Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/710

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187 2 INDEX. Commissikm of Fine Arm-Continued. Pm- Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, P¤z¤· site and design of "Tita.nic "Mamoria1 to be House of Representwes, approved by ,., . ..,... 1046 chairman an two members to serve on to give advice to Public Buildings Com- _ Public Buildings Qommjssion .. 328 mission ,,,,_,,_,,, , ,.,,...,..,,,.,. 328 Cmnmzttee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Commission on Induszrzkzl Relations, _ Senate, iinal reports of, etc., ordered printed .. 59 chairman sind two members po serve on Comm iasioner Gevuzral of Immwyration (see also _ Public Buildings Gommisdon - . 328 Immigration, Commissioner General Committee on Rules, Senate, cf), appropriation for greparing Senate Manual duties and authority of, under Immigration _ bienniall y clerk of . ... . 68 Act 892 Committee on the %istr·ict of Columbw, House Commissioners of Conciliation, . _ _ of Representatives, a propriation for services and e;Senses. 116, 1117 301nt committee of, and Senate. to report on dgiiciency appropriation for aries and _ changes in tax laws . 717 expenses ,._,___,,,_,,...,,._,,,,_, 26 Cmnmutee on the District of Columbzh Senate, Cmnmabmbmrs, United States Courts, joint committee of, and House of Reproappropriation for fees 313 scntatives, to report on changes in deficiency approprigtzion for fees ..,... 32, _ tax laws . .. 717 , 33, 43, 827, 830 Committee <m _Lhe Library, Home of Rapre~ Commissions, Inter·n,az1krrml (see Internatzional _ Smtatwes, _ _ Gommissiom) _ chasumgu to saws on gommxsmon for memo- Committee on Appropriations, House of Rep- H3} to John E1'lCSSO¤ -.. . 672 resentatwes, Ccmwgittu on the Library, Senate, chairman and two members to serve on chairman t»0_ serve on qommissimi for Public Buildings Commission .. 328 _ memorial to John Ericsson ,. 671 Committee on A pmpriaciom, Senate, Committee on Wqy: and Means, Home of Repchairman ami) two members to serve on _ ruyntatwu, _ _ _ Public Buildings Commission .. 328 information, ems, from Tariff Commission C¢mmi¢tee¢mEzpensceofD¤3t¤9:t0fCclumbia, wbe§fd1¤p¤¤¤l¤f---· --.--·· ,-·;·- 796 Joint, Common Carrier by Water (see also Shipping time extended for report by ...,,,,,., 4 _ Act), _ _ _ Committee gm Finance, Swan, meamng of tprm in Shipping Act._.. ,... .. . 728 infomation, etc., from Tariff Commission, Common Garner by Watqr an Famgn Cmnm be at disposal of . 796 _ mvrce (ace qlsv Shipping Act , Committee on Flood Control, House of Repro- meaning of term 111 Shigging Act . . 728 Smwives, ocean tramp, not deem _ a. .. . ... 728 examinations of projects for Hood control to Comvmm Camer by Watvq m_ Interstate Cambe made on request of . 951 jvwrce (see qlso Slppping Act), _ Committee on Indian A fairs, House of Repre- meamng of term in Shipping Act. . ¢28» se_ntqtvZa;es, _ Common Carriers, Railroad, approprumpn for investigating Indian appropriation for enforcing uniform system Servxce by members of, elected to of accounts by . 280 Sixty-Gfth Congress. . .. 993 for compelling use of safety appliances. . 280 extent of investigation, authority, etc. . 993 · for securing reports, of accidents, etc 280 Committee mz Intcrazalc and Foreign Com- for investi rating block-signal and train mace, House of Representatives, contra? systems, eqc . ... . . . 280 five members to serve on Joint Committee for ascertaining physical valuation of on Ingerstate and Foreign Com- property of . _ ... . .. 2 81 meme mvescigamion. etc . .. 387 for securing informatmu of stocks, bonds, Committee vn Interstate Commerce, Senate, ctc ... 2Sl five members to serve on Joint, Committee for ccxppelling use of safe locomotive gn Interstate and F oreign Commerce ’ boilers by . : . ,..,.. 281 mvest§ation, etc ... 387 ‘ bills of lading issued by, m interstate and Committee vn. _ uml Afairs, House of Rgpre- I foreign commerce, regulations govsméatzves, eming. . . .,,__,,,.. 538 chairman made ex officio member of eight hour standard fo1jday’s work of train Bomd of Visitors, Naval Academy. - 608 employees of, in interstate com- Committee on Naval Ajairs, Senate, merce, January 1, 1917 . ... 721 chairman made ex oHici0 member of liability for actual loss, etc., not applicable Board of Visitors, Naval Academy. . 608 to baggage on passenger trams, etc. . 442 ( 'ommittee on Post Ojicc and Post Roads, other property except ordinary live House of Repreuntatives, stock, at special rates based upon detlu-ee members to be designated on com- clared value. .. . .. . 442 mission to investigate pneumatic- schedule of rates. etc., (0 be filed . 442 tube mail service .,, . , . . 1064 meaning oi "ordi.uary live stock " -142 Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, may allow reduced rates to State militia Senate, attendi Army encampments, enc. . 640 three members io be degignated on com- penalty for vilciining Act hours of mission to invesugatc pneumatic- service of employees of. moditied. . . 61 tube mail service . .. . . 1064 prohibition against officers, etc., having in- Committee on Printing, Joint (see Joint Com- terest in urchasea thereof, deferred mittec on Printing), six mnntgs. . . , .,. 674