Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/939

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INDEX. 2101 Public Building; and Grounds, D. (7.-0011. P¤8¤- Public Deposits, Pwappropriation or watchman, etc .. . . 93 1097 farm loan bonds l l for watchman, Wasl1ingtou’s birth- , curity for. . { 380 place . Z .. 93, 1097 Public Health, Intermztimml Office of, for contmgent expenses, umforms, etc. 93, 1097 appropriation for annual quota 258, 1053 anznount from District revenues . 93, 1097 Public Health Service, for 1mprovement and care of parks, etc . . 289 appropriation for Surgeon General` clerks, for bionumeui; grounds, gk; _,_____,,,_,, 289 enc ______,,,, . ,,,.,,,..,____ 84, 1088 for Potpmqc fark- .-, .. 289 for Hyvienic Laboratory, building, etc.. 270 for ma.mta1mngportions0f parks for out- for medical officers and pharmacisit . . - . 278 doo; sporty ... 290 addmomil mistmt surgeons . 278 fol' Méfldlall H111 Park, etc ... . 290 for noncommigioned g$cg;·g ____________ 278 for old reservolr, Wisconsin Avenue and for all other employees ,,,,__,,, _ _______ 278 _ R Slil‘Q€€; added to park system 290 for fre`¤ht, transportation, etc ___________ 278 for 1mproving Rawlins Park ...,,,,, 290 fm- fugi lights, water, etc __________ _ ____ 273 for extending sea. wall, Potomac Park. . 290 for supplies, 9134;,, depot; _,____ _ _____,___ 278 Easbgis Pomt sewer ... 290 for hyg1enic laboratory ,,,_,,,,,______ _ 278 for Hel house, East Potomac Park . 290 for mamtenance of hospitals . .. 278 for trees, etc., Libra? grounds . 290 admission of cases for study ,,,,______, 278 grounds of Ca.p1m_ , gmd Senate and for outside treatment, etc ... 278 House _Office Bu11dJ.ngs . 290 for medical inspection of immigrants. . . 278 for Executmve Mansion gronmds ... . . 290 for quarantine service ,, . 278 for employing engineer, et»c 290 for prevention of epidemics 279 for repairs, etc., Executive Mansion . 290 for field investigation of public health for fuel, %reenhouses, etc.._ . . 290 matters ... . 279 for tmve exlgenses of President 290 for interstate quarantzine service ,... 279 for liihung xecutive Mansion, etc . 290 for studies, etc., of rural sanitation .. 279 pu lic grounds . . . 291 for stud? of pellagra . ... 279 for heating offices, greenhouses, etc . 291 for regu ating sale of viruses, etc .., 279 for tel ph, Capitol, Departments, etc. 291 for assistant surgeons, additional,. _. 440 for Wggngton Monument .. 291 for interstate quarantine service, add1- for repairs, building where Abraham _ tional .. : .. z 440 Lmcoln died .,... . 291 deficiency appropriation for outmde treatfor maintenance, Wakefield, Va. 291 ment, etc .. _. . . : 21, 28, 828 for Grunt Memorial . . .. 291 for studies m rural ssmtgtaon, etc .. 21 for Lincoln Memorial .. . 291 for prevenuon of epidemics 28 for nevq Aqueduct Bridge . _ - - 291 {01: 9X§l!B€€ . ’ ...-.. : ..-··--·- ; - - 824 for Arhngmn Memorml Amphmhesrter- .- 292 details q road of officers of, m connection deficiency appropriation for C01. W11l1¤¤l Immgmilou Act ...---· 892 W _ Hmm _,_____,_,.,. . _ 809 examination of d1sea.sed alien seamen, etc., fg]- Operating expenses, Plaza fountsms. . 810 1D. FOUL, by 0$CBl‘ Qi.: . . . ...-· · - 896 lor lighting, etc . : . . 810 home for epers to be odrmmstered by. 872 erection of "Titan.ic “Memorial, author- reigulgtxons for admission, treatment, etc. 873 ized; site, etc ,,..., 1046 a. dJt;1onn1_pay to officers gervurg m ,.,. 873 new memorial to Admiral Dugout, etc- - 944 _ approprmtxon for all expenses ... :. . 873 memorial fountain to Alfred No le may be lighthouse keepers and assnstuntsto recoxve erected on public grounds . . . . 2 - 65 free treatment at. hospitals, etc. 538 officer in_ charge, designated on Public 0Hicers of, to niske phymcnl and mental F Buildings Commission. .2 1. . 328 exanunauon of alien xmmigrunts 88o use of reservamons, etc., permntted for in— experts for exnmmauon of mental do- _ augural ceremonies, 1917 901 fects .. I _ .. . 8 S:) Public Buildings Cmnznisrion, sale of old marine hospital, (Aevoland, l ( created to provide Gowjemngent-owned 01110: .. _. . I .i,>0 quarters for all public ofhres, etc·.-. 328 construction of new bunlding from pro- t ( compomtion of; from Senate and House 308 P br Leenfgs ·--.-· . .. $00 committees ·.·---·-·---- · ----·---- ~ u tv lj _, _ _ _ Superintendent of the Cagitpln .. 328 appropriation for Comnussmoner, assistant, l officer in ch e of mldmgs and clerks, etc ,__,,..,._..,,._.,,... 99, 110.3 grounds, Dérg . . 328 for suryeyors general! etc . 103, 1*1,0 Supervising Arqghitgcig __,,,,,,_ _ _______ 328 for registers and yg(;g1vg;·g_ _______ _ __,__. ...)8 chairmen; ex ert, eteq e¤¤r>1•;fiee¤ ------- 328 fer ¤¤¤t¤;s¢¤t expenses ·-------·-- - -··-- 2,99 assistance oi)Commissiou of ne Arts. : . 328 for depositing rnoneys . _ .. . . . . ..99 to ascertain requirements for the pubLLc for expenses, t1mberdepredat10us.: 399 service in District of Columbia 328 for protecting, fron; fraudulent entr1es... 799 iemtion: Sites; costs, etc ---- - ·-··-·--- 328 for Swempqiend c1¤1¤1¤.. etc ---------· ; - - - 299 appropriation for all expenses ... _ . 329 for protecting, etc., Oregon and C311fol’• 299 SM1 report not lster thou Jenwy 1, 1913- 329 b¤1¤_¤11r9¤d]81¤:11d¤-gf -----·-------- 299 Public Wmge, _ for wrgdm gn ua enf ee .----- - ·--... 299 aliens likely to become a, excluded adm1s- for rep ucing gs ts o annoys,- ,,,. , . sion __,____________,__,____________ 876 for restoring lgn _ m nnuonnl forests ,_ , , 300 Public Corwerrimce Szaziom, D. C., for open1n¥ lndmn reservations; re1m— { =u>v¤u>ri¤tio¤_for m¤i;1t§1§¤¤¢e- R, ---- $01, 1020 for mlixuizeylfug -------—--·—--~--—--------- % t1 `cv t treet - ., sou . Z for ug? ,_,,,__,__,________, 1020 for abandoned military reservauous, etc. 30],