Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1342

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cxx INDEX. Markets and Rural Organization, Department Pm- Maryland, ‘ Page. of Agriculture, Office ofj-Continued. connection with sewer systems of, to preappropriation fo? demonstmtmns, etc., of vent Follution of streams in District marketing arm products ... 474 of C0 umbia. parks, etc ,,,,,,,,___, 717 for administrative ex uses 474 jurisdiction ceded ts, ver an f F yi; for enforcing Cotton §§tures Act. .. 474 McHenry grantedo to ]£zlti11;)0re gor Markets Bureau, Department of Agriculture, a park .,..,,_,,_,_,__ _ _____ 46 apfropriation for salaries . . ... 1162 resident of, to be member of Guilford or general expenses .. . . 1162 Courthouse National Park Comior distributing information OD market- mimion; a1lows,uee_ _ ,,,___,____ _ _ 998 ipg, etc., farm products 1162 Maryland Judicial Digtrice, for d1&usi11g by telegraph, etc., market punishment for violating traffic regulaprices of fruits, vegetables, etc .. 1162 tions for Washington Aqueduct for pubhshqng information as to market- roads by district court of .. 693 mg, pr1ces,etc.,of live stock,meats, M colgmisglioners to be appointed 693 etc ... 1162 aryvi e, erm., for production, distribu- apgrqpriation for ppb§ic b\1j.1di11g.· . . 266 hog, etc., 0 agricultural food prod- 1162 de c1epcy appropriation for public bmlduc -·-------- mg ..--.-----··-·-- 18 for grading, baling, etc. cotton; investi- Massachusetts, gationshetq ... 3 ... 1163 appropriation for reimbursing, —for marine testing sp value of grades, etc . , 1163 school expenses . ... 559 1170 for studies m tc credits, fs,rmers’ eoop· clmm for prem1;11x:_h {gid égr com,f etc., ex— emuon, e .. . 1163 uses 0 ar, re erred to for cooperation in demonstrations, etc., ggmt of Claims ... 355 _ of mzgrkeyiug farm products . . . . 1163 evidence admitted . 355 for investigating gmin handling, grading, Massachusetts Avenue N W, D. C., ctc ._ _ ... · . 1163 appropnation for grading, etc, Nebmka {0I' standards for Climax, Avenue to District line . 688 { etc._,Iyv.ut lgaskets .,.., 1153 Matanuska Valley, Alaska, 0F 8dm1¤1¤t¤s_ t1vecx§nses 1163 appropriation or equi ing, et ,, `cu]- for enforepng Cotgon tures Act ... 1163 tural station iu. ... . . . . 1160 for eufogcgug Standards Act ... 1163 Mawwm C"¢€k» N· J·» for Warehouse Act. .. 1163 appropriation for improvement of 393 authopty fo1·_ admmistering oaths, se- Matmporml River, Va., curing tesumony, etc ... . . . . 1163 appropriation for improvement of . . . - 394 Markets, {J., preliminary examination, etc., of, to be appmpnatmn for market masters; ex- M Hmade; ..,..,... 407 p¢¤S6S, etc - ... 679, 1007 Gui, awvi , for fish yvharf and market expeugeih _ 679, 1007 establishment of Hawaii National Park on for Egan, cu: , ...,, 684, 1013 “ mhnd of .. 2 432 for whar§ and mnken expense; _ 684, 1013 Maumee, [T. S. Fuel Shep, for re uns plant . .. 684 1013 appro rumcn for machine .-... 606 . , P YY for steel shelter, Farmers’ Produce Mauna Loa, Volcano, Market ·-··--.. . .. 634 mcludeq m Hawaii National Park 432 for auto truck, etc., for superintendent. . 534 Mauncc Rwer, N. J., MWHGW, HZ H-, appropriation for improvement of 393 appomstgiidgu 1}<§rd of Managers Volunteer Mayaguez, P. R., um, Te., °"’ °“‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ·‘·‘····· *13* ·· $}’...'$J3f§*?"5Y ‘§i$t; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘·· 966 Spprqpriation for public building _________ 266 aptpropriation for repairs ,________________ 505 d€6¢1€P<¤Y aPPI`0PEi3·ti0l1 for public build- 01* engines for .. . . 607 mg ··---- . ... , _____ 18 “Mwde," U. S. Army Transport, Hw'quei¢e,_ { Msalelauthodzed , ,,,,_,,____ _ _ _ ___________ 634 ap ro muon or public bui1dmg` , 2 » eat mpection, Mar5a{¥Fiebi and (gqmpany, 66 gpgropriation for additional expenses- 451, 1140 M;i;ig;z¢¤~2{ appropréanou for ., _ .,_, 330 Ma; gency appmpriaairon for ...,. . . 826 . ts, r t my ' Mapgggdguqgdfgr, md T.,,k.,`y__ 261 . zmgJtZ'd‘1§»3m$Z‘”” S"` ‘”"’ W'! , _ YQT tales mms, appropriation for ex rim nts, tc., ' ’*Pg'*?P¤¤¤°¤ f¤r¤q1¤;·i¤s, etc.; advances. . 313 tablishing 49 de cxeucy appropmuou for salaries, em. . 32, M°“’·’· _ _ _ _ Marsh Omg 43,313,82-; appropr;a.tion for pubhshing prices, etc? Jwi -» 0 -------... . ... 4 3, 1162 ““""‘é鑧°¤¤°§.E»31%i B,.a.“’§J‘“‘i?.?i't§0“°°°"“‘ ”§"‘“’“°“? €"‘”?“"‘ ;m"”’m.·z.·..g pam gcon ______ - ro na ou M·¤hv'¤>12¢ Creek 4f ., m M6 PP Izetc., . . .. ?R ..., t `;Bi5,1]_16 Mzgpmpnatxon for 1mprovement of , . , , 394 Mechanical for Public Buildings ‘”# . . ti h ° ming ’ Mapympggzou for experhnenis in mg 467, me SEEESQL? §§p£§e£%§%0£? .. ’ . Ti; ag, SZ} ggggdadéi f°" P9b¥i° building-, ·—-···~- 266 Mggirgf gtion gin, ¤sio1¥e;:g¤NaW’ 2u i;1cg·s?>?ropnat1ou for public build· establ§ued in $2- and ‘‘‘‘’· ‘ ············ · ·····-· 18 ments. .. . ,,,,,,_, 53