Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/731

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INDEX. 1893 District of Columbia-Continued. Pen- Dobb-ict of Columbia-Continued. Pagedesignated records, accounts, etc., appropriation for vehicle tags . 684, 1012 transferred from nsessor to o$ce of annual licema for motor vehicles, collector . 1005 imue, etc . . ... 1012 co ies of wills, etc., ofred estate to be fnrrepairs mbuildings injured by ire. 684, 1012 Exrnished collector and amemor by for repairs, etc., to markets .. 684, 1013 register . . . 1005 for operation, etc., refrigerst§plant. 684, 1013 appronriaqion for care, etc., District Bui1$7 1005 for cotznpleting bmldings, market, 684 m ... , e ... for ag'; emee . . . 677, 1005 for new shelters, produce market. .. 684 amesments to be made biermially 678 for auto trucks for superintendent of for additional emplcyeu, ... . . . . 678 weights, measures, and markets. . 684, 1013 for special nssemment cilice .. 680,1006 for wharf revetment, etc., Water Street for Kersonsl tux board 678, 1006 SW .. , 1013 for 'ceuse bureau . 1006 for expenses, repau shop,. ._ 684 superintendent, to be seueury of for nmprovemems and repwm ..·-·--. 684, 1013 automobile board . L 1006 for memment and permit work .. 684, 1013 issue, etc.%;»f licenses uunsferred from 1006 for vsrk on streets and avenues; scheggg 1013 8 ! -.·-··-······· $--·-··--...·.·····»······s-- for excise board ... . . 678, 1006 on streets paved with no psy to nominw rejected by _ ggamte blocks, etc: .. . 684 Senate . 678, 1006 hmxt for ... 685, 1013 §or colélectorw eéiiee . . for e Street NW., E to 685 or au l>or’s office. . , ... for co ration counsel’s office ... 678, 1006 for repnving Third Street NW., Pem1· forei£gfm;d eiiiw .,.. 678, 1006 sylvama. Avenue to B Street south. 685 for corouer’s office .. . . . . 679, 1007 for repaving Seyenth Street NW., R for market masters and markets. 679, 1007 Street to Florida Avenue. . . : .. 685 ger iish wharf sud . 679, 1007 for r'1e£'a1rf131gSB Sueet NW., N with to 685 orsuperm' ten ent w is, measures, e _ treat: ... and markets ... . 679, 1(IH fm mpavmf Fourteenth Street NW., for engineer commimionefs office 679, 1007 Pemmy vams Avenue to F Stmet. . 685 for municipal architect’s office. . 680, 1007 suspenqed- . . 1 .. 1014 for public utilities commimion. . 680, 1008 it repsving Fmt Street SW., Mnry- for special assessment chico .. 680, 1(D8 lmd Avenue to Canal Street ... 686 for street cleaning division .. 680, 10(B int NW.; Savant to for board of examiners, steam mj- ._ ‘ with _ . _ . 685 ngggu ______ ______ ______ ______ @@3 , tg@ugtWgbmgw¤Kgk°t for automobile baud. . .. . . _ 680 Oomgany . . ... 685 for insurance cgsgurtment 680, 1008 for repaving Fourteenth Street SW., B ¥°’”“".,...m,.,°’°"’ ,.,;**.1;. ········· 1,,...1,.. ······ ‘2§‘;°·‘°°“ s¤n.°° ”v?s,"°§‘s1;e;e11w"ws1"‘.=s‘,e¤ ‘‘‘‘ ‘°”" OI - O Gm t •¤ fgmg]g_ I ______ W H"? _______ 680,1lXQ 111313 to Rock Creek", ____,____ ,__ 10],8 for hee public library and Takoma hrk for rennving First Street NW., Pennbpmch ________________,, , _ ____, 680, ](X)8 gy vguig Avenue to B Street, _ ,,,_, 10],4 for contingent expenses . . .. 681, 1(X)9 for repaving Thirteenth Street NW., E fm- rgpgngn __________ _ _ _ _ ____, ](X» fp F Street ____ _ ______________ _ _·_ _ 1014 for refund of taxes, Daughters of Ameri- for rlggving D Street NW., Twelfth to can Revolution; pro yexem ted. 1009 ryeenth Street . 1014 for motor vehicles; numggrrtallcwedl?. 681, 1009 for r?¤ving Twentxeth Street NW., I to regulation of use of vehicles, etc... 682, 1010 Street _ . I 1 014 restriction vin use of horsesé ege . 6%2, 1010 fw Avenue N W., mu specuic aut on or use 0 -·---·------··---···· horses, etc. . . 682, 1010 for repaving First Street NW., Defrees payment for Hre insurance forbidden 682, 1010 to I Stfwt ·~---·----·---·----······ 1014 specified residence telephones al- Fourteenth Street NW., Pennsylvania loved .. 682, 1010 Avenue vo F Street, repuving susfor central garage . . .. . . 682 pended . . 1014 for postage ._,,. . .,..., 683, 1011 opening of streets, etc,, Barry Farm, for transportation, street car tickets. 683, 1011 to qonform to new highway plan. . . 1014 street railways w transport tree, police fer greding streets, em . . ... 685, 1014 and firemen on duty. . ,,.. . . , . 683 for condemning streets, etc __,.. . . . . 685, 1014 for collecting persona.] taxes . - - . 683, 1011 for !\1b\1!b011 !'W»dB, construction, etc. 685, 1014 for judicial expenses -·-- - ····-··--- 683, 1011 Rhsde Islgnd Avenue NE., South fer ¤<>r<>¤er’¤, etc., mipenses -···.---·- 683. 1011 Dsksm Avenue to Diss-ict uns . css midmreze x>¤==¤¢ <>¤¤<¤s¤e -----—--- 1011 wsaemsg, sm., Nmmns Avenue sm.; M =·<iv·¤*@¤¤1¤z ----·-—·--·---·-----·· 68% 1011 txansfer of mmem 11 , 685 for enforcing game and ish laws . _ 683, 1011 Canal Road NW_, mtnin1ng'n11__ _ 686, 1015 for snrvey, etc., of dangerous, etc., bu1lgé3 mu Sixteenth Street Nw., Mmugue for me w mark 1usw¤‘ 'cal places. . 684, 1011 $**0*** W Huh AV°¤¤° ----····-·· 687 for copies ot wills, eww w ggegog _,___, 1011 Mssschusetrs Avenue NW., N ebrasks. for recorder of deeds, purchase, etc., Avenue to District line --------···-- 688 beck tYP€Y1’if¤1'¤, etc ---··--···---- 1012 Portland Street SE., Nichols Avenue pay fer copying deeds, etc ... 1012 to Fourth sues; sw . . . 688