Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1288

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lxvi INDEX. Executive 0jice—Continued. PM- F. Pmappropriation for Secretary of the President; Fabyan, George, details allowed for temporary assist- may bridge Fox River, Geneva, Ill ... 223 ance ..,.,.. 76, 1080 Facing Slips, etc., Postal Scrvwc, for contingent e?enses . . ... 76, 1080 appropriation for . 422 for printing and inding ... 331 de ciency appropriation for ... 24 deficiency appropriation for contingent Factories, eguenses .. s ... 33 interstate, etc., shipments of products by, Executive jfioe, Distnbt of Columbsa, using children of prohibited 8888, appropriation for Commissioners, secretary, forbidden . 675 clerks, etc . 677, 1004 pumshment for .. . . 675 for divisions in office. . . 677, 1004 Fairmont, W Va., _ for care of District Building . 677,1005 may bridge Monongabela River. . 52 Eucutors, Fairport Harbor, Ohio, _ returns to be made by, of property of improving aidstonavigation at, authorized 57 decedents . 778 Fairs, Agricultural or Industrial, payment <;estl;ncte tax by 779 Fsicegpt from { 791 ~ . {URO, ub · , G uq 7 • • xc special' tax imposed on proprietors of .. 791 _¤0¤¤. D- GJ- required for each State, etc. . . . 791 FGU8 Cul}! NW-, _ _ _ chnnmnqnns, etc., exempt ____,,,,,,,,, 791 appropriation for public bu11dmg._ . t. .. 265 EZMMEOM, Rdggimu 0,. Charitable, de cnency appropriation for pu lic buildexempt from tux . . 791 mg ·············· ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘°'°' 17 Ex . . Falmouth, Mass., Km we r<>* bx mm 5 Fm ··*¤·=~¤¤¤‘ .,3* F.2%?2i2,”%?°éZ§‘;1}in“??4i’3£·f°d ‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 842 °mz°“° leaving with mumt to msi ° 883 restriction on admission of, if affected with · permanent y abroad ... cm, · disewel ____ _ __________ 891 E¤z»~¤M=€L¤b¤r¤¢¤w· N·¤a¤L . pogo, N. oiig., appropriation for construcnon, eqzupment, wm, of coun M_ ______ _ ________________ 386 Gtc ··---··-·----·-·-··· - ---···- 570v 1179 Farm Congress, Intematebnal, wnduct d "°’k» °¤’·$ *'€P°Yt t° c°“' 570 approgpiationforexhibit of subhumid, etc., 4 5 _ 8**- · -~···~···------··· · ····-··· arming, at 7 Ewiploszves, _ foreign nations invited to send deleuty 011, d&¤V6d from coal tal'- .. · 794 gates to, EI Paso, Tex ,,,,, - 475 coal-tar products not . . . .. . gg? foreign mgionp to send delegaws to, 1168 used as . . .. t .,.. . . · additional specific.;d. . .. · 7 94 Farm Lagtdaform, excisetaxonnet rots yman turers loans ,811wgd tinglbgnkg o¢‘n _ iron; sales aiigmeixczptionsw . t 78]. F Lggntr2l0reserv];aci(i;i1eTs;limi;a?iI<ins.ZT;,¢3 754 ¢¤0!'3W¢0 .€-, 111 » n soo f , ationa scea to be published quarterly .. 437 arm ilaederal Act), Export Cattle, exempt from income tax ... . .. 767 appropriationf for enforcing humane treatéo 1138 Fprovisionsgelgtting to . . .. 365 ment 0 . .. 4 , arm oan _ a s, _ EIPM., Duty, investigation, etc., as to transferring work ‘ mgm- ‘ I W of subtreaaunes to ..,.. 1080 Imed rhino 1¤1Q`ii1£5ii T. - . nas Fam 1><i=g·uB:%· (M am F¤<i¤¤¤¤ F=¤¤ Exports, . . I . » . f 3 5 time extended for withdrawals from cus- pr°vm°n° N an t° mmm °t°‘* ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ .' 7 toms warehouses for, to Mexico 725 Fam M'i_Z?gJLe1{;imtl;§·0i“ ’ D°P°nm°m °-/· Ag"` - Exposition, Intemational Soil Products, · · ’ Sa]m· =·p¤s»p¤»¤¤;· or enum at- -- 475 °’¥2,$°§.§},‘:,'”;§l“.§;’§,.,,,,,,,f?·. ·.·.· 5;.;;;:;;:; 33; {li? E·IP°·*'m°"¤» MWWWPW Cemeflnfaly for farm management and practice". 447, 1135 transfer of Governmenteal1xb1t at Panama- for gtudy of "logg€ ’ lands, by- _ · Oalxforma Exposition to 854 Products, etc _______________________ 447 Exgronhon, Panama, Farm Products, eficiency appropriation for expenses . 15 appropriation for exgperimental extension Exposition, _Te:qas Bicentennial, ctc., offparcel post or nmarkeung 424 countries muted to take pm m __________ 317 for dx using information as to markets 62 Ezp0m,;0.,,_,’ mh, or, etc: .. -1 . 2 _473, 11 admission of aliens attendants to exhibits £°' c&’tI""‘m?“ with Stattis hn °¥°°“dm§ at, etcq petmmed ____ _ ______ _____ 878 ormation as to distributing an Express emma., ¤¤¤*ke¤¤g ¤*¤- -. -—-------------- 47% Mgr investigation tmdemd of Gum, I, ent Fanflog stansucs, etc., of . 11 7 ownmhip °f’ ae '‘‘ ‘’‘'‘°‘ " 387 appropriation for diffusing infomation as E’P"°·?‘ C°’”P°""‘·"» D- C·· , topurchasing etc ... 473,1162 subyectto Inteistgetg gjgmmeme Comms- Farmer John (I,,d;,,,,)’ sion, exc u m illflsdlt ti f · · ’ · i lpubuc Utilities C0 . .0ufD‘?'·bf’- 521 Fappropnatxon for payment to heirs d . 128 E¤;i;*;:'_*0“1;"lF;u° f b _ _ h _ _ appropriation for expenses of studying co- ¤ of ¤¤8¤¤8 0*118 ¢¤¤1¤¤•l¤ operation among, in rural credits, from abroad ·.. 255,1060 etc 47;;, use