Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1446

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ccxxiv INDEX. War Department-Continued. Pm- War Dqpartment—C0ntipued. Ymap mprignion for military goats ... 285 defimening qppmprmtuon for rent _ ... 809 gf Schoiieg Basracks, awaii ... . 285 for bg gmgs and grounds, W¤Sh1¤,,°'¢011, 810 or barmc an quarters, seacoast e- . -.--·---·--------·----------·-- { ,,,,,,__,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,.,.. 285 for armories and arsenals . . . . 810 fm- Fgmgmw ____ _ _________________, 235 for national cemeteries .. 810 for seacoast defenses, Philippine Islands for €‘!¤§;=1¤;r)¤¤¤;(g·¤ and Chatwnwga N¤— 810 and Hawaii ... 286 0 if --------· · ······---·---- taxes etc. imposed by Philippine for river and harbor work damages to Leéislatuie ratified ... . . 286 veqsels., .. 8 10 for national cemeteries 286 for foruiicaucns ... . 811 for disposition of remains of officers, en- for fortiiicationsh Panama Canal 811 listed men, civilians, eu; ..., . . 287 for State or Terntorm.1 homes ... 812 for Ormgn K. Osbon ...,,,, , ,,,._,,___, 287 for Vicksburg memorial celebration .,.. 812 for national parks. . . .. 288 ior 1 dud Washington volunteers. . for buildings and grounds, Washington, or vo unteers . D. C. ,,...,..,,,,_.,,__,_,_ , _ 239 for Rogue River Indian war 825 for Executive Mansion 290 Army and_Navy Medal of Honor Roll esfor traveling expenses of the President. 290 mblmhed m? F°¤d1tI°¤¤» ew ----·--· 53 for Government telegraph .. 291 Army stores supplies, etc., may be purfor Washington Monument ,. 291 fgcgiéby gtates, etc., for use 204 f pa.u·s` , tc., Lin ln’ d th 1 . . 291 0 atio uar . fg; $akeiie§i, Va. . fi). . 3 . . . . 291 may be requisitioned for military service for Commjgiou of Fine Ang _,,,________ 29] in time of wm-; grgdilt to be giYgn_ _ 204 for Grant Memorial .,,,,,,,,,,,_,,_,___ 29], graves of (‘,•;nfedgm,hg sgldleriiggd 53,11013; 52 for Lincoln Memorial ... 291 time or marking exten . for A ueduct Bridge . .. 291 vemels of suitable for commercial uqes, for Aglingtnn Memorial Amphitheater. . 292 mag; be transferred to Shlpplllg for rivers and harbors, contract work. . . 292 _ Board .. 730 for euguleering mgpg _____ _ ___,________ 292 War in Eurqpg, l I . ' for survey of northern and northwestern extension of time for filing apphqations for lgkgg ,_,,,______,,,,,,,,.,,,_,_,___ 292 pgtiegis, dgxgygd by; conditions _,__ 5],6 for C liformh Déb Comnuh ° ... 292 iutematio co erence proposed not for Nzw York Harglor .. (3 I} .., 292 later than clone of, for setfor g>pographic maps from Geological 93 zltimeut of dmputes, ent, 618

2 ···-··~--—-----··~···-·-—-~----

for limbs, _,,_,_______________ _ 293 request for day to rgggivq funds for rgligf of ger appliances for disabled soldiers ...,,. 293 W Mat§_g:gjr5>0r;m”;¤ ----------» 999 OY *·¤¤¤¤€¤ ------·······---··—-·-·--···. 293 a" _ _ _ for Providence Hgpjtgl, D_ C _________ 293 emergency authority vested m the Premfor Garfield Hospital, D. C . 293 dent wjrccure, etc . . .. 1193 for Nt;t1o§aild1Homefor Disabled Volun- Wy 0£g:£<g¤·; f*>;·>¤dI;mes f Am Omcm r 0 `ers. ...-- 293 PP 0_ 0 9X 0 y for aid vo State and Territorial homes. . 297 _ vbverving .. . ..--. 620 for back gay, bounty, and commutation War Rub Imuranve Bureau, Treasury Depart· _ of rations, volunteers of Civil W ar. . 297 ment, _ {or arrears of pay, War with Spain, eta, _ 297 time for suspension of provisions extended xor surfey l;lybGe0l0gica1 Survey, of areas furuone yearh .. se ecte , ,,_,,,,______ _ _ 301 er exten ... . ... for printing anbd binding for ..,_,___ 330 moneys from premiums and salvages avail- Army medical bulletins .,.,..._,__,__ 339 able to pay losses, etc .. . 514,1131 rigr and harbor reports to be printed ¤PP?0Pi'i3ti°“ f°*' Paying 10**868 -··-··- · · · · 1131 _ om .. 330 War with S in, for raver and harbor improvements .. 391 approprigion for meats of pay .. 297 ¥3£§?§§*{‘;,‘$i2‘;;;;g,;;; ················ 3**233 www M ’{"MS¤m» d 1163 · ~··-· · ·-·--·· · ····· ’ f a ministering i0rAnuym-nun"-·N""n"""" 619 apfro nation orexpenseso H 486 for sguiua. Bureau deem ¤s National ;QQ{,gHg.,f°”t°§g,]gg‘¥·°v}g;gg5ggg>F _ _Q Q _ __ 486

d Omcers ·-··-·-·--- · ··---- - · - 646 "9.gricult1u·3,] product" _,,_ _ ,,.,,., 486

fo!' Mllllli-I- Bureau Clerical and office gx- oc pemcnyr uWa:€hOl1Scm2_u;»¤ ureceiptq 486 _ Pemes ··--·- _· -; ··-····-··· · ·-·--·- 646 storage) etc., of §l’lCl1ltl11'81 products to be deficiency upproprmmon for Army ,. , 22, mvestigm . . ,,,,_ 2 . . 486 _ 29, 33, 339, 810, 824, 828, 859 warehouses a plying for licenses to be m- for Judgments, United States courts, gpeczedi eu- , .,,..,... 482 _ 1111 €1' ----·.-·· · . .. 29 imu f l` ... 48 for yudgments, Court of Claims, under. . 27, 827 detetirgiintftfixf suitability for storage. . 486 for édjutant Genera.1’s Office, salaries. _ 29 clasification of, etg: .,,,,______.___ , ,,,. 486 fox; W olunteer Sold1ers’ Home . 29, 812, 825 duties of warehouseman receiving license 486 ger recruiting. . .1 223 licenses fcgi conducting warehouse to be 486 Q]_'O ’Q _, Oun _____`___ igsu ___,_________________________ for Signal Office 339 conditions of; term of . . ... 486 §or G4§:;;1’s Office 8333 bond to be filed; céonditions ... gg 01* 0 · . . ... su1et‘ ; t . for additional employees, in designated addit§>Snal€1:1I;;?0be required .. 487 bureaus, etc., 1917 .. 809 suits on bond for amages 487