Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/940

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2102 INDEX. Public Lm1ds—C011tix1ucd. _ ?¤B¤· Public Lands—C0utinued. Page appropriation for exgnses, affecting with- homestead entries allowed in Flathead In— drawn oil la11_ 2 . I . 312 dian timber lands, Mont .., 139 deficiency approprumon for coutmgent designated, in Glacier Park, allowed :342 f hexpeuses..i-.a.. .%._ .. 30, $$3 m hex:] of erroneous selecuons in Colo or ea.11n¤sm an en nes . ra, o ...,...,.,,,.,___ _ ____ K8? ger snirveydgii . . . F. . : . 80, 825 purchasers of ceded lands at designated (:96 oreassafd on ec. 0 em c pmce ,.,..,_,,_,,.,_,,,,.,,________ ,_ grant .. . 817 settlers on lands reserved for Navajo ig; ;<;geg;1 A;;1cd ... . . Iggiau Reservation, Ariz., allowed, _04 , . e .. s sdgxgd I:]3g|.li(i·`H3l fcrelsits 829 in reclglxigtlinn pcxiojects, assignments a atm crest, ont- . 922 con e ; com `tions. . GT §Q)l;i;Ix§.i0na1taiBI§>r1`§1rstt§ Golf)? . Sig patents toggttlers of Ygiud River Reserve- D oun a om ar , 0 9 t' n . t sec t ; Teton Natiousl Forest, Wyo  ?. . . 515 cfnditioga E . 3 . . . lf?. fr. :341 Whitman National Forest, Oreg . 852 settlers allowed credit for residence time Wyoming National Forest, W 0 . 516 in military service on Mexican additions of, agthorized to Codvorado and _ border, etc .. . 671 _ Pike Ns,t1oua:l Forests in Colorado . . S48 homestead entry confirmed, of Charles M. agnmltuml lapds m abandoned military Hickerson . ...,... 155 reservauous, Nevada, opened _ to homestead settlers on uusurveyed lands, homesigead and desert land entries; allowed leave of absence ... 341 coudltions 518 notice of claim, etc., to be tiled. . - . 341 coal lands m school sections of ceded Fort homesteaders allowed further time to pay Berthold_ Reservation, N. Dak., to for _Chcye1me and Arapahoe Reser- A be atfpraxsed, etc .. 1131 vsmou Olgla., ceded latnds . 9.37 desert gui: 1E:y be made by ap- h Fort Peck Eixigrap Reiservuuou, Mont 994 p can w ve enlarged omestesders ving ess a quarter steads. ... 946 section allowed additional entry to desert land eutrymen in Riverside County, obtain enlarged homestead; restric-

 a1l0;vedtextensi0u of time for hud tion ... B   -i . _.  -     

ptooszec 49 °ctesta. , mpena, develogiug, locatmg, etc., iprings, water Minnesota, sold for drainage assewmeum oles, etc., on and an desert .. 518 charges, etc ... 722 expenditmefauthorized ,.,. 518 opened to homestegzd §ntryAagric11{;11ral um'shm ut or injuring, tc . . . . 518 a d coal lan s, [rt ssirmi nine digposal ofeunallotted, of gtanding Rock Mglitary Reservatidn, Mont 1808 Reservation, N. and S. Dal: 1721 certain lands 011 Colville Indian Reserdisposition of reserved lands, abandoned wyation. Wash . ._ 1778 Fort %iss1un1bome Mxhtary Reserva- certain laiids of Crow Indian Reserve H tion, out 739 tion, out ITC enlarged homesteads; entries of noncon- forfeited Oregon and California Railroad tiguous land to complete former K lan¢;I .F . . 12lS; entry ,...,...,,,_,,.,,,,,.,,,, 344 ansas atm ores , ans., an s. . . 75i Idaho, entry of noucontiguous lands surface coal lends, Fort Bcrtholcl I udiun allowed. . . . 724 Reservation N. Dak . . IHS exchange of certa.m lands with Colorado, patent to Richard baeley .. . .. l-170 authonzed . l297 G._B. Dickson. . ..., . . 1264 withNAq11§11:l lgebeker, to add to Cache ... . . . atm crest ...,_. , ,,,..,,,,.,,. 922 omas . t . . .. North Dakota, for dry land experiment Lake City. Ark ... . 1339 station . . ,,._,,,.,, 344 Benjamin F. Robinson and John Dows. . 1322 with Wyoming, authorized ,,,_,, , ,,,,,, 64 John L. Sevy in exchange for lands ID fee siuégle patents to certain Indians in national forests. ... _ 340 ashmgton .,.,_...,, , ,,,,_ 1476 patents to designated tracts m Cmighezxd grant to Duchesue, Utah. . :. . 389 _ Countv, Ark".: .. _  : .,.. 1335 Durango, Colo., for water reservoirs, private land'_ clzums m Cahfornm, to be Fl moclifieg. . il , . 62 saxrveyed, etc., on depomt of fees by 99 andreau, . . or pu 'c , etc. '24 c aimants ,.., , . . 5 G¤¤¤i$0¤ Ccuntyr 6010-JOY DUKE; P¤?k· gm punishment for false reprmeutations to Kansas {OY g3·m€ PY€9€!'V€ -—-···---····· 233 intending purchasers, settlers, etc., Myron, Utah-, · - - z --------·-----.- 389 35 to location, em. . ...,,,,,,,. ssa Nebgxggvemty f°r dry land °x` 1130 purchase ogcertain. by H. L. Corbin. per- 1300 ' ‘ T '’`‘' ’ ’’ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘ _, mit . ... ` g§§g§§ f§Q§“?;l;§;E°,Q{‘g ‘ (gi; °°5 pmumm or ceaea Umatilla Resqn-mqn. pany, revesiied gn United States 218 gfg-— l?“d;;fvh°"° P“**’“” ’f “S"’“l 9,,3 dis 'mi f an s .. 219 gmzing . ···· · ··-----····-·· · · P0rt1gx)§?lI, 3:2;., for gugblic park 60 relixxquishrneuyoi railroad grsgut lands; to Salida, Colo.,_for pu he pgrkuses .._,,, 915 Indmns gn Anzona. Kew Memco. homestead entrxes algowgd m Alaska; for- and Cahfomm. extended for two AN mer entnes no 3, 3,;- ______. , ... 352 years ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_,_,_____,.. l Prior claims not affected . 352 reserved from leases, etc., designated coal ands excepted .. 352 fields in Alaska ,,,._, . . . _ , .,_. 1773