Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/719

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INDEX. 1881 Crimes and Mwde121eanors——C0ntinued. Paw- Crimes and Miademeanora—C0ntinued. P¤g¤- punishment for refusing to furnish statistics i punishment for false representations to setof cottonseed, products, etc 437 tlers as to locality, etc., of public unlawfully hunting, etc., on game pre- lands . 936 serves set aside under Conservation mailing liquor advertisements to State Act . . 476 or Territory in violation of laws violating cotton futures Act provisions by thereof 1069, 1202 natural persons ... - ... 481 shipping liquors in interstate commerce violating, etc., provisions of grain into State or Terizitory where laws standards Act . 485 prohibit. . 1069 · assaulting official executing grain stand- supp ementing salary of Government ards Act ... 485 emplovee from sources other than xiolating provisions of warehouse Act- . . 490 official . 1106 injuries to water holes, etc., on arid and violating provisions of District of Columdesert lands .. . ... 518 bin. prohibition Act 1123 offenses in Crater Lake Park, Oreg .. 522 forging. counterfeiting, etc., certificates violating sanitary, etc., regulations, of discharge from Army or Navy 1182 Canal Zone . . .. 527 willfully trespassing upon, injuring, etc., violating immigration restrictions, Canal military works .. - . 1194 Zone .. . .. 529 interfering with torpedo, etc., defense injuries to Panama Canal, etc. . 529 system . . ... . . 1194 tiolating rules, etc., of national park violating regulations establishing defenservicc ... . 535 sive sea areas . 1194 counterfeiting, etc., bills of lading in Crimes, ctc., interstate and foreign commerce 544 appropriation for detection and prosecufalse statements, etc.. in bills of lading, tion of ..,. 311 interstate, etc., commerce .. 544 protection of the President ...,... 311 violating. etc., provisions of Act relating deficiency appropriation for detection and to bills of lading ... 544 lprosecution of, etc 43 violating provisions of child labor Act. . 675 C'n’m:ina Code, violating eight·bour workday provisions. 722 amended, section 44 .. . ... 1194 violating prohibitions of shipping Act as section 198 .,,. , ..,.,,.,.. 162 to sale of vessels to foreigners, etc- . 731 Criininal Idmtifi•:at·io»n, National Bureau of, falsifying, etc., reports of common car- appropriation for aid to 700, 1027 riers by water .. 736 Orimina Idmt§)'iaat·&.m Records, divulging infonnatiou received by inter- appropriation for preserving, exchange, nal revenue officials. .. 773 etc ... . ... 312 ublishing income tax returns - 773 Criminals, glee statementsinestatlctaxreturns, etc- 780 appropriation for bringing home, from violating requirements, etc., of mimi- abroad ..,.,.,.. 255, 1050 tions manufacturers? tax . . . . 782 alien, excluded admission, if involving avoiding payment of stamp tax on wines . 787 moral turpitude ... . ... 875 unauthorized divulgirfipin ormation,etc.. Grippen, Eliza (widow), obtained by 'l`ari Commission . 798 pension increased ... . 1329 selling imports below market price to O1-isler, Silas, create monopoly therefor in United pension increased ... . 1569 States .. . .. . . . 798 Crisp Cowtly, Ga., importing articles from countries pro- may bridge Flint River at Huguenins hibitorl admission under proclama- Ferry . . ... 513 tion of the President ... 799 Oristobal, Canal Zone, furnishing prohibited facilities of trade appropriation for constructing dock at 333 to prohibited foreign ships, etv . 800 “Cr·nsl0bal." Panama ( lmal Steamship, departure oi detaine vessel without appropriation for reboiloring . 334 vlearanve. etc. **00 not transferred to Navy . 334 oxeeerling permissive amount oi water Grinnell, Lloyd, from Niagara River above the Falls. 868 pension increased . .._ 154R importinv aliens for prostitution or im- Oritchell, Ma (widow). moracl purposes , 878 pension increased . _.. 1451 retum of deported prostitutes. etc .. 878 C1-itchjield. Jolm, iuduving, nrt:. contract labor imp0rt3— pension increased . . .. 1536 tion ... 879 Cnlzea, Joseph, illegally landing, etc., aliens . _ ..· 880 pension increased . . .. 1520 landing aliens at other than d€S1gDZl'Bd Crites, William H., times and places .. . ...- 88} pension increased ,..,...l. . ,.,... 1414 failure to file lists of passengers, eh? ..-.- 880 Crittenden, Eliza J. (widow), fake evidence affecting landing, etc., of { pnnginn increased ________ _ ____ _ __________ 1264 aliens. . .-. ·-· 886 i Crocker, William J., obstructing, etc., immigration officials. · 886 pension increased ,,____,,_ _ _._,__.,_._... 1481 aiding anarc@ts to enter, etc . :- 894 Cyggggn, Ellen H_ (u-Mau.), desecrating, etr-., ['nited States Hag III pension increased ______,___,__,_________ 1464 District of Columbia ...- - · · 900 Croll, Laura IC (aidozv), violating A laska prohibition Act ... - 903 pension increased _,,,.,... . .. 1444 master, etc., permitting excess number l (‘mmb{€_ Louise H_ (wgdou-)_ vi P¤·‘5€<“¤§*?¤¤ ~---··--·-~·--····--~· - **18 § pension increased . ... 1332 mailing, etc-., threats against the Presi- ‘ Cr0me._ William. dent. . . 919 pensmn increased ... . . . . 1291