Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1348

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omvi INDEX. Mink, P¤8¢· Mission indians, Cal., _ Pogo appropriation for experiments in rearing 467, 1155 extension of allotment trust period author- Minneapolis, Minn., _ _ _ _ _ 1Z9d ----· - -····----~--·------·--- 976 deiienency appropriation for post office Mississippi, _ _ _ _ _ _ building . . s . , . - . ._ 803 appropriation for mvestigating condition of -bridge authorized across Mississippi River, Indians m ... 2 ... 138 . above ... . . , ... Z . 34 _ forrelref of sufferers from floods in .. 434 Ahnneapolis, Red Lake, and Manitoba Rail- Mississippi. Centennial E§:1pos·mon, road Company, _ _ _ __ special cancehng pos stamp for Gulfport ‘““’ ‘ii‘§ “‘”“"""‘ P‘“’°’1 B°“‘“""’ ee ee§.°..‘i°('§.‘.i§‘.°“.m°m"E§e ;.n.;t1;‘.;t1;.1.;s ei 85* Minnesota, Panama-California Exposition to, at appropriation for repair of “Topeka," for Qulfport, Miss _. 854 _ Naval Militia, _,,.. 559 continuance of Government exlublt bridge authorized across Red River of the bomcl, details, etc., during 854 North, between North Dakota and . . 924 exhibit may be rearranged, etc 855 drainage assessments on Indian lands in, nonliabihty of Government for debts, etc., allowed . . 978 _ _ _ of: .. . ... 855 payment from tribal, etc., funds ... 978 Mwsisszppz County, Ark., _ _ _ Minnwota pmigmge A_,_,e_,_,m_,m;8’ bridge authorized across Little River ipa: - 352 purchasers or unentered public lands sold Mem-npzgo Rwqr (Soo also Flood Gootrok lofor, may receive patent therefor on ¤1§51PP1 and $¤¢1‘¤·m€¤tQ R1}'€I`¤)» em G°V¢*¤m¢¤* **¤,·,,$;, -----·· Z§§ “PP’°*i§;1£L?“N§’& 332.*:.; “£;“g“*‘°“’ "‘°·· so homes quahacatwm req i ` l 723 for bridge across Cass Lake Reservation, sales to States excepted . _. . . . . excess of drainage < ]•ece1v&1 to be _M1nn., from Indian funds ...,. 978 _ used for maintenance of works, etc. . 723 Y0? 1¤1PFoV¢m¢¤* 9f PKBSQB EW mouill ···- 397 pmhmm of entered 1?_nqs mg, receive for Gltivernment dike opposite Louisiana, 401 £%‘.$‘;f.*‘.i‘.$“',?.‘,‘§."“,.i“..°,,“e?,v.,.’°".,"“.F2,*;; for im§’s;o;.;,.1.;;.z1.;i;1i4;,;.,; em ··‘· {ces, etc _ _’ _______________________ 723 to mouth of Ohio River . . ... 401 excess to entrymau . . . 723 Surveys to headwaters- .--.---··-. 401 rcrremne or rights on mnpeyment or rece, 723 “¢o1r;t;¤;$o§r<;ggru;ist§¤léo;;¤tg:;% ------ 402 etc ... ¤ Subtogatiou by Subsequent purchaser. . . 723 etc- - ; - -··--··-~·--·-··-··---·~··- 402 Minnesota National Forest, Minn., Bxggndltlgreg for levee on Arkansas 402 appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi. 459, 1147 3110 tgzgt for·ié{ré;3é ; Z), Mm"' C°"?"’n . Passes and Rock Island, lll 402 $PP’PPmu°“ f°’ r°°°m“g° °f· · ····‘·· _· 1 · 276 for im rovement of, from the Ohio to the Minority Employees, House of Representatives, _________________________ _ _ 402 H§PP¤>P¤¤t10¤ for ···-· - ··-·-~--··-·-·- 72, 1075 for irgprovemint cigjrom the Missouri to 403 mms, nneapo ns, um . restriction on enlisting in Army .. 186 for experiments in transporting} heavy [img, N_ _Dqk_, freéggts lieltween mouth of t o Ohio 403 mms of court _____________ _ __________ 386 an ann onus ... mm and Anwtiggmv between Dubuque, Iowa, and Minnea· 0

       83,   { pbs!   }' ’El; * 'é' : ‘ {P' ‘ 'l' i 4 3

orsalaries and expenses, mint at Carson °’ %¥;;§I?§; m °m au ° 403 Cm" Nev '`````'`'`°‘‘`‘ S8' 1**93 for improvement of, between Brainerd Denver, Colo 88, 1093 d G d Ra .d M. 403 New Orleans, La ... . . 89, 1033 { .°‘“ mn t l? °· `‘‘‘ Philadelphia, Pa .. 89, 1093 °' ’§’&’°"°‘“°“ ° · an °°° “""· 403 San Francisco, Cal 89, 1093 t ]j‘···H‘,‘ ‘ ···· { · ·, ···· ti · · for salaries and expenses, assay office, °m°‘m ° °t° °;m HG2); fg Pau lm' Boise, Idaho so, 1093 th1'°‘§$°¤* m ° we *° 948 Deadwood, S. Dak ... 89,1094 b .d em 9··H· ······· Helena, Mont , 89, 1094 n g° 3}* (mze °°r°S8= It mm Yi ,24 New York, N. Y, ...,,,,,, 90, 1094 B I Mmeé ···· · ···· : ·················· 621 Salt Lake City, Utah . 90, 1094 Be ‘?“mY· Mum ······· · ····-···· 947 seems, west ..,,. oo, moi B9¤;¤i JM M1? -·---——···-——-------—--· 1 deficiency ap opriation for New York Lur .°gt°°· °“ ·······‘·············· 37 my oiiige .,_. . _____,_. eoeeo =a¤¤¤¤s· iowa-; -----·-------·—-------- 34 for gelena, Mont .,,..,,__ 324 {kgggmgé lilsn ····-·······-·--·---· Ml ¥3§ p§?iT£.i2¤§§%§,1es;1.1.1; 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ; 1 :1 323 ¤¤=¤··¤>¤=·¤¤·> or w=e»¤. etc-, bade .»¢ for sen rmencc, on ... 1 .,.,____ 860 M·ii¤¤§I*¤¤» giiogglbv K¤¤;¤; City uoorennd foods, Drugs, ec., gm Emi},. medwvjfthm H g° 723 appropriation for expenses preventing sale, mum- paggkmiggction etc . °tc" °f '.‘. '’‘‘‘' ’ ‘`’’‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ ‘ 464* 1152 P uiuddg, near Deer River, Minn .. 410 H“b'“"d°€! {mummy . time extended for bridging, Baton Rouge, appropnahon for preventing sale, etc., L8 ________________________________ 243 _ _°t· - y ···--·--··-····-—··· · ·-·- 474. 1164 Mem his, Tenn ,._,,____,_,_________ __ _ 830 ”l*P¤Uw*{ RPM'. D4- . traffic obstructions on, at Saint Paul, Minn. , ¤PP¤>P¤¤¤¤¤ {01* lmpwvemeut of .. . . . 394 to be investigated, etc ._,,,,,_ _ __,,__ 409