Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1460

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INDEX. lxxxix Engmvivg and Printing Bureau, Treasury P¤8¤· Enlisted Men, Army—Cont.inued. Pumepartmmt—C0uti¤ued. deiciency appropriation for disposition oi upfmpriation for salaries of employees. . E7, f remains of .. 30, 826, 839, 843, 1025, 1164 or wages 8 or war expenses of line ., 188 3.56 pri?lters£2as2?iista(int¤ to receive not less , 641 for ;gny, ggryofliccrs of Reserve , t an . 9. ay. ... -.. ... orpa .. 188 for materials; paper for internal revenue for Ordnance Departmenir longevity. . 188, 356 stamps . 118, 642 for Quarbermasmr Corps; fongevity. . . 188, 356 use egagroceeds from work . -. 118, 642 for Signal Corps; longevity ...,,, 188 for_cus y of dies, golls, and plates. . . 119, 643 for Medical Depanrtuneut; longevity 188, 366 deiicxency approprisuou for salanes ... 6 for pay of retired .. I90 got wages: .. wg got pay 0{ retired, op sugive duty . 133, 327 or mate . . or rose on acmve uty .. 1 7 for repairs to laundxg, ptc . 1_. ’ 466 for commutation of quarters, reservists ’ number of sheqis for mtcd States sccqrk and retired, on active duty. . 190, 357 ties and mtems.1 revenue atamps m- 5 ger disposition of remgggs of .. { . . 355 ... or twenty per cent itio y orfor internal revenue stamps increased . . . 849 aigxg service .. 357 for checks, drafts, etc . . 349 for nix m¢mt.hs’ pay of dying in service. 357 fo? checks, ctc. , 1918, imxeascd . ... for one ycafs pay of, from aviation 7 urther increase . acudemta .. . . .. 35 power press work extended during the war for gay! 1919 .. . 1020 to bonds, DO`D€B,_€tC . 349 for umly allowances ...,... 1024 retention of plate punters . . 349 active or retired, may. ba commisioned as restrictions on use of power and band officcrs in dnitod forces. ..., 76 pglesses suspended during the war 349 additieilual pay to holders of medals of 871 0 . . . onor, etc authorizeg work for fiscal year 1918 ... 117 allotments of pay by, directed . . . 402 for fiscal year 1919 . . 641 if not ugsde, om>hg.lf gi psy to be do- Enid, Okla', ppqxwd *D_C!6dlt; mwrest, qtc. . 403 tm-ms { t _____________________ _ ____ 604 at recruiting stahons tohsve one with rank, ° °°‘“`° “ tc x nm z s mm sso E··¤·*v·~* H·m····¢w*··, . . co in 1;%.3, ES}? {LI ¤m"’éi,;;..; » appropriation for examining, clasmfymg, rp') wd _ Vg anu 898 ew., lands suitablcfor _ 145,670 dem] ctc r€smcti£:“€“mnd9&-&··:·- deficieizcyks s;ppmpri2.tio11 for clasnfying 490 ’ cy NSPS mug 82 gn 0]·,31;c__,_____ ______ _,_,____, . . `' '."""’Z"'S"Z"" am allotted :3 Idaho mr, mcmwx. . 275 d°“““h‘;‘ ?°“‘{;1${S ‘g§’gdt§c*§m requirements m°d]'E°d ’'‘'`‘'`' 275 Covrglgiuring present war . . . 532 1MMd Mm, Army (M we S<>1<1i¤r¤>. _ » to gum schools, etc. for approggatuzgl for pay of Imc; longevxty. . 45, ing _______________ ’_ _ _______________ 532 a 'tio mtmgs . · instru rig for my, etc-, Regular Ar¤¤g0R¤¤¤rV<= ---- 45, 852 as Riaftf? ... C E)? . . .? 64 ' {0* PW. E¤¤¤t<>d R°°°!’V° TPS- ··-·-·· 45» 852 discharged to accept commissions in Nafor gig, National Guard .. : . 45, 852 tional Guard etc- 1916 may won. f°Y ¤¤¤¢° D€Pa-nmeuti I°¤8€V1tY· · - 45· 852 list at formcr,st.atug; conaitions . 74 for Qpanermasber CQFQH; l9Hg6V1ty ----· 45. 852 heregfterto accept c0mmisi0¤ ,¤¤dl‘¤¢¤- foiggggtgom; ¤v¤¤¤<>¤ mcrcw ----· jg, gg m1m¤¤¤a1u¤r»¤w¢¤,¤¢¢., 74 sm Mmm sggmmeue; iéxigééiiy. . .12 45: 852 ex", \;°§f§§‘,;(; ······ · ‘ *;,;;,5,;;,,;;,;,: for my <>f mired ·-----·-·---·-----··· 48, 854 go aup1imgZK¤ ,. $3 .. . . I 45 f¤r pay, ew., retired, ¤¤ ¤q¢iv¤ duty- ; - -48. 854 sway annowmes mum eo; mm, ew. .. was for psa? enc., Amy reservmts, on 8Ct1V848 854 gm- compéegng nringing RWM AT}, V. . ... ...·.·.. , ralhd for commutation of quarters, ctc .. 48, 854 :l;lumz;$;,I:;\]iSf:¤9nttj?_ _? _________ ¥ 77 f¤r interest on d¤p¤¤i*¤- -; -------·-·---- 48, 854 dun altomative . 77 fvr exim duty PW, AIUHWY Md 9**1* for other forces by pelectiva draft .. 77 g?¤¤0 ¤¢\'V1¢€, ¤%¢0¤¤$ f°m£¢°·48 854 free tuition publxgv schools, D. G., to, ODS. . -.. , sm' ashingto __________ fo!' ¤Wi¥¢hb0¤·¥d 0P€¤*·*»0F¤. i¤m¤’i°¥`P°$tB- 49» 854 furl0ughsuv:i1!;h01i176:;Jl;¤.y, etc., allgwed, dur- 7 f¤r egm duty pay. A1¤¤k¤ wlewph ¤v¤-49 854 mg uw wu, w engage in civil wm. 450 ma --·-- · -········ · ·•·-··· 3 • • ·•·* r ti . . ... . . . for per cent increase, on forcxgn serv-49 854 havgngmdgsggdenm, em, my be dg,. 81 e·······••·••"’•"'••’•"""" I ,,,,_,.,_.__·___.___,,,,,,, for additional Pay first IBBHEBFIDBDG: . . . 49 insuxaxice provisions for ________________ _ _ ‘ 40;; for M ¤¤<>¤¤}=¤ my off dying m ¤¢r}¤q¤· 49 mmm of hmm, dasunglushoa-gewice f<»¤ <>;¤§c:{§2;€ my ¤f, ymz frvm =v¤¤¤¤ 49 cmsglee, and means to be awarded m; 870 ···-·-·--··--· · --·-· ·--·•-- `tums ,,,,,,_,_____,_.,.. .- . for disposition of remains oi . . 130, 656 Hi con 1 h additigngl retired, on active duty .,. 656 m § __________ 390 dcficie;1cymapprE>priatii¢3»·nd1§or depcxgdgut missi.11§ain11act?u, to have allottncgisiiiud 1024 am ee o , unt charge o 'a- m` a wunces continue; .. tional Guard from service, etc . 11 pay of, iucrgasedoduriug emergency; rates- - 82 for extra duty pay, at headquarters, etc . 30, not credited w comziuuousservnce pay- . 82 33, 379, 382, 838, 842, 1039 rates continued . .. 1211