Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1416

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1NDEx xlv. Census Ofice, of C'o·mmcrcc—- P¤8¢~ C'ertUioate.rofI1ldebted·;14.g.g, United Sturge, Page. Contmu . _ _ _ appropriation for expenses of issuing, etc. . 292 appropnatron for punching machines for exempted from all taxation ... 293 Fourteenth us 804 except as provided in issues after Sepfor printing and binding for ... 175 tember 1, 1917 1- , . 293 for sgsnes and expenses for Fourteenth 1255 appmpxtron for expenses of preparing, 293 ensue ... . ... . .. · other work may be suspended ... 1256 issue of three and one-half r cent, au- P9 deflciency appropriation for collecting 841 tlgorized . .. 36 statistics .. paya e in one year . . . . 7 additional officials authorized during de- no circulation rivil ge 37 cennial census .. . .. . 1292 not to exceed &,000?o00,ooo 37 Assistant Director, uties ... 1292 exempt from all taxes, except estate or apinntment clerk, duties .. 1292 _ mhentauce ... 37 dis clerk, additional bond re- issue authorized to borrow money for quir . 1292 public expenditures ... 290 compensation of officials during decen— interest, etc. . . . 291 iddJ‘“2Lfi°“2i“”i’..’“°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ mz "“"°""2.,"‘i.3.1’i‘€t¥i°“"s.1‘lsa.s‘is¢sls ‘‘·‘‘‘ §"i °ti co ynw opmwrs agarose ’ ‘ to . . ------ 9 et; .. (fi . . .. I 1292 no circulation privilege. . .2 291 messengers, watchmen, laborers, etc- . 1293 tax exemption specified . 291 pay for work on mechanical devices 1293 issues authorized under first and second examinations to be prescribed by Di- 1293 Apts not tgigxceed 504 rector .. , , a any one e to be held in the States by Civil amount iauthorized increased to Service glI11l;)iBBi(:§6é . .. d $10,000,000,000 1311 perso wi t . epositary etc. may act as not mnfre thanldngndi a gmily eligible. .1293 agents to sell and deliver 845 temporary appointments .. 1293 Federal reserve notes issued on deposit of, transg· of Experienced employees from 1294 as szcurity . _ . ... _ ... 53 6 0 ero ces; status .. . .. ... paymen OI 1181011 0 mattlting cal'- te tmsnfers to permanent force. . 1294 tiiicates ... 536 Cmtmln¢i>ri)¢?rS£youthfAmerica, retirementiyof deposited as 537 ' ti r otmg‘ etc. com- securi ascanc apPmprir1:mguwit(h..?f? T . , . I ... 804,1256 may be accepted in payment of income Central City, Nebr., and excem proiits taxes . - .. ' ti { ubli bm'1dmg' .. 107 internal revenue taxes .. 1

 and inergency Hoopual, regulation of dealings in, until two years

D. C., after present war, authorized ... 966 appropriation for care of indigent patients. 946 cash sales etc., excepted .. . . 966 degciency appropriation for care of indi- 18 Cerfif1Zeates_oce.?1{ait, rirmyzbdals to be _ ed t tr nts . service m mu for nevgtgierraator? ... 471 to enlisted men holding, in lieu Central Igeazgng, Lighting, and Power Plum, caf the§_e§>`%.i1;;&i,.;5';. ... 871 . . ziieateao a ua ep ropriatiein for completion .. 112 granted on declarations 6t intention Bled gr extending service to additional prior to September 27, 1906, valibuildings ... - .. 112 ated ss to intention . . 548 Cereal Beverages, Ccrtiyicatea of Stock, etc., internal revenue tax on bottled, contain- stamp tax an issue, sales, etc., of . 1135 in less than one-half of 1 cent warrevenue stamp tax on issue, sales, etc. 822 8 P6? . . . U lpgtnzlcohol, sold by producer, etc... 1116 Ccrtyicates, Rggizload Trust (ue erea , Secun Railroad . appropriation for investigations of insects Chadron, {Yelp., , _ _ _ affecting,. . H . - H K 33 Clzpproprratron for public building .. 107 H s` fl u . . . - for e.i·Sadi?c‘;itiiig3£er:al srirutng .. 1046 provisions for increasing supply, produc- Cereah (xc also Grains), tion, etc., of, for national security appropriation for investigating production, , @9 d·==f¤¤¤¢ ········------··-—····· 1009 diseases em. or 981,10-16 Clwllw I*•z¢¤z»¤l Form, Idaho, use or for maiiiig intoxicating man em. ¤x>1>¤>r>¤;¤¤¤¤ fer mmwmnce, etc., ¤f.. . . 986 ’bevmges, forbidden after my 1j M6 €"8·;~;’l;;¤ri·;¤€ig?I;€)1$’;5;lb]icbuil _ 107 bm 1.91% itc'? ````````'`°°`°°°°`°`` time extended for` , etc., nh I uri 0%* ??"”“ °"‘"'W”z River at .. 1159

  • "Em°“°Y. “PP’°P"“°l°P ;°' °"Fl‘r°I· °t°‘* Chambers zOCo·mmerce, etc.,

323 °'°” °t?g;S1iu;i·mu*mW ind 468 exemp; Ein income tax, not organized for 1076 ·····‘•‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ro . . ... C¢l"iu"{» _ _ _ Cham gnu, P’°“S1‘?“B mr mcmmns ¤uPPlg’1» P"°d‘}c' addigoual war revenue tax levied on . . . . . 311 3§'§»d§?c·p Oi; for DZUOH security 1009 C£;;;;§;nQ6-ifgnug (gx gnu ,_ _ _ _ , , ,, , , . 1110 ense ... _ Z, _, Certificate: of Indebtedness, approgriatign for pubLic building . . . . 107 stamp tax on - 1135 Chapel ill, _N. C., _ _ _ _ war revenue stamp tax on ... , .. . . 321 appropriation for public building . . 107, 63v