Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1438

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mnmx. hm] Onhjield, Megan to _ t fhnbo C‘ustomhouseBroksrs, Pima ' rimprovemeu 0 r.- , special' taximposed on ... 1127 ""'°"“‘ 905,1277 www atm, preliminary examination, etc., of the har- exempted from selective draft ..,,,,.,,,,_ 79 bor to made . . 1288 Oustoms, Oristobal, Canal Zone, appropriation for collecting revenue appropriation for dock N0. 6 .. 177 from ...,.,,.,., . 120,54.4 " Crook, ’ Army Transport, detection of frauds, etc ...,.,.., 120, 544 issue of American register to, on disposal for automatic recording scales 120, 644 of .. . .. 73 fmjcompensation in lieu of moities ..., 120, 644 Crook National Forest, Ariz., deficiency aggropriation for collecting revappropriation for maintenance, etc., of 986 enue m 30, 838, 1038 Crop Estimates, for enforcing Espionage and Trading appropriation for special work in mak- _ with the Enemy Acts ... 468 ing ... 275, 1048 additional duty on wheat authorized to Cmp Estimates Bureau, Department of Agri- maintain guaranteed price to proculture, duoers, etc .. 281, 1351 appropriation for salaries . 997 collector to report all exports of gold, for general expenses 997 _ _» moneys, etc.; details, etc .. 424 for administrative expenses . . .. 997 spirits produced hereafter forfor field avents . 997 bid an IHIPDHBEOD . 308 for food stimulation work by 1048 product of Islands into State, etc., dei-icieney appropriation for general ex— pmlnbiting sale, etc ,.., 308 pensea 841 not applicable, if for other than bever- Orop Plants, _ _ $$88- .. . ,. t . . .. 308 appropriation for mvestigating physiology slupmd before $eptember 1, 1917, may oi, atc 981 _ entered m bond to be exported Crops, w1tlun a year ...,, , ,,__ 421 appropriation for technological, etc., in- donations to Rod cfoS_mBY be imported vestigations . . 981 fmt! of duty during the war, etc.; for breeding, stady, etc.,_arid—land 982 _ nserestncted  : . _ _____,,,_,_ 954 for special work m estimating .. 1048 immediate transportation facnjtieg ex. Crow Creek Indian Hospital, S. Dah., tended to Bar Harbor, Me .. 917 appropriation for mmntenance, etc., of 564 Gullfgart, Mm .. . ..., ; ..,...,, 1272 Grow Grub hdiem Reservation S. Dak., No gate S. Dak ..·.-..·. 384 appropriation for school buildings on .. 585 _ Oswego l*l._`Y., entry , ,,,_,_________ 916 Grow Imiam Reservation, Mom., imports oi smcles, during the vm, mmb. appropriation for rrnintion improvements ited by the President, unlaw¥u.l 422 in Big Hom V ley on . ... 574 regulations, etc., allowing . . 422 Crow Indians, Mont., no preference to_any port .. 423 appropriation for fulfilling treaties with. . . 573 stauip tax on, entries . 1137 land ceded by, for public school use, Big- withdrawals from warehouse 1137 horn, Mont., authorized conditions. 574 warrevenue stamp tax on, entries. ... 323 C'rystalRia>er, Fla., withdrawals from warehouse ... . 823 appropriation for improvement of . 255, 906, 1279 Cu-rlmnn 4pp¢als Court tj; Cu , _ _ lpf>1’0p1'{¤t{<>¤ ior salaries and expenses. 813, 1265 appropriated for mimster to ... 519, 1325 of P1’1¤t111g Md binding for. . 175, 700 for preserving monuments, etc., to sol- Customs Qases, diem who tellin. . .. 131,657 spproprnmon f¢>r salaries and expenses, admission to Military Academy of Aurelio conducting: ··-·-·-··--·-- 155, 681 Collazo, of ,,,,,__,_,,__,,,,,_,,,__, 755 for fees, etc., witnesses before Board of Oulimz, P. I., General Appraisers ... 155, 681 8pp1'Op1'i3tiO¤ for Cafe of lepcrs, etc., naval OILIUYIVIS ]?1'v1:81.01l, reasury Departmgng, station 706 sppropnwqn for chief of division, etc- 771,1226 Cultures, Plant Nutrition, Customs T¢mj's,_ International Bureau for approlpriation for testing sagples, etc . 981 Rublwatwro of, Cumber and River, Term. and y., ¤P81‘¤P¤§t10¤ for annual contribution. 523, 1329 appropriation for improvement of, above Cut- ’v¢¤' Tl`t1{tb€r Langis, Nashville . 257, 908, 1282 appropriation for investigations for reclaterminals by local interests at landings, mation, etc. , of, in any State ... 676 required . . ... 1282 CWWT3, COME Guard (see Coast Guard Cutbelow Nashville . 257 ters). _ Guruzrd S tearnshiga Cmnpany, Cuyahoga Ruger, Ohm, appropriation or refund to . . 696 appropriation for improvement of . 257 Current River, Ark. and Mo., Cypress Bqyoy, Ter., appropriation for improvement of. . 257, 908,1281 appropnxmon for improvement of. . 256, 907 Cushman Indian School, T aroma, Wash., Czecho;Slovak Forces (scc also Slavic Legion), appropriation for supyrt, etc., of . . .. 588 admimion after the war of resident aliens Guster1V71t·a?rnalForest, ant., enlisting in, attached to American appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 986 or allied arm .. 634 Custodian of Alien Pro my (see also Alien resident aliens enlist' ing in, readmitted Property Custo<£an' ), after the war, though otherwise Bubappointment, duties, etc , 415 'ect, to exclusion .. - . 1014 Custodiam, 4ssistagnt_(see Operating Force, Czecho-Slovahkz, _ Public Buildings). · appropriation for mimster to . 1325