Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/107

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88 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 20. 1917. the_President, and nothing in this Act shall be construed as transferring the Coast and Geodetic Survey or any of its functions from the Department of Commerce except in time of national emer- Aremunelgsubjept no gency and to the extent herein provided: Provided further, That ,,,§{”*' °’ "Y "s* any of the personnel of the Coast and Geodetic Survey who may be transferred as herein provided shall, while under the jurisdiction of the War Delpartment or Navy Delpartment, have proper military status and s all be sub°ect to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the y or Navy, as the case may be, in so far as the same may be applicable to persons whose retention perma- Fmd Omcmh nently in the military service of the United States is not contemplated ocgpes 03 1; 3-0%:8- by law: And prmgided further, That the President is authorized to §,?§,,,§§,s‘}'}€a,§d_ ° ° agmmt, by ant with the advice and consent of the Senate, the field 0 cers of the_Coast and Geodetic Survey, who are now officially designated assistants and aids, as follows: Officers now designated assistants and receiving a salary of $2,000 or more per annum shall be appo1nted hydrograph1c and geodetic engineers; officers now designated assistants and receivingl a salary of $1,200 or reater butlless than $2,000 per annum s all be apipointed junior l1ydro— Emmmmms W graphic and geodetic engineers; officers now esrrnate aids shall be q,,j,,,d,m_ apgsliplseg aids: €’1;1o#a?ded, Tlliat no perslsndshall be appointed aid or e romo e rom ai to 'unior og hi l d f engineer or fiom junior hydrographlc and ggocletgbagngingeih t§(li)y<l%r<l? graphic and afeodetic engineer until after passing a satisfactory mental and physic examination conducted in accordance with regulations prescgped gy Ashe Secretsryfof Coxniipnslrce, except that the President is au or1z_ 0 nomina e or con f th t t d `ds mgm etc mt in the service on the date of the plassggeiuhf tliisasdftlm S an m ,,,dmd_ p""* ‘* Nothing 111 this Act_sha.ll reduce the total amount of ay and allowremimmme. _ ances they were receiving at the time of transfer. `gfhile actually employed in active service under direct orders of the War Department or of the Navy Department members of the Coast and Geodetic Survey receive thebenefit of all provisions of laws relat- Rmm_emkmSm__ ing to disability incurred in line of duty or loss of life. ne otArmy mmvy. { glfhen serving with the Army or Navy the relative rank shall be as 0 owsz Hydrovraphic and eodefc engin ‘ rank with a.nd_after gdonels the(?lg1?1ii·;c;hViln§a'i’>la(ix(igi(ii- lIh(eNN;Iir8)il b {Iydrogkpaplnc and geodetic engineers receiving $3,000 or more up css t an $4,000 shall rank with and after lieutenant colonels in iliigmy andliconinsandslrssin the Navy. y rovrap c am eo e 1C6I1"’ll1 ° its a.m°a,¤0¤ Saiigmk wia°.m°Zi"`§r{Ei’°LX?.‘}(*“i.-S2i1?(ii’1§Ei’2`éI‘l§?’ as lieiifegant coilplmanders in the Navy. y rograp `c and geodetic engineers re e'v` $2 000 b t Lzsstthan t$2_,5(;(]l1sli\a.ll rank with and afterccapltiigins theri{T1i)1Ij?a1i1d eu enan s in e avv. , Junior hydrographid and geodetic en eers shall rank with and gt3e1f:Eixrst•l1eutenants in the Army and geriitenants (junior grade) in Aidsxsliall rank with and after second lieutenants in the Armv and Fav when not GH Buslgus m the ~ military .;my_ mgzgfi) i}10;lh111§¤ ? tllfis Act shall be construed to atfectpr alter their hemmbeiglg memporpggances when not assigned to military duty SS . R¤¤¤¥=*·;i¤¤¤ g<>“’¤· The Secretary of War, the S t · f ‘ mg dum Mc retary of Commerce shall jointl Hgiiesiiddibg rdgiiladgiiiiiysi ad;-iriilrti ill; duties to be performed by the Croast and Geotdetic Sm·vgey in tixile of war, and for the cooperation of that servic T D Mt t_ . . _ B with the War and 1\avy ep men sin txme of peace in preparation for its duties in war wh1chre¢>·i1lationsshall t b if ’ ¤ HO e e ective unless approved by each of the