Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/811

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INDEX. 1973 King, Benjaminésed Etc, Addqh R, (widow), Page. nsion mcre . . 465 ns' ___________,,, _ _____ _ _____________ 1374 Kllzeg, Elzzg (widow), Kwllclrcllflltlemul C., penswn xncreased ... . 1462 pensron increased ...________________ _ 1505 Ktng, Erruzlme (wtdow), Kttts, Isaac, pensmn, .,_ 1 , . : . _ _ _ ,_ . 1317 pension increased 1433 Kmg, Emzl B., alms Emzl B. Koemg, Klamath rlgenqy, Oreg., _ pensxon increased ... . 1443 appropnation for support, etc., of Indmns Kmg, Ffanms, of ..., , ,,,... 149, 986 pension increased ... . ..._ 1241 deficiency appropriation for support, etc_, Kong, James, Indians at __ _ ___,,_,._,,__ 829 pel1Sl011 U1C1'€8S6d ---·-·- - -... 1437 Klamath Indian Reservatirm, Orgg,, Kmg, Kate rl!. (widow), appropriation for Modoc Point irrigation pens10¤ 1-11C1`Q¤S€d ------- - -... 1550 · system ... _. .: ..,,,,,._._ 150_ 986 Kang, Mary (undoa-), for bndge across W11l1amson River on. , . 150 pensron increased ... . ..._..,. 1246 K lamalh {ndwm, Omg, Kang, Nancy L. (undow), approprlation for exyiieinses of two delegates PBIIBIOH 111Cl'€3.sed ..-... - . . ... 1267 from, to Was ngtgn, D, C.; from Ktng, Ruhw H., tribal funds..., ..,.____,,...,,_ 150 payment to, for dispossessed homestead, Klamath Ijrrngaticm. Project, oreg,-Cal., Shérmall County, Ofeg .. 1354 Bppropnatdou for mmntenance, etc.; use of King, Thomas, balance 305 penmon increased ... . 1490 Klamath Jyazjonal Forest, Cal., Eng, Wzllmm B_, approlpnanon for_ma1ntenanee, etc., of. 458, 1147 nsion increased ... . 1531 Khmat Rwcr Indum Rcseruatakm, Cal., Kgetgrvtan, John R., proceeds from sale of lands may be used for penswn increased ·-··--. . ·... 1319 ro@,_tm1ls, etc ... . 976 Kmga_C'ree7:, Ga, Klate, Theressa, prehminary examination, ete,, ef, to be Kgggdlggtelnt to ... . .. . 1477 m3dG...-... .. 407 » any Kingsbury, Samuel D., Einsion .. 1375 redempti n f tolen bond . ... 1350 , Phillip Hngsley, E9mil;;;raoch, Kgmsion . ’ . . .., 1 380 Kpgyment t()___ ____ , ,,,,,,_ _ ____ _ _________ 1472 witter, Fgrdingytpid, an ley Lodem' E. ther , _ nsion increase 1595 Kpg;S10;1 increaigsd. . ,_.,. . 1237 Km! Count!/r W¤8h·· _ _ mgwood, W Va., granted lands on Yalnma Reservstnon for condemned cannon granted to . 841 _ school uses ...·-...-.--- 155 Kale!/r Margaret (‘w1:d0'|lJ), Khvw, Henry A., PQDSIOD mcreaged. . .. - , ______,_ . ,,_,_ 1220 Kyénmon xncreased . ... 1330 Kwfwy, Roxalina ’Wly,_J0acph T., penswn increased . _ .. . 1313 Kpénsion . -.·-- 1362 Kmmqult,_Sophw M. (wtdow), Maier. Frank, _ pensmn mcreosed .------... . . 1216 £¤;¤¤1<>¤ --..-..·---·-- - -----..-------··--- 1383 Kmser, James, » _H¢71?‘y H, Pension incrgged, . . , , _ _ ____ _ __,,,,,_ 1224 KgDS1Oi1{1nc1'9a§0d .) .. . .. . . 1209 Ktggrogtdatfon $3 ggehdcy expenses from }’£¤I;10¤l;g,¢£¢¤wd- -, ---·- . ··.----—----··-- 1542 tribal funds ,.,______... .. 145, egg K uyh,_ Thomas, for support, src., from rrabn funds 145, 982 )>¢¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¢¤>¤¤¢<1 -—~·-·---·---·---·· ~ -··— 132* sale or certain wwnsite lands ceded by_. .. 445 K ¤*:g>i'·» John Wd IW proceeds to Klowa Agency Hospxtal KW °%,11:l°L?“° ---·-·-·- - ---·--··-·-~·· · fund; mterestn .. , _,,,.. . . 445 ”“PP,» ’€ ·» __ K%ch,La;;1ence J., 1 d ed K71§I¤?;¤¤(¤;é6}éé ..--· . ..· 13·<» omest entry va i at ,____,_.r.. . 1305 .v , ¤ Ky-k, An ( Mw, pension increased ... . 1518 Kécmggngrmél '°`````` ```'`````````° 1436 K7;%o§g’cyre`;sed 1535 rr , E. vidoa), _ _ -, -··--·-·----·--········ · Kpinsérmmcrgsed . ... 1229 KM1;{$0I£f:mE· (MW)- 1365

.__,_. _ __.. ..3, K£;1;1;{0M¤r¢MA·(#M¢1·€r>', ················ ,5,2

K k.z:'ll , M _, n __ . Z;-Pgsolfdatizu for public buildin , rent 266 Kggppz Ruby L· (Mlm), d€6¢1€i1§g appropriation for puglic build- 18 ---·---- - ·-... . . 1206 Kirkwood, Aizlhf ``````````` ``'``'```` P?11¤1011i11¢1’€¤S€d-_ ·-----··· - ------·-·---- 1373 · · ’ Kmfin, Elzzabcth (w·tdou·), Kt§;F;;;;2,1;1$;;u$w(1Q `````'`` `````'````` 1577 KP•>¤¤i<>n increased .·---...··-- · -—---·· 1246 · - ’ · " niiin, France: A. (widmv). appropnauon for mpmvement of . . . . . 396 . . - Kissinger, _John 12,, KP?°h?°}1 m°’5’.“°d ·‘‘‘‘····· · ····‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 14°8 appropnation for monthly payments to 629 K°;?nS{0n“?l;i ·* ,1 1438 Kissinger, Sarah w1dmu' ), · - · ``````` `'``` '``````` p·¢¤¤1¤¤1¤¤r¤¤<£·>d·_ -·---»-----·· — -—----·-- 1423 Kgglrgicggzigenngd _ ___ 1517 Kstchen. C, (aadou), nights, Sarah C'. (wzliow). pensnon increased ... . 1228 pensmn mgrggd ,.,.,,__ _ ______,, . .. 1420