each (three in lieu of three at $1,000 each, one in lieu of one at $1,200, one transferred from Division of Postal Savings, six transferred from Fourth Assistant’s office, two submitted at $840 each, and four at $720 each); four messengers (two in lieu or two at $900 each and one submitted at $660); seven assistant messengers (four in lieu of three at $900 each, two transferred from Fourth Assistant’s office); seven laborers (one in lieu of one at $840, six transferred from Fourth Assistant’s office); three female laborers at $480 each (transferred from Fourth Assistants office); in all, $277,410. Pggégzf G1gj°*ja,*§¤* Orrrcn Smcoim Assrsrarrr Posruasrmz GENERAL: Second Assist- RUN Mm- ant Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; Division of lI1E¤£SlDlVlS¥0lL ’ Railway Adiustmentsesupcrintendent $3,000, assistant superinremiga mms nm- tendent $2,250; Division of Foreign Mails—superintendent $3,000, . ’i°“" assistant superintendent $2,000; clerks, eleven of class four (one transferred to First Assistant’s office, and one omitted) eighteen of class three (four transferred to First Assistant’s office and one submitted at $1 200), twelve of class two (one transferred to Postmaster Genera1’s office, three transferred to First Assistants office and two submitted at $1,200), eight of class one (one in lieu of one at $1 600 two in lieu of two at $1,400, one transferred to Postmaster Generals office, Eve transferred to First Assistant’s office, one submitted at $1,000 and three omitted), eight at $1,000 each (one in lieu of one at $1,200, Eve transferred to First Ass1stant’s office) seven at $900 each; messenger in charge of mails, $900; four assistant messengers (onein lieu of clerk, $900, transferred from Division of Railway Mail Run Mw Se SGYYICQ Om? 0m1lQl9€d)§ P8·g9, $360; lll 8.1l, $111,190. ,0, D,§;L¤_ ”‘ Division of Ra1lway_Ma1l Service: General su erintendent $4 000; assistant general superintendent, $3,500; chief clierk $2 O00· ,cleriks—- two of class four, five of class three, four of class two (two submitted at $1,200 each), nine of class one (two in lieu of two at $1 400 each zigdsprégoiii lg; <;g33e(at $1,000%,10vgg Z0 wdeach (one siibmitted , , one rans e n ’ Tm ergo); in all, $40,400. . Assistants °m°° °t ' A=¤i¤¢¤¤¢ rrron or man Assrsrarrr Posruasrmn Gaiman.: ' P°§°tt§°S.?§§°1S{€Y§?.§"` ant Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500fF{1ll1l;€LS£?1S1S(;'E F¤¤=¤=¤¤ 1>iv¤¤¤¤L stamps—supermtendent $2,750; division of Hnance—siiperintendent