Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/847

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INDEX. 2009 National Defense Act—C0ntinued. Page Natwkmal Defense Act-Continued National Guard provisions; tem unif Arm Marin- P°g°' {notions, etc., in Army dugotlgldiztgx onggl-gi _ _ _ _ _ _______ $3 216 m» from ·~··-··-·- :· -. ····-·······-· 211 unauthorized wearing of, unlawful .. 216 mfr Officers? terms hmlmd - - -·--·--- 212 use of other uniforms allowed - . 216 permeneut ¤¤}tu¤_¤¤t affected 212 organizations, ere., specified . 216 physmal €§8Il]J.!13l`.l0I1B requxred when distinctive insignia required __________ 217 called mto actrye service . . 212 restriction on of rank 217 Wim dlscimged -, ·------ _ --------.- 2 12 punishment for meuom . .. 217 States uot_ comflmng w1tl1 laws and travel allowance of enlisted men on die- Iegulauom €b9·¤’€d fmm benefits. · 212 charge; sea. travel ,,,_, 217 aplghcable jo land forces only .. 212 no Army officer to be discharged or dea;lvl;lg11l1tua. credxted to $ta.te, etc., 212 Hi priveg of cougnélssion by this Act. gl? ... _ . Z con cing wsrepes .,.. 7 xemnd regultgotng Qi, .. 213 declaratéoiutpf einggeucy for use of troops 339 estg _ ; ex- 2. 1 1ona y . .. g;11g1t11res restncted to approprm.- 213 draft a.utborigeilH Nati<;1nn1 Guard, or· ..,,,.,,, _ ___, gan, · fo military supplies may be_procured hom miligery serxticeléll. ... . 339 manufacturers, etc., 111 time of war. 213 persons drafted, discharged from orders 9bl1g8001'Y wd to MVS precedence 213 during service under , ,...,.,,.,.., 340 posesmon to be taken on refusal by pension laws applicable while in service- . - 340 regular munmon, etc., plsgnts .. 213 combinstjorr of organizations into tactical plantsmcapable of manufncturing arms, 213 om um? 1£tn)ei:;ssary . 340 8 -, --·--.-.·.·.·--.~ cers or, appom om y operation, etc., by Ordnance Deparb 213 d.¤:1ftg¢}H0rgan%{z&tions,CeHgible list; 40 men . : ... an cers’ eserve orps 3 pumshment for noncomplmuce, etc. . . 213 appointments not above colonel; other. 340 payment for products, mntermls, or 213 filling vaqancies made by sppoinb 340 use ... ments in . sll private munitions, etc., plants, to be assignment of commnndliythe President 340 _ .. . . 214 rank and precedence, ° otherwise. : . . 340 1;:lf$2$:v1§{ZL°¢g.°L°TnZ°m°d¤»a`% ‘mm ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ 2 M ”“k’c0m°“m.=’s.-Zig f.T°“" °“‘°°’° "°"“" 340 bm1;u1:)s.r`2s, etc .}. .. ,-. 214 N _ not1§¢}_anted3;•;“;n§%ster·£::::::::éi§:fg£ 340 p prepared or ernng atumal e mu or ace Conn plants into munition factories .. 214 National ‘ Board on _Mob111zation of Indusmes Es- National Emergency, _ _ sentnal for Militnéy Zgxxpsreclness to additional authority vested m the Prembe appointed; eu amstsnce, 214 dent to slnps, war matenxl, 1193 etc .. . etc., m e o . .. manufacture oft arms, munitions, and 214 Naz·immlFF(;z1·;'na1 fitoan Aswcigtigru (sea also e u1 men . .. e e arm c bosrdqto gnvestigate pomibility etc., of, provisions relgting to . Z .. 365 by the Government ... 214 ergempt from mcome tax .. - . n ... 767 detaiés to be reported; transmxttsl to 214 Nacwna 11'oéesu gaze also Eo1£giSer:7rf1ce), 457 1144 ongrsss __,_ , ,,,,,,,...,. appro ms ou or sdrmms on medals of dgmnor; investigation of past 214 { of tnmbetré. sway _ ___,,,_,,,. . ,. or mam enance, e ., 0 em . , board of retired general officers for .. 214 under Conservation Act . _. 458, 1149 names to be stricken from roll .. 214 receipts from hunting, etc., permxts. . . 1149 further use; forbidden, egcpepses. . ig 214 for mxscellaneous adnumstratxve ego lug mgmui C1; gu-ms tc, r mam uses .. . . . ,

fj .. fini-?  215 for geassilicstion, etc., lands within, for

tools, etc., to be prepared for Govern- lxomestesds . _ ... 460, 1149 ment or pnvate p ants: - .. 215 for survey, etc., of agricultural lands discretionary use of expenditures- ._. : . .. 215 mtlun; use of balances .. 460, 1149 mmm and other products for mumtnons for iighmng forest fnres, etc ..- 461, 1149 of war, fertilizers, etc, . 215 for purchase of seed, etc., for tree plantinvestigations to deterxmne means to mg vgnthmi expenments, etc. . .. 461, 1150 produce, by water or other power. . . 215 for spprmsrng trmber forssle, etc. . . . 461, 1150 sites to be designated for excluswe use. . 215 for mrscellaqeous rnvesugauons . 461, 1150 construction of water power mum, etq. . 215 for roads, tnuls, bndges, etc . 461, 1150 acquirement of necessary ds, mm· ersdxcgtgng poxsonousflsnts ... : ; . 1150 emls, processes, etc . ... 215 for scqmnngi ends, un er Conservatnon products to be used by the G0vem· Act; ad noml for 1917 and 1918.. 462 mgnt ________________,_,, , ,,,,.,.. 215 for expenses ungler_Conserw·stion_Act, sldisposal of surplus .. . 215 lowegi nn District of Qolumbm. . . 462, 1150 officers, agents, etc., to beemployed 215 for clsmxfymg, etc., agncultunl lands duties required ... _ ... 215 m . . ._ ._ . : ... . .. 465, 1153 a propriations for, to remain svmlable. . 215 for aclvertxsxng lands m, zutored to pubplants to be constructed and cpenwd he dcmaun . .. , ----·-· 300 solely by the Government . 215 for topograpluc surveys of lands gn. . . z . . 301 use of Panama bonds to raise necessary 215 for roads ami tnu£, m eonnecbon with 358 ..,,..,, . ... poe me . ·- - --~-------- _ reggggzion of bonds modiied 216 reimbursement from forest revenues. . 359