Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/482

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TRADE MARK CONVENTION—PAN AMERICAN. AUGUST 20, 1910. 1675 Trade Mark Convention between the United States and other Ameri- ·*“8“s"°»“”°· can Republics. Signed at Buenos Aires, August 20, 1910; ratification advised by the Senate, February 8, 1911; ratified bg the _ Presulent, March 21, 1911; ratiyication deposited with the Governe ment of Argentina, May 1, 1911; proclaimed, September 16, 1916. BY run Pnnsmmrr or mn Umrnn Srarns or Anmnrcn. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention for the Protection of Trade Marks, between ,,§§Z°,f,$,“,‘},,'?"g,§}'*‘°" the United States of America. and the Argentine Republic, Brazil, P¤¤¤¤=*>¤¤· Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Domimcan Repu lic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay and Venezuela, was concluded and signed by their respective P enipotentiaries at Buenos Aires on the twentieth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and ten the original of which Convention, being in the Spanish, English, Portuguese and French languages is wor for word as follows: » CUARTA CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL . AMERICANA CONVENCION CONVENTION Marcos de Fabrics y do Comercio. Protection of '1`rade—M•rks S. S. E. E. los Presidentes de Their Excellencies the Presi- °°¤¤*°°*¤¢P°'¤*· los Estados Unidos de América, dents of the United States of de la Republica Arventina, del America, the Argentine Republic, Brasil, de Chile, de Colombia, de Brazil, Chili, olombia, Costa Costa Rica, de Cuba, do la Re- Rica, Cuba, Dominican Re ubgublica Dominicana, del Ecua— lic, Ecuador Guatemala, Ilhiti, or, de Guatemala, do Haiti, de Honduras, ltfexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, de México, de Nica- Panama, Paraguay, Peru, alragua, de Panama, del Paraguay, vador, Uruguay and Venezuela; de Peru, de El Salvador, del Uruguay v de Venezuela; _ _ Deseando que sus paises res- Being desirous that their re- P*°¤iP°'*¤“°'*°°· pectivos fueran representados en spective countries mlati be reprea Cuarta Conferencia Internacio- sented at the Fou Internanal Americana, enviaron a ella, tional American Conference, have debidamente autorizados, para sent thereto, the following Delesgguobar las Recomendaciones, gates, duly authorized to apesoluciones,Convenciones yTra- prove the recommendations, resotados que juzgaren utiles para los utions, conventions and treaties intereses de América, é. los sigui- which they might deem advantaentes Sefxores Delegados: geous to the interest of America.