Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/692

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1854 INDEX. Bureau of Weayhtsand Measures, International Pam Bureau of Yards and Docks, Nag?-·Contd. _ Pm. (80§]:&1lSB‘1’DBlil0D&l. Bureau of Weights assistant chief, ot; be detail from civil 558 an easures . engineer cern ... . . . Bureau of _ Yards and llodrs, Navy, Corps of Civil Engineers; percentage of approlpr1ation for maintenance .. . . . 564, 1177 authorized officexs . ... 576 c enml, etcr, services . ... 565, 1177 advancement in rank, lower grades . 576 exchange of worn-out motor vehicles. 565 computation of grades semiarmually 577 for contingent .. 565, 1177 ratio of distribution of grades ... 577 for piubhc grh, yards, and stations5é5 1177 additional numbers excluded from comesigna . . . :1._ , putatio ,,. . . 577 for lgleiw York, Yzcstoaage facnhties, 1177 no reductioiil of numberin grades 577 op oxtmxsnou, e . t,,,.,,,,,.,·,,,,,,,; ,,,1,,. _ 10, pnunqeipnn, rn., ery seek em. 565,1177 B“"“”",,{,'§,;)_ (°°° “I°t°m” for Washington, D. C., shop; rail- Bwga,.d’ ,g_ L1 1:3 ¤¤1¤¤s, ew-: ¤<1s¤ ¤¤1b¤;5 lm Bdpfymlgpr rn, :.,1 1,,5,,1;,,,,, . - ... 1475 mnnrer`6f1Eé`i£6n1 nur}-1é{6i com- ’ 5,*;;,,,,,, ,,,c‘,i;,,,,,,,d _ 1527 bk ·······-·--··············-···-·· H77 Burgett C0uIG1"|:'Il8('ld‘|:k(l‘lL5-···-- for Norfolk, Va., dry dock, structural PandQm_ _ _ _ _ _ _____ I _______ _ ________ 1454 shop etc . . _567, 1178 Bwgh, Hmm h` ' for Naval Academy, sea wall; extending pension incmzwd _ _ ____ _ _ _ 1485 B8`|1C!0il}H8l1,BtC 2 . 1 567,1178 Bw,}. ]0]mF_ M_ °°``° ` "` ` for Permcola, Fla., aeronautnc station, Pension incmméd _ _ _ _ _ 1217 1'°P¢1¥l¤§¤’1°1’m •i¤¤¤18¤¤ ------·----·· 567 3,,,],, 44,;;,,,; R `'`` ` `````````` for New Or sans, La., repairing storm 568 pcnéion ______ _'j_ _______________________ 1590 1.. "““°‘“n.,, ”*;;,’*;;,{,>';*{·¤~*7_<**$*%>; ________ _ ________ ,5,, etc ················ . ············ 568»1178 Burke Johdviria (uridow) · for Piaget Sound, Wash. , xmprovemenp. . 1178 pcugim.1 _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _____ _ 1329 lm fol'll&V\l [$88, 8tC.,SRl1 Dlegb B be y"`@) - ` Cmmgricd --·-· · : ········-······ 568 ipensionaiymireased , .. . . . . 1214 for Pearl , Hawaii, drydock. . . 568, 1178 Bw.], yidmél `'`° ` ` 1¤d¤» Hem? B“”‘°k`¤> C“Y°Y~ 1’· Ru pension increased ... . .. 1333 1°¤1"*111¤°· fr¤¤=·A¤·ey ·------- 568 new umn, R (widow) lands, Fort Island, Hawau, transferred pcnéon iucmésed ’_ ______ _ ____ _ 1438 t°A·rmY ·························· 568 Burkhart J0sephE·-H - · H - for gum and m¤¤i¤i¤¤¤ mw ¤1 ¤===s¤- 1,.,.,,,;,,;, i,,c,,,,,.,.i’ .,.. . . 1548 ¤1¤¤¤» ¢1¢ --··---··---···--··---··- 569 Burk., John w `'`` g; I“di“¥hi’:d81E;°wd°' www ······ · pension increased .. 1239 for mil stage- -·-- - ·---------·-·-- mi mv B'{,'§§";1'$’,‘%},';”,?,i,‘,;1, 1219 1*11 11**121 ·°*¢ -··-·-- E5 ··-······- 5 7*11179 Bwuqn, mwah 0., uio n smear, gg; lhmmpg gg$•Ibm°§an·B1l°· · · · · deiicienpy appropriation for pay to family 801 for experimental and researilixlabora- Bwlingtgn; `'``````````````````````` ` for |t°¥y.‘ ‘ ‘ H ‘ ···•‘‘· 570· bridge authorized across Mississippi River, 1 fordainagesto roperty, ·Ind1an` 1179 ~ at '````````'``` '`'```'``````` M 111111%*111: f¤<=i1i¤¤·=¤ fm? 1111111 mk --··— 1180 B1§'l"}>€',;Z'é°A1f.ii,€$1 pntnc tending ... . 264 f°2;°p“!° 5;:1 ¥°”€x:‘;'°t1°¤ t';70· 1180 dggciency appropriation for public buildetc.: of navy 0; Bufling‘;:’1·?.‘}li’...1.. . 17 mm °u Pumc °°°°ti exwnt °f 571 appropriation for improvement of harbor: need for eanarannn nf Aiuinae 1,,,,,,,,q§,f’“;,'r,§,’{b'°°k'“‘°’ ··············· 391 §1°:;gg°tg_°fcE:,£°b¤;2“"g:& (agus; deficiency appropriation for public build- 1 v ’ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,_ 7 reportedon ... 571 mg' '’° "` submarine and aviation bases on Atlan- Bunggag 1237 uc, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, to be Bgswu JOM H °°``'`'``'`'``'`'` '°P°"°d $’° --····-- · ··---·---···· 57* nsibn increased 1434 amount for expenses of commission 571 B pcm ,1: JOMPMM '``'`'``````` report on abolishing presentyards, etc., mgm ’ 1581 if advisable ... 571 Bipujlham *;,,1125; E ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' contract for use of dry dock, Boston, mimi iucmamj 1543 Mass., for lalagest ships . 1180 Biggu Dewitt C ’‘ ``°'°'‘°°‘' for dcggrks, etc., avy Depgrcuneng. 97, 1101 Penéion incmééed 1255 tsmen, etc., may pai m · · '` '°‘`’’°`` "Public works? . ... 97,1101 B“””·.§,{“'“’“ ("”"°"’)* ,.,.,4 deficiency appropriation for maintenance . . 30, B Ixgm ’' ‘ '’‘'`‘'’‘`'` “" fw additional emp10ye®331f‘f;;1§’~,g16·825#828 lgenéien im-énsed .. 1512 ment, 1917 _,_. 1 ,.,_,,,,,,__ 814 Bw*rw¢9¤d· Fwd. 7 technical services limit increased 814 P°¤$1°¤ -··· · ·········-···-···--~·-·-··· 144 for rent, District oi Columbia .. 814 Burrington, Edward H., {or repairs and preservation 816 pension . ... 1369