Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/135

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114 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. one $900; foreman of janitors and laborers, $840; ten laborers; janitors——three at $660 each, one $600; two female laborers, at $360 each; in all, $311,720. _ _ _ $§,*§',§°}‘f,g_°°°‘ For a aratus, machinery, tools, and appliances used in connection or work of the bureau, a oratory supphes, materials, and suplplxiles used m the construction of apparatus, machinery, or other app ces, including the1r_ exchange; p1pmg, wiring, and construction incident to the mstallatron of &pparatus, machinery, or appliances; furniture for laboratories and 0 ces, cases for apparatus, . $50,000. _ _ R°*’°'”· °*°‘ For repairs and necessary alterations to buildings, $5,000. _ m“°°u“”°°“" For fuel for heat light, and power; office expenses, stationery, books and periodicals; traveling expenses (including expenses of attendance upon meetings of techmca and professional societies when required in connection with standardization, testing, or other officral work of the bureau); street car tickets not exceeding $100; expenses of the committee; expgnses of attendance of American ,,,,?§f,2,"f,‘}‘€,$’,§§‘;',,,,,°,‘{§,§ member at the meeting of the ternatronal Committee of Weights ¤·¤¤¤·¤~ and Measures; including a heavy motor freight truck to rep_ace electric truck at a cost not to exceed $3,000; srlrlpphes for operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger automob' e and motor trucks for official use; and contingencies o all kinds, $28,500. °°"’ °'g’°““°s‘ For grading, construction of roads and walks, piping ounds for water supply, lam§, _Wl1'lI1g for lighting purposes, any other ex- . . penses mcrdent to the improvement and care o grounds, $6,000. c¤§$§‘L°§Zr °1°°m° To investiigate the dangers to life and pro erty due to the transmission of e ectric currents at high potentialis, and the recautions to be taken and the best_meth0ds 0 construction, instagation, and operation to be followed m the distribution and return of such currents, in order to reduce to a minimum such dangers; also to investigate the best means of pr0tecting life and pro erty from lightning, . including personal services m the District of Columbia and in the Refrigentioninvesti- HBld’ $15’000° · · . . . , gums. To complete the mvestrgatrons mcrdent to the estabhshment of units and standards of refrigeration, and the determination of the physical constants of materials used in the refrigeration industries, such as ammonia, aqueous ammonia solutions, carbonic acid, brines, and so forth, and the determination of the thermal conductivities of materials, including personal services in the District of Columbia Smmumlmawhm and in the field,_$15,000. _ rmsrngscnns. “For continuation of the mvestigation of structural materials, such as stone, clays, cement, and so forth, including personal services in Tum mmm? mr the District of Columbia and in the field, $100,000, paysrengmesanel For maintenance and operation of testing machines, including per. sonal services in cormectron therewith in the District of Columbia and in the Held, for the determination by the Bureau of Standards of the physical constants and the properties of materials as authorrusmseing berm- ized bx law, $30*900* mgmmnss. For investigation of fire—resisting pro rties of building materials and conditions under which they may gmost eiiiciently used, and for the standardization of types of appliances for fire prevention, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $25,000. ¤ell§i°f€;Z°§,`?`°”°°fp°b` For investigation of the standards and methods of measurements of public utilities, such as gas, electric liglht, electric power, water, telephone, and electric railway service, an the solution of the prob— lems which arise in connection with standards in such service in-

 personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field,