Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/802

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1964 INDEX. ` International Joint Cmnmzlssion, Canadian P¤8¢· Interstate Comm.erce—C0ntinued. Pw- Boundary Waters, grain shipments in, to conform to official apipropriatiou for salanes and expenses. 259, 1054 standards . 483 or_prepa.ra.t10u of cases, etc . 259, 1055 _ provisions regulating ... . ... 483 defiueucy appmprmnon for; reapproprm- mvestigation ordirelgl of Govgmment conticu .. . 802 tto , etc. 0 y Joint on<rres·sional International Latitude Observatory, Ukfuh, . Committee.; .,. - . 387 Qalv _ scope of; authority, etc . . . . . 387 approprmtwn for mmnteuance; repay- approprxatxon for expenses . 388 _ ment ... _. . ._ 259, 1055 t1me extended for ... . .. 866 deficxency a£p1·0pr1a.tion for . 16 provisions of Warehouse Act, for storage of Intcmatlbvuélp aw, Commission on Public h agricmgiiural pgoductsdfof 486 an rivale, s ippi r ucta y chil abor of proappropriation for expenses of represents- 0 6 d l11:§bl)bedba1;`;<i?€i1nE fogddden ` 675 mon ... . 260, 1 5 stan a sesta s ors ipmeuts, etc, of International Office of Public Health, fruit and vegetable basketsin .. 673 ¤ppr¤p¤¤¤<>¤ for mw! quota -------- 25871053 Interstate Commerce Commission, Internatwnal Prison Commission, _ up mpriation for Sala,-i€S_ _____________ _ _ _ 280 appmpriation fqr mw p<>¤¤il>¤¤$>¤- 256,1052 gr expenses regulating commme; rem. 280 Im€"7'·atw@¤{Radwt€l€9TaPhw C°'m`¢mw"'·» _ for establishing uniform system of acapgropmuon for slgare of expenses 258, 10.:4 counting by railroads ______________ 280 dv cumcy 9·PPi’°PI'm·u°¤ f°1' Shu? °f 9x' 802 for enforcing safety appliances regula- _P€¤$€¤···_ ----·--------—·--------·· tions . . 280 Inwmatwwl SQMWTH Bureau, _ for securing reports etc., of accidents,. . 280 ¤PP!'°PDY?1t;*;¤ Y0! annual Sham Of mm¤t§;__ 1053 for investsisfahng block-signal and train- _ ··_ -·---- ·; ·-·~-··· _·- ; ·-··- -·'>¢» contro systems, etc . . .. . 280 Internatumal Seurmologwal Assocmtwn — { h · al ,1 tj g railroad ______ 281 appropriation for annual contribution . 258, 1054 gg; Eecxésjgg {Loma; of Bmckssboudg International Soil Products Exposition! ctc _____ _ __________________ ’ ______ 281 appropriation for agricultural exhibxt at. . . 475 rent allowance __________ _ ____________ 281 f<>r<->ig¤ ¤¤·ti¤¤¤ iuviwd to I¤¤¢r¤¤¤i<>¤¤1 my compelling use ot safe locomotive Farm Congress, in connection with- - 1168 boilers __________________________ _ _ _ gg] Inwawtigml Tekymphic Bmw, Bmw. for printing and binding for 331 w=¢=¢r . d fi ‘ ‘ u { . L t 15 appropriation for share of expenses 258, 1054 ego?-1;?i?;{%gpar;§IEn3{,;1,,;r_?II`??i1??i _____ gy Im¢"`m¢%0>‘¢¤l Trade Mark Bllrfaiw, _ investigation bvs ecialJo1ntCon1mitteeon €€€abhSh€d_ at Habilnib Cuba, aud R10 de proposed cganges in organization of. 387 I tem d•?¤€U0» [iran] -——--··-- · ·—-———··--· 1680 mail tmniportatiog rates, etc., by railroads n e ersom ec. t ij d V ____ _ ________________ 429 appropriation ’for expenses of, under then basis $,5 getgfmingng ___________________ 439 _ N3VY D€P?~"tm€m- - - ; ·--—- ; --—- 00* » 1169 procedure; statements of rcquircnwnts to m$§¤€»i;*·(§mSt%'1 to Saint Ehzabmhs __8 befiled by P0st111a,e=tcrGener:1l;}>r¢—p- PSP il - —··----- - ···-·-----·-- 00 mation expenses etc ... . ... 429 I'*m`°€€a”{¢ C¢{”;7l» _ _ plan for transportirlg, mics, etc. . . 430 c°¤"€!m°¤ wlrh N1¢=>·¤¤g¤¤ {O" n‘—{Y}}t to €°“‘ notice to camera; hearings . . . . 430

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.. _ .. ¤ > s' { ‘ ws _______ 430 Inwpwiwmenmw Umm fqr Prvmma M- §d3$l1$al0»;`e({g1l?{rl€;l1g;$edr? . . 4:so fqmqtumai A*b¤2‘¤¢¤a¤. rates to be established; payments ru- ¤px>¤>vr¤¤¤<>¤ f<>r ¢¤¤$¤b¤¤<>¤ ·-------- 257, 1053 mm: . mo I”*"'P°"%_'f€'f;‘;*C¢“"!I U'•*°"*» Ninekmth ('°'*‘ l’9€gBl'I1lH8ti0¥éB;t·g3W9d8ft€fSlXm0Dll1S. 430 _ _ , _ _ authority con e on Commission . 430 In*;·¢E’rl;:i;l;’(;'*g*:¤;*¥¥:l§;>;?_XP€¤¤°¤ of -·····--·- 2**0: 1006 diminished allowance for land gram: by imusincc coulmny. ctc. allowed in existing l§%?¤`éI>Z{mi{:.{l& 1i§£1f¤1é§é`»§kL§ M0 district courts where adverse claim- established _______________ _ _________ 431 ¤¤¢¤ are ¤fd¤’f¤¤>¤¤ S¤=¤=¤ ------···· 929 mas available sw expenses .. . . 431 I¤¢¤r1rr¢¢¢t¤.Dip1¤>rr¤·¤¢i¢ wi €'<m·~!<¤ Swice, pumishmeue for refusal or railroads to appropnatiou for leggtiou, ew., Persia, 253, 1049 perform service _______________ _ _____ 431 ¤r egmon, ¤¢4¤·» wgkvk, Sim ---- 253, 1049 powers Or, not meme by Shippinv Ace. - - vas for ¤¤¤<1¤¤¢.€h1¤¤,J=¤1;>¤,¤¤d '1`¤rk¤y· 253,1049 m enter complaints of viomiom 0€16-hour f restrictionfon galanes . 254, 1049 law _______________________________ 61 or quarters or, span and '1‘urkey.-. 254 1049 to %tab]jSh mm { r t trans ted for, at desxgnated consulates . 261; 1057 based on d€g]a£%r3p:;]g6; excggjon: Interstate _Brzdge Company, _ etc ______ _ ________________________ 442 my bmflge Tuzwkfvrk ¤f Bm Smdy River. to mom Postmaster General of revenue KY·_a¤d · V3 --—~~····-·----~·-· 7 m railroads from expres companies. 428 Interstate Bridge Company: I t mu C La t my *;·§gg*= missippl Rm L=·¤·Si¤g» 3- ”..2'€app¤£;T;°if.‘ P0§£i"r€i§;. 964 3 ... · ···-··-.. . .. . . 1 _ `'` ' ` ’ ‘ Interstate Commerce, Interstate Qorynmzrce Regulatums, _ bills of lading issued by common carriers in; ¤PQ¤)P¤¤¤°¤ for kfgal ‘=‘X?€¤9°¤» enforcing- $2 regulations govm-mug ,,,,,,_,______ _ 538 deucxeucy appropmmon or expenses, exe- _ free trarxsportatiou allowed trustees of Cin- €¤¤¤S ·--·-···—····---·-·-· · ---·--- lv cgnmm Southern Railway; restric~ carriers may gallow reduced mms to militia nom ... . .. 922 r attending Army cncampments, etc. 646