Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/714

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess.`I; C11. 433. 1916. 693: WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT. duvgtumugwa Aqua- The Chief of Engineers of the War De artment is authorized and T'°‘”°'“‘“““°”°‘“ empowered to enforce the following regulgtions of traHic for the ro- pmmum Mmdlm tection of the Waslnngpn Aqueduct and Filtration Plant and their accessories, mcluding nduit Road: No vehicle shall, on the Conduit Road, exceed a speed of twenty miles per hour within the Distnct of Columbia, an in the State of Maryland the speed laws of that State. No reckless or careless driving shall be permitted, and drivers of all vehicles shall conform to the enerally acce ted rules for the use of public roads as to passing to tEe right signaling desire to pass, and so forth, and all vehicles us` this road shall and disglgly the lights gpecified by munici;§ regulations for vehicles wit the District o Columbia and all such lig ts shall be so dimmed or masked as to obviate ang effect upon travelers on the road, and any violation of the above regulations shall constitute an msu vacuum. oifense ulpon conviction for which the party or parties offending shall be punis ed by a fine of not less than $1 or more than $40: Provided, §,’,.°{‘"·,,gc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ That for violation of said regglilations committed within the Dbtrict of Columbia prosecutions sha be maintainable in`;t'lie‘United States branch of the polima court of the DistriGt’o’f Columbia for such violations committed in the State of Magland; prosecutions shall be maintainable before the nearest United ates commissioner for the District of Mxland; and said police court, and said commissioner are severall ves with jDugsdiction for this purge; ' The States trict Court for the trict of Maryland is ,,,,‘§2,,‘llf*§’;‘gP',,,,{,;“§"I’§ directed to appoint such additional United States commissioner or ¤'*°*°°¤**··¤*¤¤¤‘*•··*· commissioners, for service at convenient points adlacent to the Conduit Road, as may be rcguisite to carry out the a ove provisions of Fm ~ this Act; schedule of fees or such services to be fixed by said court. mm m Oflioers authorized to make arrests under the provisions of this ` Act are also authorized, in the exercise of a sound discretion, to parole the person or persons so arrested for attendance at trial. ROCK CREEK PARK. R°°*°'°°* *’*'*- For care and improvement of Rock Creek Park and the Piney °°‘°·°'°· Branch Parkway, exclusive of building for superintendents residence, to be expended under the direction of the board of control of said park in the manner now provided by law for other expenditures of the District of Columbia, $22,000. PUBLIC SCHOOIS. *’¤"“°¤¤¤°°*¤~ Ormcnns: Superintendent, $6,000; two_ assistant superintend- ents, one at $3,500, one at $3,000; director of intermediate instruction thirteen supervising principals, supervisor of manual_ traming, and director of prima.ry instruction, sixteen in all, at a mmimum salary of $2,200 each; secretary, $2,000; clerks-—one §1,600, one $1,100, three at $1,000 each, one to carry out the provisions of the child- _ labor law, $900; two stenographers, at $840 each; messenger, $720; in uu? $59*000' Attendance officers. Arrnrdpaucnauormonnsz Attendance officers—0ne $900, two at $600 ea ; in , $2,100. _ Tnacnmzsz Fop one thoupalrid eight hundred and forty-six teachers '*`°°°*’°”· at minimum saaries as o ows: _ . Princi al of the Central School, $3 000: Preceded, That the salary of the principal of the ntral High School now in the service smryorprlncnrsl of the public schools or hereafter to be appointed shall 'be at the rate of $3,000 per annum; , ,