Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/749

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INDEX. 1911 Federal Farm. Lam Act-Continued. P•¤•· Fbdaal Farm Loan Au—Gontinued. Prnloans by land banks; restricted to hum Federal Farm Loan Board; may suspend, lend mortgages . 370 etc., officials .,,... 375 8-m01'¢1Z8»Ti0¤ 8·g'I'9€m€¤t8} interest; re- general supervision ..., , 375 payment --.- 1 . 370 mcidental powers .. 375 adyance payments; determination of farm loan bonds; npjillicatiem for hue by 1¤¢$>1’06t mw ·--------.. 370 land banks; ce ateral . 375 gm? of ...--------... by to ; de· 375 GMS!-18 purposes ---- . cmon 0 board e ... e . valug  ; reappmisal for addi- 371 d vlgritten . E 876 cultivation, etc., of land mortgaged . 371 ligsugrye refused I fl . . 376 8·l1l0l1Ilt limited ... . ..., 371 collateral to be held by registry; {yum; use of prescribed terms, em . 371 assignments, gw ,.,,,,,,,,,_________ $76 mterest on defaults; payment of taxes, first mortgages required; bonds not to _ 9770 ... J - . . amount? oégleggszt, em ,___,,_ 376 1¤¤¤!'¤·¤¤B req . ma e . , ..,. 376 agreement to use mong as specified . . .. 371 denominations, germ, etc.; rate- 877 Validity, etc., protect . . ... 371 payment; delivery to banks ,,,_____ 377 funds at ogtion of borrower . 372 preparation, etc., at Treasury; expenses. 377 Fedenal lanb b(?ks may issue, etc., farm 372 responsibility of bank for acts of om- 0=¤1 on . ... cmls . ., 377 Hurcbpse 6.rst mortgages on farm lands. . 372 liability of issuing banks . 377 epqmt gortgages as collateral for bonds 372 payémegnigqf losses. .f .. 377 ISU .. . .. recor 0 0 ti · ‘ 'wg_ 377 collection of interest. . ... 372 mortgages plgggedousas ::ollZ|;@u¢1:1 bg acqune, etc., property for business uses., 372 credited with amortization and inreal estate, temporarily, m satisfaction terest yments .. . 378 of debts, etc ... 372 canceled xxi ‘d in mu ..,., , ,,,,___ 378 depoleit khgnds, etc., in Federal member 372 substitutgcans gig-loved . -. 378 an . ayment 0 n puns te .,.,,_,___ 378 accept deposits from loan a.ssociations.. . 372 13 szcggllty onosnmender qi '· gogcyv rércney .. Eiga .. gg boznfds .. . { ... ·.e *378 e in cvermnent s . `d1sp¤su1` · interest yinen1»;._.‘  ; . 378 char%•e£e:;, etc., to borrowers; addition 372 eteL...`..;--..;·

. . . .· . ' amortization yments; ,,,, ;_-_ _

forbidden to do ctherbnnkingbudneu. . 872 mhd2‘ .L‘. ¥;—£L¤‘ ‘ 179 gcceptcthutbmnrstmortgagu. 373 lam! tokeepreseve issue bonds above limit ...,,., 373 ingm-, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,_,___ __,; -379 receive m from associations in 373 account; payments of divi- 379 excess o . - .,,..,.. an s ..,,,..,,,,_______ _ ______ accept unauthorised commissions, etc. 373 loan associations to keep reserve fund from agents for, in localities having no loan ...,..,,,,.,,,,,, ,, 379 I .. : . 1 mnngfdkcad itions; payment of dividends, 379 cans e e mu ;restnctn¢ms. 4 ... payment for appraisal eu: 373 to be notiiied ol defaults on mortgagg. , , 880 expenses {or, included m loan 373 payments to be made .. . . 880 to collect interest, etc . 373 tu exemptions of Federal land banks and mortgages to be indorsed by, em .. 373 fann loan associations . 880 texgmxuggnou when loan association 3 2 mortgages inconae therefrom ... 880 erm 7. nts 1caetnsues"`tstoc joint stock land banks authorized 374 0 bggke ... $80 individual liability of stockholders ...,,. 374 real property ... 880 powem, etc., of Federal land banks . 374 {arm loan bonds declared a lawful ilduci~ exqepil; Govemment ownership of 374 ary igivestrlnfuté .,... . . . 380 stov . secunty or pu ic e 'ts. ,. , 380 bond issue limited; banking restrictions. 374 sale, etc., by Fede e member capital stock required; payment for 374 banks . ...,,. ; .,,,,,,,, 880 when fullty paid for, may issue bonds- 374 limitations of Federal reserve bamk¤.. 380 distinctive erm, etp., of bonds required- 374 land bank examiners to be appointed by exempted from interest restrictions, the Board _ ______ _ _ 381 we ¤f im, ew -···----·--·-------- 374 dunes, authorit em.? `;§s§-Z I I I I `IIII sm rm <>f i¤¤»r·=¤¢; ¢<>m·¤i¤¤i·>¤¤ Md g=h¤r2¤¤ 374 insolvency or lamlrlassociations de¤1Q£¤a.. 381 r¤¤¤<;t1;¤¤d¤ based on mmgugw, f¤¤¤, 374 extentofdef/:1.1;1ltnecessa.ry. gi --·····-·· · --·---·····—--·--· rece1ver’s au o , etc. . . Federvjmggm Imu Board, www <¤¤¤g— 375 _ deposit offmlgggynigfmtam . gg} . , ···-··---··-·-······-·-··-·-· mso vency anks· proceedings . °""’$0'i?§i§§¤§f.‘??‘¥ .‘??R‘ii T? f? ?f’f 375 ¤¤¤»¤·>=·¤·»¤ ·»# ¤~=·r.¤»··e¤= M Md by i¤- interest rates on lend loans . 375 solveilt {¤°°?“mm" '‘‘‘‘‘'‘ [ j ‘ ' 381 authorize issue of farm land bonds _____ 375 voluntary hqmdauon of asouztkms Qhalgeg, gtcq to b0n0wgrs_ _ __________ _ _ and land bID.kS IEICM. ..--- · · . · · require reports of buh and aseocia- 375 State laps to be eaamined as to protection 382 mus .. o mortgage mms _ . prescribe form of bonds, etc . 375 declaration of ineligibility .. . 382 direct reimbursements by banks ... 375 statement of requirements lacking .. 382