Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1448

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ccxxv1 INDEX. Washington and Old Dominion Railway, Pm- Washington Jfonument, D. C., Pm. excluded from jurisdiction of Public Utili- appropriation for care, etc.I of grounds 289 ties Commission, D. C., except for care and maintenance .. . - . . 291 within the District 536 for fuel. repairs, etc . . . 291 Operation of, out of District of Columbia., for Suncggry, etc., . 291 not subject to Public Utilities Com- Washington atwkmal crest, ash., mission ,,,,,,. , ,... 13 Wap]1>ropria.t}$n for méatvintexggajznceitjatc., of. 460, 1148 ington see also ater Service, all l Um- ¢wP<YF¢ Bw-? 0l'€ lm, Wash D. g, act ( W mayngridge Potomac River, Riverside, Md. 899 tmiiic speed regulations to be enforced W¤8{l'm9¢0'Fl· P•1¤§h, La-, _ over public roads of .. _ .. 693 budge authorized across Pegrl River by penalty; enforcement in Dismcc of _ Pev·r1R1ve{ Ccuntsg Mme-, and ..--. 948 Columbia __________________ _ _______ 593 Washmgtan. State Hwtorwal qcwty, in district com for Maryland u 1¤¤<l¤ nan Gqlwc Rewrvauon sranwd w; 154 M u and Jail, D. C., °°°¤ °· •‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Wg; r1b§1?ati1>81¥1/lfolrnsalades and expenses. 706, 1034 Paymegt fg? £}`°c°€dB t° credit of msg" 155 {gr- payments to {amines orpmmem. 706,1034 . mlia ll); ll hibigf ·—~·-···-·------- 155 for support of prisoners . . ... 706, 1034 W nw; bpmgan Ag, . ···· ‘··· 2 · 1 ···· d §;¤.¤=¤¤P¤M<>¤ 3 P;l··>¤m-. -·--- { 707,1%** ‘.§‘2»§$%‘§§'2r iéiéir rmm“’S{St.'%ct%}”6'Z,3”“l13$‘D2r · " °‘““°3'¤Z§’?TT‘{‘TY’f‘. ff?. f’T.?‘T'Tl1TT?‘€’T.Y’?“. wv (g¤=:~l¤¤_l<; vgggyégy ¤f» agghoglzedg- 1043 for agindonedfamiliesof prisoners .. 807 COD Limu? of a V6 aut On Y Om 1044

  • ·>*¤·*P¤·°**°*¤·*¤¤¤*=*¤ ·--· · ··--·-----· 8**7 m£’&2§“& ¤i’§£i'-°‘iTt2€—‘rasaaeHm2

wmhingcm Balfour Mi’$·¤ colletcmr of taxeb , .. . 1044 appropriation for improvement of - - . . 397 amount _ _ _____ 1044 WMMMM Gvurl HM-wr Okie, _ ‘ t to mvesugm ’ te uigmbumm, em. . 1044 ¤x>p¤>pri¤¤¤¤ for 1>¤l>ll¤ l>¤¤l<lmz ---------- 269 wmrmgggn, Terminal Railroad cqmpmy, Washington, D. C'. (see also District of Co1um~ to place siding to Capitol Power Plant in bis): _ safe condition; . 328 appropriation forgmt office, care, etc: . 105 Washmgum- Vzrgmm Ra way ampany, for Naval Gun acwry, new machmcry, 563 excluded froén jurisdiction Bf Péiblic Utilietc ... des ommimiou, . ., except for public works, navy yard; additional within the District .,. , . 536 gun shops, etc .. 565, 1177 Western Judicial District, for additional lands for navgmyard . 565 j 'ction of district court over offenses construction of railroad si g, etc., to committed in Mount Rainier Na.- navy yard ... . . 565 tional Park 244 railroad bridge authorized across Ana— Washoe Indwkzm, Nev., costia. River for track connection appropriation for purchasing land and with nav? yard . ... 566 water rights for - .. 143 removal o old tracks, etc ... 566 Waahougal Sloug , Wash., condemnation proceedings for lands, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be etc ... 566 made . 410 closing of streets, ctc 567 Water Department, D. C. (see also Water lease of water frontafe to Lewis E. Service, D. C.), Smoot; surrender 0 former 567 appropriation for salaries .. 713, 1043 purchase of lots from District of or general expenses ., .. . I ... 714, 1043 Columbia; price ... 1177 for extending mains, installing meters, for navy yard, ordnance storage 569 etc 714, 1043 for expenses, Second Pan American temporary drnftsmen, etc. 715, 1045 Financial Conference at .. . . 1052 temporary laborers, etc ... 715, 1045 deficiency appropriation for Pan American Water Holes, etc., Publi}: Lands, Scientific Congress at ...,.. 3 development, etc., of, on arid desert lands. 518 for central heating, lighting. and wer erection of signboards, utilization, etc. . . 518 plant for specified public buildlngs. 19 expenditures authorized ... I 518 Wqhi torn, Eagggpn p,di,_~5ag Disp,-my prmishment for injuring, etc:; regulations. 518 jun& 'ction extended over lands in Mount l’€¤€l'V¤tlQ¤ (lf, €tc·» {OY Pllbhc *1**% m -·--· 865 Rainier Park ,. . 244 Waw H1/l¤§'l·7}¢hy _ Wuhmgtmy Gm, appmpFrEn;r;i1; for removing from waters of 396 deficiegizg-s1.p11ropri·auon· for public bu11d 19 for mlpoyipg m Wamrs of Alabama, Wa_8M3gg,E)Ga8 gym éd t Water S 1)fg·,’LOuIE13·H&, and Texa.s... 398 " 75 c2.€§;ad§?¤°“0““¤r1“r2“.¤0¤pa,»mc¤?. 716 appmlggggghloltu‘gn*~ t;;g¤;<};,·;;; Wl¥8h”l·9tlX'l» _I'ld·, _ _ _ etc., maintenance, from water 1‘€V9· apgroprumon for public bmlding .. 269 mms ___________________________ 713, 1042 de <=l¤sl¢v ¤1>p¤>p¤=>·l¤¤¤ f<>r public build- my conduit nom, Rpm, em ... 713,1042 _ mg --—··-·····-··-·-···---—··-·—··- 19 for liningturmgls, Washington Aqueduct 1042 Waahmgten, Iowa, for emergency fund . .. 1042 appropriation for public building .. .. 269 for water meters. Treasury, and State, deficiency appropustion for public build- War, and Navy Department Building ·~-—--·l · ·~-·--~---·. - .. 19 ing . . . 1042