Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/727

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INDEX. 1889 Departmergz of Ju.s¢·ke—Continued. P¤z¢· Department ofLab0r—Continued. FHS- approprmtxou for expenses, suim affecting appropriatxon for Scandinavian-A.merican withdrawn oil lands . ...,., 312 Line . . .. . 824 for pffectiug allotted lands, Five for E. C. Terry . . .,___ 821 C1V'l]1Z6d Tri cs- . . 312 Imudgration Act provisions ..,,_ , , 871 for enforcing apts to regulate commerce. 312 Department of State, _ for smts affecting Scmmole allotrpeuts. . 312 appropngmon for Secretaxiy, Asqstuuts, for Federal Court Reports Dxgests. . 312 Dxrector of the Cousu at Scrv1ce.. 77, 1082 for La.wy§5s’ Cooperative Echtion, Vol- 3 for Counselor, officers on foreign rela- KIDS 31 tions, ctc . . . 77, 1082 for Decisions of Supreme Court, Volumes for assjstant solicitors, chief clerk, atc. 77, HB2 24L to 244 . ... 318 for chugfq of bureaus, clerks, etc .. 77, 1082 for Paqxfic Railroads suits .. 313 for addmcml (ogcc ... 77, 1082 for Umped States COUIZYSS . .. 313 for further addmonal force ... 77, 1082 for ggmjzentmries, mamtenauce . . . . 314 for add.1t1om.1 emergency clerks 1082 for atmnal Training School for Boys, payment for personal services in Waeh. 1}. C., maintenance 316 mgtpu D. C., from amy other Act fo1·_p¤.uting and lgingiing for. . . t . . .: 331 . Z 78, 1082 defimency apgopmnon for paying ]udg· for coufmgcnt expenses, stauonery, ments, mined States Courts, under. 27 furmture, etc: ... 78, 1082 for United States courts-32, 33, 43, 818,827, 830 for books, per10d1ca1s, etc., for the lifor contgugent expenses- - - : .. 42,_830 bmry . . . 78, 1082 for pcnxteutmnes, constmcmon .. 42 fo1' h§h0gr&pher, etc . , , _ . 78, 1082 for enforcing antitrgst laws . 43 fo1‘ UHBCGHBIIBOUB expenses ... 78, 1082 for defending suits m claims. .. 43 for rent . _ . 78, 1082 for detection and grosecution of crimes. . 43 foI' automobile fgr Secretary .. _ .. 1082 for chmimugsdoner lmcier National Park, 43 br¤§c11}shr;imting 0Hice m budding, 083 on . 8 0 . . . . . 1 for wliteutimes, maintenance 819 for Spliumr for the .. 108, 1110 for atioual School for Boys, fo1' d1p}0}¤8t}C and 00¤sul&rservico-. 252, 1047 D. C.; bmlding ..;. 819 for pqntgng m the ... 254, 1050 for expenses, supreme court D. C. 860 §01' gfgytl you? ... . . . g courthouse 01’_P g.¤d1.¤g_ or. . . z .. I . investigation of, not subject to restrictions ddicmucg °PP’°P”*u‘¥° f°' d·*Pl°““m° on details from classified service for m °°“’*h“°*'“°° ···~····•·--· - - - 3, 15» duty outside of the District. ... 120 for 8 d Pm Am . %826» 829 D‘P“”""'€* °fL“b°"v . . Oongres .. . m c 3 appmpmhou for Sohextot of the, dah, fm. Payment to Nimmgua '‘‘’°’° '’ 802 °*° ·--·····-·-··-···~-···---·-· 109- uu negemuemn directed sm- £1i6' " ' for Secretary, Assistant, clerks, etc. . . 116, 1117 tion on vgssgilsng · ' ior oners ofézonciliatrion, etc. %16, 1117 curying 882 or or mtistics umau - 16,:1118 '‘'‘‘‘'‘'‘'‘‘‘‘‘ · ‘ ‘ fw mgdicd ¤¤¤¤=i¤¤¤¤¤ of i¤i¤¤>·1 ¤¤>- 117 °°° °f °1E°Br?¤$?1(Z°{f3EIE%¤(}LYE1?21°E£v6a. FF? ass P 0Y€6¤ ···---·-------- - -····----- mm ,,;m·m» · §or1{Immi§1rat.iou Baireau . 117, 1118 Dept., pxrttlcglg) I (au Imcnor D6` or atur ization ureau ... . . . . 117, 1118 Dapwtmm Euém- · for Children ·¤ Bureau . . 117, 1118 "" mw B}; (f§‘C%‘°°“""’° D°‘ for contingent expenses . . .. 118, 1119 Depew gmk, (w,jow)" ' ' for rent; renewal of lense . . . 118, 1119 peniion __________ 1282 fivczgear contract for lease of fireproof Depormlim of Ali"; `````’’` ‘° v _¤¤b¤i1di¤z¤1¤¢h¤ri¤¤d ·----- 118 provisions reummgimaamasebh mmm gay for QIVIIIGXPBDBGS gmder . . . 324 diseased and defective Persons _________ 888 for 1mm1gmnt stat1uns.._ . _ _ ... 3 24 sfu, admjmiony of pmmmtm, cdmimb for expenses regulating u· . . . 325 anarchists, etc __________________ ’ 889 for regixindllgo North German L oyd Steam- 325 dwdmdou 0;; payment of expenses _ ' 890 S P mc ···· .···_ ···-·····- - ------ D4 teddlivns, Cunard St€&m5¥UP ( Qmpmy; ------·- 325 <fglIi6d reagimission within one ymr; exfor refund for refrigeration servnces .. 325 c,_,pu°¤_ _ _ 878 George Johannes, credit in accounts. . 325 Depodtgng public ' for naturalization service expenses . 326 , pro muon for Bxpmbes ’ 299 for clerical assistance to clerks of courts. - 326 Dagy E_ ``' °'° allowance for June, 1916 .. 326 paukion incm“éd_ 1557 for itandagdization of Erstaid methods 326 Da! JOM ``'`````'`' °°° 1u ustries .. ’ * ’ creased TM pf¥¤i¤g and bi¤<ii¤z f¤r -------··»·- 331 d·§$zm¤;;}uuwWa€Q'§`;}i;2Q '°°’°°°’'’° 1531 deficiency aptpmprimzion for commis- resdmitted as a cirjzeu ,,,_______, , _,_,__ , _ 1533 smners o conciliation . 26 Dan, Wllhm M., for Laboy Statistics Bureau . ... 26 pension increased ._,,,__ _ _______,,,_,,_,, 1264 for Iugmqgration Bureau . 26, 32,533, 821,827 Den-, Charles E., for prmying and binding ..., 27 pension ...,,,,,,,, _ _______________,_ _ ____ 1573 for ccntuxggnt expenses .. . 32 Darrin. Harvey E., for Natumhzatiou Bureau . 32, 827 I pension increased _,_______,__,____,,_____ 1266