Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/388

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SIXTY—FOURTH cononnss. sm. II. cn. 177. 1917. 1579 The name of Thomas S. Martin, late chief yeoman, United States §g{',§;‘£°Sl“]j$€· Navy, Regulsilr Esgablighgient, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per mont in `eu 0 t at he is now receiving. 'l`he name of Al. A. Reineck, late of Company K, Sixth Regiment M-A- R°*¤°°k· Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with Spain, and pay hi1n_a pension at the rate of $17 ppr month m lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of arry E. Bayan, late of Company G, Fourth Regiment H"“" E· B”"“’· Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ar with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of $17 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. reesaqn. The name of Christian S. Lowe, late of Company L, Second Regi- Ch"s“°“ S‘ L°‘”‘* ment Oregon Voluntper Infantry, ¥1Var with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate o $12 er mont . rmsiouiumasee. The name of Marcel H. I’oirier, late of 'l‘roo%l(g, Thirteenth Regi- M”‘”°°'H‘ P°"‘°" ment United States Cavalry, Regular Establis ent, and pay him a pension at the rate of $17 per month in lieu of that he is now receiv- _ Pensions. mgfhe name of John T. Lowrey, late of Company D, Twenty-ninth mm T'L°`"""‘ Regiment United Statgs Volungzeer Infantry, gl/'ar with Spam, and pa him a pension at the rate 0 $12 per mont . _ _ _ The name of Edgar M. Curtis, late of Company A, Sixth Regiment Edg“' M" C“"‘s‘ Ohio Volunteer Infantryg War with Spain, and pay him a pension at th?l`Ili:“i1§ei7of)(il'5eie¥l(illtChchrw, late of Troop F, Second Regiment i?#°iii'E?ii$`°°' United States Cavalry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 Her month in lieu of that he is now receivulgg. _ Wmml A U Thedname of yl liam J.é&b1-taligs, llspae of 'figorép C, Secogd e%;nent ‘ b'“”‘ nit States 0 teer v , ar wit pain, an pay `m a pensilon at the rate‘f>If$24]_peit month in lieu of that he is nowreceiving. Pe¤Si¤¤. E _ f'I{Ihe naéméa of Flgarence é§r, widogs of ll•`]§;sl;lI¢;1rick Ediipger, lite H°”°°° ’ Ed""°" o United States arine rps ta ent an pa er a pension at the rate of $12 month, and $2 per moiith additional on accunt of the minor chil of the said Frederick Edmger until she reaIc}l11es the agp pif sixteeéi year?. f C0 L F h R _ e name 0 yman yers, ate 0 m any ourt egiment ` Illinois Volunteer Infantry, War with Spafii, and pay a pension at the rate of $12 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. LMB Enum The name of Laiilra E. Egiott, wid<Bv cg, BenjaminBF. Iggiottggte og ' Captain M. N . W` iams’s om any , ecruitin att `on, con Regiment Oiegon Mounted Volunteers, Indian Vgars, and pay her a I, n I pension at the gate; of $2$p<ir montlii in liepggthpt sig? is `poiv recp1vingi_ M'I.,$,,°$3gu,,,_ The name 0 lt arie i ini, wi ow 0 ar es . ig ini ate 0 Company M, Nineteenthllfegiment UnitedhStates Infantry, Regular Esta `shment, and pay ier a pension at the rate 0 $12 per mont , and S2 per month additional on account of each of the two minor children of the said Charles W. Vighm until they reach the age of ixt n years. _ _ S Thee name of Jesse Walters, late of Company H, Fourth Regiment §°;,';’,‘$,'fg}{;",§?“°‘· United States Infantry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. I1;:•};¤1g¤·M b The name of Louis F. Moebus, late chief musician of Second Regi- °° °°‘ ment Ohio Volungeer Infantry, Wgar with Spam, and pay him a pensio tth t $12 rmnt. Th: nafiidaoif (Frank pC€lark? late of Company M, Sixth Regiment Fmk °“""· Ohipl Voluntper Infantry, ;Var with Spam, and pay him a pension att erate 0 $12 per mont . ., . . The name of George C. Sausser, late second lieutenant Company L, iiigi§;ud.u§w¤. One hundred and sixtieth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry,

 with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of $15 per month

in lieu of that he is now receiving.