Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/795

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INDEX. 1957 Indian. Deprezjatiem Claims. P¤z¤· Indian R¢.s¢r·vationa—Conti.nuod. . Pace. apgropnation for defense in .. 311 appmpriation for roads in Spokane, Wash. de cicncy appropriation for paying judg- from tribal funds . 521 m€¤*~Si11 -·.-.----------. 27, 823 agricultural entries allowed for surface of text relating to, in urgent deficiencies ap- surplus coal lands in . ; . 944 Fpropnation bill. 1916, corrected 1600 conditional patents to issue, etc . .' . . 945 Indian aymgrs and Stockmen, mining for coal 'ttcd, etc .. 945 uppropnatwu for . . . 126, 971 proceeds to cmdiiiue-iiliudians ... 945 ccrtiiicate of competency required here- not applicable to Five Civilized Tribes after; 126, 971 lands ..,,.,.,.,,.,,,,,,,.,,,___ 94.5 I ][g1cablc to present employees. . 126, 971 Colville, Wash., surplus lands reserved for ru um a a, ¤enc , mission, etc., urposes . 672 authority for rights of way acrom, for pipe unal€i§ttedyirri¤¤ab1e,etc., laiidsm, opened HUGS, Ilmdified. ... 973 to homestead entry 1778 rights of way through, for irrigation, may Crow, Mont., disposal of lands in, released be used for transportation, domestic from irrigation reservation .. 1734 uses, or power, as subsidiary 1197 Devils Lake, N. Dak., sale of undisposed Indian Laws a·nd Treaties, of lgmdg in _______,_ , ______________ 1775 approprintuon f?r compiling, etc., third 129 of forest egroducts, Mcnominoe, vo uma 0 ... . . 1s., m0d115° . ... 157 Indian Jfatrom, drainage assessments on lands in Minneaptpropriqtioll for . . . 126, 971 sota. may be appmvedw ,,_,_,______ 978 · Or 82dd.}$10l]Bl field. . Z . 971 payment from funds of Indmug, etc ,_,,_ 978 Indzan Oasw Hosfpatal, Ariz., Fort Berthold, N. Dak., coal lands opened appr0(pria.ti0u or maintenance, etc., of. . 125, 970 to surface homestead entry . 1748 Indian fcc, Interior Department. further time allowed for paying for ceded appropriation for Commissioner, assistants, lands of Cheyenne and Arapahoe, clerks, etc. 100, 1104 Okla,. . 937 fortclegraphand telephoncmcssageson oil and gas leases authorized on ceded In ian Service with . 126, 972 Shoshone, Wyo ,,,,,,,,,,__,_______ 519 for clerks, etc., _ determining heirs of purchasers of ceded lands in., at designated Ind_ Pdtggeaaed Indian allottees 127, 972 _ _ pdmm make homcstfadlexaziesoi 926 um 0 ace, Qmmault, ., cnt or a ns}1pr0£ri¤.tion for . . . 127, 972 Indians on, funds , -. 353 I ian upév, f rt tc of t §!é¢:lLgake,Minn.é"foms‘§r1oIsarIx;‘$kcroalg¤din- 137 a.ropr1a0norsupp0,¢., ,8 d.1(1:tg ,.a.n . .d:•sp0nl. pp schools ... . ..·... . .·. 125, 970 nnallottod lands in., ..Q; ..,. 1721 for tmnsporting, etc .. 125, 971 Indian Riva, Fla., obtaimng employment; refund . 125, 971 appropriation for improvement of . 396 native pupils from Alaska . 126,971 Indian Ri",. had Dd_ I”di“""· R“""`?“ti°'“» . . preliminary exsiminaition etc. of to be appropriation for survey. allotting m sev- made _____________ i _ _ _ ’__ _’_ 407 eralty, etg., of lands in ... E3, 329 Indian School, ` '``` aenorxnses 4,9 ..* §$?Qg`Q'§1,, §,,t,1°,,§°,;,,,d_.,d ___________ 124, 969 ¤ppr<>1>¤~}¤;¤¤ gw ¤31PP31;\?f - · A- 21- - - Y hé25· 970 for irrigation and dminagc expe¤¤e¤-.- 124, ssa P'g];'g’” °' ° ‘*“ um ’ 1,,. 970 restricted to general work .. 124, 969 t . ti 2 ‘‘·· · ··········· 15;* 9,,0 for timber protection. etc ... . 126. 971 ul Yip p“ U chudm · ···· I · · ‘ Menomince. Wis,. excluded 126, 971 °f“:;_&?I)§. {3:031 ess t' 'mfz, 9.,0 for irrigation, Gila River, Ariz 129, 974 °;l:g`l° medi; mn ‘ ‘ l_,f}* ,,10 forirrig-.1tion, Colorado River, Ariz. .. 129, 974 f :20 I ’°c . °;:°P§°‘i1d. Sc °° °·· I;} 6;,0 for water supply, Navajo, Ariz 130, 974 Oh t duagilg eu lmgs", ‘‘‘‘ "°‘ ‘ for dam for iverting river. Gila River. zum mp °Y°°° q““'i25 971 Ariz. . .. . . 130 " `°·°° `'``` T ``°'`’`' -' for irri ration ro`ect. Gila River, Ariz., for tmmponing Etc" pumlq ‘`'°°‘` 120* 971 dain ahoxg Pilorenra . 130, 975 emggoyment fm. Pupdl mfundedio- 9-1 for Enter rights for allotments in Salt 9 Algskg ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1%* gh iver. Ariz .. 130, . 75 . ·•······ . ·············· i ‘ for (Kanado irrigation project, Na.vaj0i31 9 4 fm zgncultuml expenmeuts °u farmiza 971

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for irrigation, Yuma, Cal.: repayment. 132, 975 d°£;]§I£Ki?Ppmp!mt1°° for Support" 30* 826* 8% for irrigation, Fort, Hall, Idaho. .. 132. 976 for '‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘ 826 for irrigation, Fort Belknap. Mont 139, 950 r cgailglpox mg Z' ‘'‘'‘‘‘ for irrigation, Flathead Mont . 139,980 pe p;0 gags; f wie aggimn Ou ap` 741 for irrigation, Fort Pecii, Mont 140, 980 au GEL pe ‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘ ‘ ..41 for irrigation, Blackfeet, Mont 140, 980 Ie Of lands JW, ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ' forirrigation. P ·ramid Lake, Nev . 143, 981 Sa R °r‘ m' - for irrigation hiodoc Point. Klamath. posal °f P ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' 9*3 (greg _ _ _' _______________________ ]50_ gg;6 Indian Scyvige (see also Indian Department;. for irrigation, Yakima., Wash . 153, 989 °·PPmPg?t;m fgt'3r];1‘·'$5t;8a§lIég config 3; for en arvin , , h.. irr` tion _ em 9 Ec 0 Omml systging .. . . 154, 989 I¤d¤¤¤ Affairs oi the H¤¤¤¢ --·---·- 993 for irrigation, Shoshone. \Vyo . 158, 993 n Powers and auth-’¤tY· etc —···-·—•· · · · 993 for expenses opening. to entry; reim- i Indian Service Inspectors. bursable ... 300 appropriation for pay and expenses . 127, 972