Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/273

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 443. 1916. 1463 The name of John S. Kephart, late of Company C Third Regiment P°”S*°'“ *¤°’°°S°d· Indiaria gpfliingers, Warhvgph M%7xipo, and (second, lieugenant gglm- mm S`K°phm` pany thegiment ana o unteer ava an ay a pem1on’ at the rate of $50 per month in lieu ofhtliht he is now receivmg. The name of Edward Foster, late of Company C, Ninth Regiment E*“"°’d F°“*°”- indiana Volu11iteer1iInfa1;tr}y, alndpay him a pension at the rate of 30 per mont m eu 0 t at e IS now receivin . _ The name of Leo J. Emerg helpless and dependent child of Charles I§g?mEm°W- F. Emery, late of Company , Thirty-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $121per month. Hmm ;,,,,m.,,d_ The name o ohn Ferguson, late of Company , Eleventh Regi- mm F°'¤¤S°¤- ment Connecticut Volimteer Infantry, and ompany C, Sixth Regiment Vetera1;1Res]-erve Fogpsnhand pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per mont in 'eu o t at eisnow receivxn` g. · _ The name of Mary E. Gilbert, widow of Philip H. Gilbert, late of §?'§'m§· Gubm Company G, First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month. Pensions memsed. R ‘§£.‘;.£2“¤‘i.—.‘£‘i.°»‘?§flE.;§P£§§’nt? .‘;f.d".‘i‘“*’Eii D’ S“`*“"“’?£t" e a a a ension a e rate of $24 per month in lieu of that lie is nogv receiviiig. The name of Adolphus B. Caipron, late first lieutenant Compan Ad°*Ph°° B·°°1'°"- g, and firs? l1e?e1Lan`t; iind a j$ant One hcpndredhgnnd eleventh egiment i ew or ounteer antry, an pay a pension at the rate of $5(g[per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. . _ I The name cg adelin¢§A.Sl;owe1l1,Rwidow of ](g;orge HV Rowell, ““°"'*°*·B°"°“- ate captam ompany con egiment souri o unteer Cgivlalryéhand pay her a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu o t at eisnow recei . The name of Eliza t, widow of James F. Flint, late of E'·*’“·“"‘** Company A, 'l`hirty-ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer In— gilntrgri and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of at e is now receiving. The name of Georggvh Wait Wiltbank, alias George L. Wait b,,?,ff"§,°,,{g vg§;f,:°f_‘ late of Company K, enty—5fth Regiment United States Colored Weir Voluriszeerhlnfagitry, alilid pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per mont in `eu o that e is now receiving` . 'ghe name ofRDaniel A.NRay,Ylat]e; 2/_ flompanif, One huéidred D“'°1"·R°Y· an twentieth egiment ew or o unteer antry an pay himapension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that,he is now receivmg. The naing of George61lilla$,llate of gnifmpany A, fue huhngred and °°°'¢° mmthirteenth egiment `o o unteer antry, an pay a pension at the rate of $50 pier month in lieu of that he is now receiving; R The namie plf James 1 . Bresefgi late of Coimgany E, HI;grty§eight James E. Bmw e ent n iana o unteer antry, an wenty- t attery Indiana Volunteer Light Artilleig, and_pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of t at he is now receiving. The name of John McGuire, late of Company E, ne hundred J°¤¤¥¤G¤*¤°· and eighty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvama Volunteer Infant , and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he w vmv. is The Iiiigiiie oil Ludwig N. Ariilemongklltaitp of Colmpanyusg, First mI£¤<****= N- MM- R t Minne ota o unteer ea ery, an pay a ensidgugallhe rate df $36 Q? month invliieu of that he is now receiang. The name of George . Bolster, late of Company B, Tenth Regi- G¤¤¤s¤W-B¤1=¤¤¤‘- ment gisissachusetts V ee1’ II1§tI1i7!jY,h?;cf Fu‘st_Batte1;y{ Vermont o unteer Llgl ht » ery an pay a pension at e rate of $50 per month in lieu of that’he is now receiving, Pmjm f'£ie naémiit of Estehler Bgikrgws, hclliljesip and dephenzélent daugéigser E¤*¤¤¤B=*¤°*'¤· o aac . arrows ate o m any ourteen ent 11- necticut Volunteer Infantry, andpFortyJfu·st Company, Sgcond Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per mon