Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1352

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1334 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. sms. 111. Ch. 123. 1919. ¤¤¤¤¤1=¤*¤Si>*>¤t¤¤’¤· nxrnusns or coNsU1.An msrncroas. °};;3*‘°“¤€» °’°·· °x· For the actual and necessary traveling and snbsistenceexpenses of D °S`_ consular inspectors while traveling and inspectmv under mstructions §°,§°,§,¤’,°,;,,,,,,_ from the Secretary of State, $25,000: Pwvzded, 'llhat inspectors shall be allowed actual and necessary expenses for subsistence, itemized, not exceeding an average of $8 per day. sALAmns or coNsULAn Assrsrlmrs. <,§¤¤s1¤¤=¤S¤iS'=¤¤*=· For forty consular assistants, $75,425: Pro/vided, That from and sahiiiioi-szmgs. after the lst day of July, 1918, the salaries of consular assistants shall be at the rate o $1,500 for the first year of continuous service, $1,650 for the second {ear of continuous service, $1,800 for the third year, and $2,000 for the fourth year of contmuous service and for each year 3,,§‘·,,,§,g,,$_"°‘* p' thereafter, and section 1704, Revised Statutes, 1l',S_§l.II1B!1$l8.lGOI'y_l§Cl3 $9}-§,1>§g>-mmd_ of June 11, 1874, and all other Acts inconsistent with this provision ee. °' ’p` ’ are hereby so amended. P°“““°‘““°“· rosr ALLOWANCES ·ro oonsmluz Ann nrrnouync ormonns. ,,,§‘{,°,‘§f",,§’§;’,‘g',§*°,!Q§,{;"§ To enable_the President, in his discretion and in accordance with was- such regulations as he may prescribe, to make special allowances by wav of additional compensation to consular an diglomatic officers and consular assistants a.nd_officers of the United tates for China m order to adjust their official income to_the ascertained cost of hving at the posts to which they may be assigned, $600,000. ALLOWANCE Fon cuznx man AT murnn srarns ooNsULA·rns. °*°"‘“* °°“"““““· Allowance for clerk hire at consulates; to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, $1,200,000. sananms or mrnnrnnrnns TO c0NsULArns nv crime, cnosniw, JAPAN, AND SIBERIA. su{a”fgP'°‘“” “ °°°‘ Interpreters to be employed at consulates in China, Chosen, Japan, and Siberia, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, $53,700. nxrimsms or mrnammmns, eulums, nm so Foam, IN Tuaxrsn D0mmoNs, AND so mam. ,,§_“°°“"°°‘“’ ‘““'°“’ Interggeters and guards at the consulates in the Turkish dominions, Persia, orocco, northern Africa, and at Zanzibar, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, 535,000. nxrnnsns or Parsons Fon ALIERICADI oorzvrcrs. giY§§' °"°°“‘ Expenses of maintaining at Shanghai, under charge of t-he United States marshal for China, an institution for incarcerating American conv1cts_and insane in China, $2,000; for salary of deputy marshal, Keepinsprisouers. Slgoq; mf&u’ $5*2120; f d f _ aying or the eeping Bédlllgl an transportation o prisoners in China, Chosen, Siam, and Turkey and of those declared insane by R tu T the United States Court for China, $9,000; ""°·° · ‘“'“‘Y· Rent of prison for American convicts in Smyrna. Turkey, and for waves of keepers of the same, $1,000; §ent of prison for American convicts in Constantinople, Turkey, and for wages of keepers of the same, $1,000; Total, $14,200.