Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1454

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INDEX. Ixmiii District of Columbia-—Oontinued. _ Pm- Dmwm, Pa., Page. real eslliate yaleszc etc., by COETIQUOD for 595 appropri-1;tiou£'¢;:· public building . ... 107 ousmg,e .needsau__ urn, cram , _ rent of buildings for pur- defieneucy appropriation for contested poses in, authorized m tamed wu, , 861 D he elccgcn expenses ,,______ _ _______ _ _ 27 rent protiteering prevention uring pies- cor per, owe o Rqnuentati , ‘ ent war ... _ 593 appropriation for`? special empqizgyee, messalary1ucreag effecuve iramlulyl, 1918; 1021 sengers, et?. . .,,________ 733, 1213 c u . , mate we rge:mtatA1-mgsm transportation homefurnishedwuwmkgrgég 1266 Dggkeelper, Senate). etc. 111. . ..-... y, ass.

     . ’ 350 apflzogziatiouifor improvement of  . 251, 1275

0 o ommmwnerao ex., apFm 0c1: ... 3. - 918 Spmognzzvén for improvement of 257 or uu euse un er - , rectiou of ... _. . . .; . 922 1’$fl'i€ti0!§ on receiving, not applicable to for emergency repsus, unprovemcuts, sgId1t1oml pay of $120 a year to etc., due to present war . 928 <:1Yi1iau employees 815 to appoint Minimum Wage Board; duties, 961 to sddxhougll pay of $240 a year to civil- 268 etc . .. - umem oyees . 1 Ditch and Irreyuticn Cmnpamea, Mutual, Douglas, Dtengemgt from income tax . . ... . 1076 applzpzzuon for public building .. 107 distribnrtiou of protits, etc., of corporations, appropriation for public building . 107 as construed in Revenue Act of 191§. 1059 Dourme, ctc. ,_ distributions of earnings, etc., included m approprmhou for invutigsting, treating, iucomeotiax returns as .. gg D . . 979 amignment tax rates. . ... over, . . restrictioré 0% etc., by carriers 454 Dapprqpriajtipgln for Pimtinny Arsenal.--... 127 un e utro . . ... owageae, .

 of gmereal Daiwa, Public Health appropriation for public building . 107

Semlz, _ . Drafg Selective (see ako Army Emergency Inn c Servrce . provisions re .. °“"b%2”§§‘f¤ ‘i¥;.{$f."’°1‘i.;.'?r“r“.{.”‘°“” §“"°°“ 886 · "“"°k.m.g to · 76 d asistangséucgerks, ets; ... ggg appropriation for registration, etc., ex- 851 uties an ctious 0 . . pauses other dgparuneuts, etc., not interfered 887 deficiency appropriation for :i¢;r';4 1027 wr . . expenses ... , , Démb National Forest, Utah and Ariz., for reimbuming printing . .. 498 appmplriatiou for maintenance, ew., of 986 for technical at schools, etc., of 1029 Dam , ont. drafted so ers townsitegalofrgis granted to Sanders County 1014 bakucixgg appropriation for expenses of, 1170 sc oo trict . , cov in Document Room, Home of Representatives, alien residents withdrawing citizenship inappropriation for superintendent, 19 8 teutwntgatition to berelieved from, 885 za ts, tc ..1 exam ... ‘ .. Documen¢nRoo$n, Senate, ’ forever degmrred citizenship thereby. . . 885 appropriation for superintendent, assist- calling of full_ quotas of classes of registrants Dog R anti? ctc 758, 1214 apthonzegsafter compleuon of State, 883 'zr, ° ., _ e c., quo ... D afpsgprmtigg fog tmprovement of .. 256, 1279 maxnmlpm nugabeir may; be mined each yes! 894 ola ,Sumdm-d {ver, yun coneo war .. hel: in Treaerugye ag$nst imue of certifi- 5 5 mon outeido age :lor,v161ayDbe enlisted for 894 cat to so ; amount .. 3 _ seryxces uu er at epartment to be coiniii from gulliou g;1u1}c·ha.sed .. 536 dmquabfigd ({11; br;1di1}or physical defects 894 Dame oi, C mmer. , or ’ , may e or same purpose appiroprizgtiou gr prorigzng aud develop- 904 no cxcinggiou from, of engployeerglgnnder 012 ' .. . .,... c or couservanou mine , etc. 1 Donw¤ziel!(i§rporatiom (see Corporations, Do- gaglgdcgmmgon Act".? ,, est' . urvey ct .. 7 D0mes£1bl!;ro4J;'12:ts, Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 757 advances authorized to pegsons, etc., to 13 V0cationa1fRehall;;)11(§t1at}@,¢;·;?d Act .. 620 assieti e portatiou 0 . 13 no payment rom uction approto banks, Stef loaning money for such 1313 prinzgzgons to person? placed in de— 1045 urpoee ,,.. . . e c can 11 or .. - .. maxgmum aguount permittgd ..., . .. 1312 provisions for, of pezsogs between 18 and 955 notes with ee ,urit uire , etc 131 45 ... . . .- · Donwatwk Shipmeriu, ymq registration of alien residents, by convenaeceptauce of drafts, etc., based ou, tion agreements with tbexr respeczllowed Federal reserve member 23 t1ve li . ...--· 884 . ... . 5 reg1st¤n' tion 0 es w 0 vc reac Dmniniam Republic, 21 years of age ¤i¤ce_June 5, 1917. . . 557 appropriation for ministerto ... 519, 1326 service under, to be for peuod of wm: .. 217 details from Navy and Marine Corps compulsory, to cease four mouths after authorized to serve under; pay, etc. . 437 peace proclaimed ,,,,_,,__. , ,_____, 217