Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/599

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578 srxrrrounrn ooiicnnss. sms. 1. cs. 417. mc. admire' li be that allowed b law for the first nine rear

 a1i’dsi.lile pay and lglvdwances of biiicers in the lower half of

the gradis or rank of rear admiral, including the staif_corps, shall be $711 me mp., that now allowed by law for the second nine rear Provtded, That officers shall take rank in each staff corps according to the dates of commission the sevg grades, excepting m cases where they li ed ost um 4 _ _ _ _ ,,,Y§“ '"""“‘° °m' a§iar?.i’nter diiieef bosiltswains, chief gunners, chief machimsts, chief PW- ¤*¤·» ·f*•¤ ¤*== carpenters, chief sail makers, chief pharmacists and chief pay clerks, y°°°` on the active list with creditable records, shall), after six years from date of commission receive the pay and allowances that are now or . may hereafter be allowed a lieutenant (junior grade), United States ihdi-'°°¢%»iv• yam. Navy: Provided, That chief boatswains, chief gunners; _Cll18f machinists, chief carpenters, chief sail makers, chief {pharmacists, and chief pay clerks, on thedactive; list with creditalyejretheiiinis, shag, after twcl from te o commission receive pay* an 8 pwancegctheituasre now 0: may hereafter be, allowed a lieutenant, United St tes N . f num md *'¢’“ ¤w·l\1'l'l:l`;{)mC8l'S shall receive the same allowances of heat and light ` as are new or mayhereafter be allowed an ensign, United States N . ` IMM ¤f ¤¤¤¤¤¤•- slvrarrant officers shall be allowed such leave of absence, with full gay, as is now or may hereafter be allowed other officers of the United

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,{,‘g,,‘§"}‘,; Hereaflgrnll promotions to the grades of commander, captain, and

¤•;;!'j’·¤1*:•A_L¤¤i· rear admiral of the} line of Navy, including tlge proxlnotion of those tains, comman ers, an eutenant comman ers w o are, or me liao? carried on the Navy listas additional to the numbers of such grades, shall be by selection only from the next lower respective gradei ‘ unerecomm tion a onaicersasrem pe_d?1 enda' of boardf valoilzl he` rovi . · mg1°g,;’g_’°' '°°°“" P The beard- shall consist of nine rear admirals on the active list of ¤¤¤P¤¤m¤¤· tim ling of th? Nav);-_niJ1t1i'B¥)t°ricted bybliavg to dfhe performanpe of ut onyansa appoin y eSecretaryothe hd; anagyizoilvlgerigd iiiéring phteiinonth af Decemberlpli each year and soon ter e rs ay 0 mont as practice . °°“"°¤‘“"°~ member of said board shall swear, or ailirm that he will, without preéudice or partiality, and having in view solely the special fitness o officers and the efliciency of the naval service, perform the duties imposed ulpon him as herein lprovided.

§§_§_';‘ '{f°“,f_‘°°;,“,f_ Thl;bo(?·d sha furnitsllpad bydt e Sfecretaryéilflthei Navy with tins

Mw- num r vacancies m e gra es 0 rear a ir , t , . commander to filled diu·ing_ the following calendai yeh? iii}-ctludin the vacancies existiniat the time of the convening of the board thogle giant will y Xczperatuar of law frogi dalte of convepizig un een o one vear,an w·1 t officers who are eligible for consideration for selecgoliimiiscsliinrein gghticu to authorized, together with the record of each officer: Provided, That imo snowed from an officer eh ble for consideration for selection shall have the °“€*"“" right to forwaigll through official channels at any time not later than tenializyés tfttaeruthe ponvening if sai? boarg a wilitten communication mvi a non oanymatero c t N D t concerning which he deems riin?-ortlzilnt iii they-c0n;1id;ri1uu§d1d ¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· of his case: Provided, That such communication shall not contain _ _ any reflection ugon the character, conduct, or motives of or criticism qgggy *¤ ¢¤d° ¤* gi gy ogicerz M%ded_feiIrt}zer1;J1;hll`hi1t no 1;:;ptf, ins, commanders, or eu_nsn comman_erswos_ ave ossth f ’ service in the {grade in which he is serving on' Novembeax1}th(eili;I of the year 0 the convening of the board shall be eligible for con- MRSg$ggg=_$g<;;;,Lggr$sidemtion by the board: Provided further That the recommendaing duty muy. tion of the board in the case of officers of the former Engineer Corps