Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1319

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INDEX. xcv]1 Indian Dep¢;•;tme;nt-—Conti1::;xed£c of Pm- 'Indiem Deparzmegzw-glluntinued. Akinapproprm mq or sup , a ., S1ou.x' s tion or and ,‘ of Devxls Lake, Dak .. 144, 981 Ppmpruitricwd lands of Eire vilizod Fort Bcfthvld Agency Indians, N. Tribes ,,,..,,,,__,_,__,_,____ _ ; _ Mg, 935 Dai -···-·- ; --·--·.·. : . 144, 982 for roadway from Wheelock Acsduny, Turtle Mountam Band of Chxppewae, Okla., from Choctaw funds ·.’ 149 N. Dak, ... 144,982 rm E. Dowden ,...,.,___ 149 fcw school, Bmmsrck, N. Dak . . . . 144, 982 for pasture land for Nuyah School, {EDIT Fort Totten, N. Dak . . 144, 982 Greek funds ,,__________________ _ _ 935 Wahpetpu, N. Dak ... . . 144, 982 im mad, ew., Choctaw Sanjtgrium, per capxta distribution of receipts of Okla., from tribal funds  ;. .. 986 lands on Fort Berthold. Reservation, for mad to Ghemkee Orphan Training N. Da]: - . _. . 144 School ..,._,,_,_,._.,____ __ __ 935 iorregieemmgmortgage of St.arrMcG1111¤. 145 for Douglas H. Johnston, from Chickafor rmmbursing Benson County, N. Dak., nw funds . ... 986 for care of Insane Indians . . . . . 145 no allotments to Creeks, without spefor headstone for grave of Scarlet Crow, ciiic authority. . ... 986 Congressional Gemetgy, D. C .. 145 per capitauialayment to Cmekswho have for sulgaport, etc., of xchitns, etc., had no otmants of hud .. 869 O 145,982 for support, ctc., of Indhus, Kknntl; for support of Kiowa, Comanche, and , Ageucy,_Orci ... 149, 986 Aglhe Agency, etc., Okla., {mm Warn; Sprmgs gency, Omg 149, 986 tn funds .. .. 145,982 Umsmllaslzfeucy, Omg 149,935 for maintenance, atc., Kiowa, etc., from for school, om, Ore? ... 149, 986 tribnlfunds . . .. 145,982 for support, etc., of ndiam of Grande for support, etc., of Choycnncs and _Ronde;md Siletz Agencies, oreg-. 149, 986 Arspahoea, Okla. ... 145, 982 dxsigdbuizxou of proceeds from lands of Kmsas Indians, Okla . L ... 145, 982 Snlctz Reservation, Omg ... 149 Kickspoos, Okla . . . 145, 982 for maugtmmncc Modoc Pomt irrigation Pcncas, Okla. and Nebr ... 145, 982 , mt, klsunsth Reservation, iorschool, Chilocco, Okla . . .. 145, 982 . . . 150, 986 iu: tulilling treaties, with Pawnees, fc! expenses of delegates of Klamath In- Okla ... . 146, 982 dugns, from tuba} funds ..., 150 Quapaws, Okla ... . ... 146, 983 for budge 011 Klamath Reservation, for three families of .%_pscl1q Indians, Or? . . - . . 150 prisoners of war, crt S11], Okla; for bn gas 011 Umatilla Reservation, allotments to ... . _ . 146 . . _ ... 150 change of right of vqay through Olulocco for Hsying %·ounds for Warm Springs In- School Rescwunon . . . 146 dmus, reg ... _ 988 for payment to Citizen Band of Potta- allotments on pmaulla Reservation wgmmiu, Okla ,.,,. ; .. 983 Oreg. , to Indmus who have received Osage County, Okla., decmedjndisn none . 1 ... 987 count for mmxicanm gmlubition- 983 for school, Carhslo, Pa., ._ 150, 987 appmisaliyof Osage County ndinn allot- use of be¥_uest for ummng nurses . 987 ments. . .. 983 for qchool, landreau, S. Dak . 150, 987 for Five Civilized Tribes, Okla., admin- Pierye, Dnk .. . .. 151, 987 istering affairs of . }46, 983 Rapnd Gxty, S. Dsk. ._ . Z 151, 987 for buildings for Murray School of Agr1~ `fvf mpggrt, ctc. of Sxoux of ddfereut culture, Tisbomingo, Okla., from in , S. Dai ..,. . .. 151, 987 Chickasaw funds .. 983 fm: Schcqis- ._ .-... }51, 988 for per capita paymentto Choctaw! and mV§;·§$¤0D, etp., of oust oi gim- Cbickasawn from tribal funqs . 146, 983 tw _ schools -·-...·- · · -_ .-.-.-. 151 for payment of claims of cpecnied at· 146 {O! ¤\g;k¤¤¤*¢¤¢¢, W-, YA¤k¤¤¤ Bwux, Sim 988 EOTDB .. ..--.. · ···-··-· · ··-······- ‘ ’*'• °, ·‘‘‘·•·· **1 ···· ··•··· s for pm. m ysm pyment to gemimles Qgm for asylum for mama Indnm, Canton, tribe? funds . ... 14·z,»s4 S· Pak -·-------- -_ --.·--~---.-... 151,988 {or M. 1,. Mm, £:ccmpreekbf:;1°d¤l;’;£t;!; 984 for w§§:¤§¤¤6i;kSmhm Rock Ream- 151 orsttomc s,e .,1¤ Y0 · ·.· ······· : ··············- F**°‘g**‘**°“,1"""°°;·,,,,·,¤..· }"’·°“ "" ""°‘B...d'§‘§ &?;°"¤Z§§.“‘ "°"‘°"°'“‘°‘}52 988 BD 00 q 1 ·‘•'* ·‘·· · 1 for . . . 147, 984 {01* ¤§PP0YQ GW-. ¤f detached Indians, for common schools, Five Clvlbzed -··· _ -···-----» _- - ·~ -------·... 102, 988 Tribes and Quspaws . 147, 984 for dmtnbutxon of prumpal funds of for expenses, sale of umqlotwd lands, Bands of Utes .. 152,988 em., Five civilized Tubes ... _ 148, 984 to Navayo Spnngs Band in Colomda, 152, 988 ggggated coal md asphalt lands m- Uintah, etq., Bgmdsin Umh ... 152, sas cluded. 148, 985 Southerq Umm Colorado. 152, 988 collection of rents Z ·.-··.-. 148, 985 for prcmotgng, self support, etc., {mm gc. specific authority requxyed for expend- cmed mwmst 152, 988 ing moneys from mba! funds; cx- for seeds and agicultuml implements to ceptiomp . .. 148,985 _ Coufedemted Bands of Utes, school maintenance, regmrs, etc 148, 985 Utah 152, 989 for fulfilling treaties with Choctaws, for wagon road, Ksibab Rensvadon, om ,..,.. . . 148, 985 Utah ,. 152