Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1393

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INDEX. glxxi Postal Service—Continued. Peas- P tal S ' railroad transportation; full car service; tgilroaiirmzfgn-;:;?d1r?t1:til<?r(i·• continuance of Pm. ‘ l ¤Pmme¤le¤ semce: storage ¢¤·1‘ Bef- present rates; selected use oi space . vl°°··: ··········· ·- -, -·-·-·-·----·· 425 li te ; ad'ust.m ‘ m¤Ubl$>;1€¤é¤sPii¤l:<§1‘:;i€?¤1_i;1Phe¤, and em- 426 igne mmlolmlmigsioin Ti 429 ’ _ -··--- ; ·~·. . . carri dm mnspo mm']; - closed pouch servic by railroad em- §r; zgiilugaemperisation . . 429 ployees; umts of measurements . 426 rates for, etc., to be determined by In- Yitee of full caf service; mmal and terstate Commerce Commission . 429 termm rates--.: . . .2.  : .. 426 basis of determining; procedure ... 429 apartment carserv1ce;1n1t1al and ter- statement of transportation requiremmol mes-~_ ---· 1--_·1 -----~-----· _ - 426 ments, etc., to be Bled by Postmasst°mFg?r service; [mug] gnd term]. 426 tgyGgngmI_______ ____ _______ ____ __ 429 na ra es ...,,,_________ _ _ _ 1 · deductions for cars below standard; (gtggsniigmiftwdor mpmmou Of. · · · fg no allowance for extra lgxtbs .,,..,, 425 answer of mrriem ’‘'°``` 430 closngeii potgh service; ini andtermi·· takin' goftestim' 430 re ·--------·-·--·----------·· 426 lessiii ti com hud stmt rg•;¤d;;1o;weiYt¢;;1educ1ed psy. 426 C Goirliuirgngri ...,. cm and mm by 430 expenses m u ui 1m termi~ ‘ · "· ````````` * '````` _na1rates . T 426 “""`Ei§€S?}Z?Y?1’. 1.’?‘?¥‘f‘?T‘?.`I‘? so variations m allowances authorized . 426 rates to be established by Commission; mileage compuuuoul, full and [mr p3ym_8ut0f______·____.-_·_-___·__ nomentgxnrs ..--·... A ----- ig; reexarriuigations allowed after six ‘ mg°. ***1 ··‘’••···•··· ····:1 ···· m ·--... . changes m service allowed; addmonal fullailnlithorityvesnedin Interstate com- 430 PW resmcwd ···-····- g ·-····- ; ··-- 427 merce Commission ,,,_,_____ ._ , _ 430 ¤P6<¤-sl ¢0¤¢1’¤¢¢§ fe? ¤e1'V¤¢¤ 8*1 hlghef reduced allowancetoland grantroads 430 mp0:t;°;)“(‘;;*th°“z‘i)‘} ···········---······ :22; Pfesint gay equi-jinued, until rates fixed '‘'*‘ 1 •·•** · ·*··• ;• • Y OIHDHEOD . . .,.,. 431 Peettgfsnemciw; co¤s¤*¤¢¤o¤ Md ¤¤¤¤· 427 apprlzptigatigs available for established 431 ···· 1 ··‘·· · 1 · · : 1 ······· • · · • , 0 ---·--·-..-... . ... °°‘m$l sed B9·mt$’Y mndluw ·-·-·-· • 427 PGDSIW for refusal by mrriers to perform T€BtHCt10D on wooden 427 service ___________ _ ________________ 431 to be ¤f steel after July 1, 1917- -·-·-- 427 second class mail; prohibition on sending allowance in emergency cases. ... 427 by freight mus repealed __________ 424 respoombnlity of camer for service over no unfair drs¤1mimn.,m_ _ ____________ 424 other mads- ···--· · · ~·--·----·--·-- 427 Submission of complaints; . , 424 f l?Qg·€';\%;<>¤d¤·;- --·- - · 377 appgeal froam alglverse deccisipn to court 24 . -·-·- qape s, istrictof umbia 4 steven space, roo¤¤s._et¢ ---- z ·-----·- _· 427 Jurnsdgtion or com exclusive . . . 425 Pe¤¤·1*Y fe? 1!0P¤0mPh¤¤ee with ¤Pe¢1• precedence and expedition of cases. . . 425 ned °°“d“£‘°”“ ·················--~- 428 stamps to be canceled at mailiu office.. . . 162 gmegerlegumonw of1’o¤¤¤¤¤¤¢er General 428 precsnceied, may be furnished . 162 vssgllgvmgér Qj<¥¤}<?¤¤¤¤*i·¤¤¤ wie rs- 428 M "i.`l§`Zrs€°£§Z$4T“i;rg“IZ“rT,’;°£¤ ii} i‘3`{k$Y en o . · deductions for service ... 428 requ?m$I;?é' °°‘°‘'‘‘` eil me mer service ¤¤¤1¤d.¤d ¤¤- -. --~- 428 subsumuon of other limi.; Aéésrl exceptlpns as to mails by freight tra1ns.. bunt etc 161 rates or . ’ `‘‘‘‘`'`‘‘ P ‘`'`‘‘``°° Q sworn statements to be made by carriers. 428 teu §({g§?:?°r°:e;°;_l0\;r;¤bgm" 161 carnage of other than first class mail at 428 limitations etc ____ _ _ _ 161 express rates .. bmggd ` ° '°'``' m' `ct], inguormation from gnome commerce 428 °°2€c° ‘° ‘*°““““‘“g °°“ '* 162 mm1ss1' u to etermine .. · `‘‘‘```‘```'````'` ° ``````’`` Q an nodi . .. ``'```` (ptmu ``°` 'Bt ``````````'` Z dmrpm Qtigmomt class mm 428 he www for rmes w M 162 <*eée*m€¤i¤¢§¤¤ by I¤*e*¤me Commerce 428 piigigiiog. . F ... ii. . 162 ommissnon .. I . . . . . dis_ ne. rrequenmi mn emma me roms sovphes. <i1e¤b¤¤es md ¤¤¤¤·¤=¤¤s class msi] ,;1§pmra¤.. authorized 428 tw-: euthemdy ee --···~-··—— 106** Im return of postal cards, supplies, etc., in Postal Supplm Eqllipmellt Bild S\¤P· unused s£§eormsi1 earskaurherizx 429 £};·;1st)D¤os¤o¤, Post Oiice Denmempig s Qtgniggaeiiic; - delivery districts for, to be designated . 1069, 1110 tween October and April; pay for Poatma·rh·g1g,_ etc., Stamps, Postal Semee, additional space . ... . . 429 appropt1at10l1fol' ----···-··-- · ·—-·----· 42]-: 1067 weigh` ing 'ods, etc., hereafter at dis- P ;mwsterGeneral, meuogeloli Postmaster General; ex- 429 appropriation fog clerkgnetc . .-·-»---- penses of computing -··-·-· or cha1rman_ , oard o mspec on ---·--- contimjauce of present rates p€¤di¤g0<l€· fm`: C-lerkv GL · · • ‘‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '' 1108 cision of Interstate Commerce m· for apgipmtnient clerk, chairman, board mimj0u_;_ ________ _ ________________ 429 o mspectors, ctc ..-·-·-·-· · --·· · · - 1108