Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1392

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INDEX. xxi Army-Continued. _ _ P¤€°~ Army Emergency Increase, 1917, P¤8¤- Nurse Corps, y of chief nurses, increased . 1211 appropriation for expenses, Provostliarshal officers not aliigve colonel tempomnly pro- General’s Office, under ., . .. 851 moted to 611 vacancies caused by deficiency appropriation for expenses, creation of emergency generals to be Provost Marshal General’s Offico appointed by Premdent alone .. 534 under .. 185, 355, 474, 1027 Hpermanent status retained ... 535 Regular Army increments to be imme- 0 cers of Marine Cogps detached for duty diately raised officered, etc . .- 76 with, eligible or temporary promo- maximum enlisted strength authorized. . 76 tions ... . . . 1054 vacancies created in, to e filled by mmpasses; punishment for forging, wrongfully porary or provisional appointments. 76 using, etc . . . . . 228 termmation of provisional appointments . 76 pensions to widows, Civil and Spanish National Guard and Reserve drafted into and Philippine insurrection service, service . . . . 76 to be $25 a month, etc . 408 to serve during emergency etc . 76 period of service of persons drafted into. . . 217 State designations retained . ... 76 hilippine militia, etc., may be called mto 500,000 additional enlisted men to be service of United States; draft, etc- 432 raised by draft .. . .. 76 plans for most desirable method of quarter olilcsrs to be provided for; sources {Bling, lite., to besubmitéed .. 129 availed of. .. . ,. 76 pos emp yees serving in, uriug present organizations to correspond with Army. . 76 war, to be reasmgned to positions typical Army organizataous, etc., may be when honorablydascharged . 754 changed .. 76 quarters or oommutauon therefor to fam- regimental not altered . . 77 ilies of officersm the Held or abroad. 530 additional machine gun, and armored railroad siding authorized to medicxl sup- motor companies, may be organized, ply depot, Wasl1i§ton, D. C . -. 538 etc. ,.. . .. 77 reappomtment authonz of Maj: Chalmers pasonnel, etc., for .. -; ... 77 G. Hall, retired, to active list of officers not above colonel to be appointed Qavalry ... 1055 by the President alone . 77 recruiting allowance to for above, by the President and Senate. 77 _ securing enlistments in, repealed. . . 754 recommmsions of former Coast Guard, ctc., restrrcuons on details, etc., suspended dur- officers authorized; conditions .. 77 _ ingemeriekncy . : .. : . 82 additional 500,000 men be drafted retired officers, vingservedm Engineers, for training; orgamzatiou, etc .. 77 eligible for active duty as officers m recruit taining units m addition to Engineer Coig, 231 be drafted, etc . 77 reuse of proceeds m sale of property, artil1eryorgamzataomtoberaised,etc.; repealed .. . 1173 personnel, assignments, etc- . .. 77 rural past roads details of officers or en- four infantry divisions may be raised by ' ted men, without their consent, voluntagr enlistment; officers, etc.. 77 forbidden . 1202 to oorrespon with Army organization. . 77 work by, on public roads, other than in enlistment age prescribed . . 77 encampments, to be reported ... 1202 condition of acce tance 77 allowance for compensation, etc .. 1202 enlisted men for &gu1ar Army and Na- Signal Corps, including Aviation Section, tional Guard to be raised by voluntemporarily increased .. 243 tary enlistments; draft alternative. . 77 details of officers and enlisted men to, for other forces by selective draft; transauthorized . 243 fers to recruiting cadres . 77 strength of, not decreased b emergency draft provisions; persons liable, rules, etc. 77 details, etc., to Signal dorps 245 quotas determined by population ... 78 supplies may be purchased by employees credits for men m service . 78 auditing Army accounts, etc., forces subject to Army laws, etc.; proabroad ,.,.. . .. 295 motions excepted. . . . . 78 timber, etc., condemned for use of 888 to Serve during 9¤}€l‘g€HCy .. 78 time extended for filing contracts in re- special and techmmltroops to be raised toms Omoo - ... 198 by voluntary enlistment pr.? .. 78 travel allowance increased to enlisted men, local origin ofjorces to be maintained. . . 78 discharged after November 11, 1918 . 1203 bounties for enlisting, forbidden .. 78 two representatives of, to be a pointed on substitutes not allowed· liability for serv- Uommission for Standardpizing Screw ice not released by payment of Threads .. . 1291 money, etc .,... 78 uniform clothing, etc., may be retained on draft exemptions; the Vice President, and discharge from, after service in pres- Federal, State, etc., officers . 78 ent wai- ____,,_,__,,,,_ , ,.. 1202 ministers and divinity students. ._ .. 78 uniforms, acconterments etc., may be fur- persons in military and naval serv1ces.. . 78 nished officers and cadets at cost. . . 957 members of religious organizations forvocational rehabilitation provided for per- bidding part1c1pation in war 78 sons discharged for disability from. . 617 noncombatantsf services not included. 78 war estate tax not applicable to persons . county and mumupal officials, customdying in, during present war, etc- . . 325 house clerks . : .. 79 Army Accounts, etc., postal employees; workmen 111 arsenals, authority for auditing, abroad, etc . 293 etc . . ·..·--·---- - -·-·· 79 time extended during the war, for trans- pilots; mariners: . T .. r .. _· . . 79 mitting, to the Auditor from War persons engaged in designated indnzstnes. 79 Dspmmmt ,,,,,_______________,_. 892 persons having dependent families .. 79